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和谐观 harmonious view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 19:23:01


和谐观 harmonious view英语短句 例句大全

和谐观,harmonious view

1)harmonious view和谐观

1.Taoismharmonious view and its modern significance——take Lao-Zhuang as the center;道家和谐观及其现代意义——以老庄为中心

2.The peaceful view of pre-Coufucianism is an ideological system which consists of three aspects,namely the view of fight with “benevolence”,harmonious view and economic view of the people,and it is a big peaceful view including heaven and human being,others and me,things and me,collective and individual.先秦儒家的和平观是由“仁战”观、和谐观和民本经济观所构成的三位一体的思想文化体系,是涵盖天人、人我、物我、群己的大和平观,其中的“忠恕”、温良、平和、宽容及其在交往中所展示出来的与人为善的和睦友好风采等则是它的精神灵魂,并始终透显着浓郁的人文关怀气象。


1.Harmony Healing the World: on the Harmony View as a Choice of Times;和谐济世——论作为时代选择的和谐观

2.Implications of Confucianism Doctrine on Harmony for Socialist Harmonious Society Construction;儒家“和谐观”对构建社会主义和谐社会的启示

3.The Idea of Harmony in Traditional Chinese Culture and Chen Baisha s View of Harmony;传统文化中的和谐思想与陈白沙的和谐观

4.The whole harmony is the harmonious view that can accomodate everything,that can change time into space and that is antagonistic to each other in stead of confrontation.是把时间空间化的和谐观,是对立而不相抗的和谐观.

5.The Theory of the Mean and the Pursuit of Universal Unity in the Theory of Sustainable Development;中和思想与可持续发展的普遍和谐观

6.Exploration of He Spirit and Competition Awareness in Corporate Culture;企业文化下和谐观与竞争意识的探讨

7.Harmonious Technical View: Technical View to Construct Harmonious Society和谐技术观:构建和谐社会的技术观

8.The Lifestyle of a Harmonious Society and Harmonious Values of Life和谐社会生活方式与和谐人生价值观

9.University Students Harmonious Development and Harmonious Educational View Constructing;大学生的和谐发展与和谐教育观的构建

10.An Analysis of HeXie Controllability and HeXie Observability of Item Teams;项目团队的和谐能控性与和谐能观性分析

11.Sticking to Dialectical Unity of Social Harmony and Man s Harmony;坚持社会和谐与人的和谐的辩证统一观

12.The Microcosmic Basis of Establishing Social Harmony: Harmonious Enterprises Theory;创建社会和谐的微观基础:和谐的企业理论

13.Promoting Harmonious Relations Between Self and Others of Harmony Education in University Students大学生“和谐”观教育之促进个人与他人的和谐

14.On the Scientific Outlook of Development and the Building of the Harmonious Society and World科学发展观与和谐社会、和谐世界的建设

15.Constructing Harmonious Society and Education of World View Outlook on Life View of Value;构建和谐社会与世界观人生观价值观教育

16.Mao Zedong s harmonious values and China revolutionize and the construction;毛泽东和谐价值观与中国革命和建设

17.Views of Harmonious Development Annotating for the Road of China s Peaceful Development;诠释中国和平发展道路的“和谐发展观”

18.The Starting Point of Constructing Harmonious Society:Harmonious Cooperation People Concepts构建和谐社会的始点——树立人本和合观


view of harmony和谐观

1.Theview of harmony in Confucianism is an important theory in traditional Chinese culture.儒家和谐观是中国传统文化中的重要理论,从社会和谐的目标、秩序和谐的尺度、教育和谐的模式、人格和谐的要求、天合人谐的原则诸方面发掘其现实意义,对建设有中国特色的和谐社会具有重大参考价值。

2.Consisting of the harmony between man and nature,the harmony among humans,and the harmony within man s inner world,Zhuang-zi sview of harmony is of significance to harmonizing human relationships,environmental protection,mental health improvements,and the building of a society in harmony.庄子和谐观主要包括人与自然关系的和谐、人与人关系的和谐、人内心世界的和谐。

3.Chen Baisha sview of harmony, formed on the basis of inheriting and drawing on traditional culture, was mainly embodied in his social idea of benevolent politics and harmonious society, tolerance, emphasis on the harmony of personal relationships, and his spiritual realm of pleasant openness and spiritual har.在继承、借鉴传统文化基础上形成的陈白沙的和谐观主要体现为追求仁政、向往和谐的社会理想,心地宽平、重视和谐的人际关系以及开放自得、自由和谐的精神境界。

3)harmony view和谐观

1.This is rather enlightening today for the development view andharmony view when facing the ever worsening ecological crisis.面对日益严重的生态危机,它对人本主义的发展观、和谐观具有新的启示。

4)harmonious concept和谐观

1.The construction of harmonious society is currently the subject of social development and the "harmonious concept" of traditional Chinese culture is also the core of Chinese medicine,whose essence is neutralization.和谐社会的构建是当前社会发展的主题,而中国传统文化的"和谐观"也是祖国医学的核心理念,其本质精神是"中和"。

2.As the highest classics of Islams,the Koran,from the religious and moral point of view,puts forward a number of harmonious ideas and the Koran\"sharmonious concept in various historical stages played an important role.作为伊斯兰教最高经典的《古兰经》,从宗教与道德角度提出了许多和谐思想,《古兰经》的和谐观在各个历史阶段都曾发挥了重要作用。

5)harmonious viewpoint和谐观

1.Upholding and developing theharmonious viewpoint of independence and duty,equality and difference,competition and cooperation,risk and opportunity,efficiency and fairness,law and morality,development and stability,innovation and study,globalization and nationalities,internalizing theharmonious viewpoint and value into the way of thinking and behavior,formi.倡导并树立自主与责任、平等与差异、竞争与合作、风险与机遇、效率与公平、法制与道德、发展与稳定、创新与学习、科学与人文、全球与民族的和谐观,把和谐的理念、和谐的价值取向内化为人们的思想方式和行为方式,形成和谐的社会心理和社会氛围,为构建和谐社会提供强大的精神动力。

6)harmony viewpoint和谐观

1.An ecocriticism survey on theharmony viewpoint of Howard s End;《霍华德庄园》生态批评视阈下的“和谐观”


