900字范文 > 和谐造物观 Harmonious divine creative force view英语短句 例句大全

和谐造物观 Harmonious divine creative force view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 17:54:58


和谐造物观 Harmonious divine creative force view英语短句 例句大全

和谐造物观,Harmonious divine creative force view

1)Harmonious divine creative force view和谐造物观



2.The Theory of Constructing Harmonious Society:the Creative Application and Development of Historical Materialism;构建和谐社会理论是唯物史观的创造性应用和发展

3.We need to learn to live now in harmony with our Creator.现在我们需要学会与造物主和谐生活。

4.Practical Dimension of Materialistic Viewpoint of History and the Construction of a Harmonious Society;唯物史观的实践维度与构建和谐社会

5.A New Course of Historical Materialism--Harmony,Join Forces and Vitality;论唯物史观的新进路——“和谐”、“合力”与“活力”

6.On the Theory of a Harmonious Socialist Society from the Perspective of Historical Materialism;从唯物史观看社会主义和谐社会理论

7.Establishing Socialist Idea of Honors and Disgraces and Building a Socialist Harmonious Society;树立社会主义荣辱观 营造社会主义和谐社会

8.To develop a harmonious society by changing the ways of law enforcement;转变执法观念 为和谐社会营造消防安全环境

9.The Dialectic Process of Creating Harmony:An Important Connotation of “Everything Being Derived from the State of Harmony”;创造和谐的辩证过程:“和实生物”的重要内蕴

10.Opposition and Harmony:the Art of Characterization in Sense and Sensibility;对立与和谐:论《理智与情感》的人物塑造艺术

11.Harmonious Technical View: Technical View to Construct Harmonious Society和谐技术观:构建和谐社会的技术观

12.Review on Animal Welfare and Trade of China s Agricultural Products from Harmonious Development Perspective;以和谐发展观再议动物福利与中国农产品贸易

13.On Materialist Conception of History: The Theoretic Basis of Building Harmonious Society;论唯物史观是构建和谐社会的理论基础

14.Analysis of the connotation of socialist harmonious society from the angle of materialist conception of history;从唯物史观角度解析社会主义和谐社会内涵

15.The Practical Application of Historical Materialism in Constructing Harmonious Society at Present;唯物史观在当前构建和谐社会中的现实运用

16.Philosophy connotation and principle of the communists transformation of the subjective world under harmonious concept;和谐理念下共产党人主观世界改造的哲学内涵与原理

17.Necessity and Mechanism Rebuilding of the Communists Subjective World:a Perspective of Harmony;和谐视域下党员改造主观世界的必要性及机制建设析论

18.The Construction of the Harmonious Society Should Proceed from the Construction of the Harmonious Family;构建和谐社会应从营造和谐家庭着手


harmonious view和谐观

1.Taoismharmonious view and its modern significance——take Lao-Zhuang as the center;道家和谐观及其现代意义——以老庄为中心

2.The peaceful view of pre-Coufucianism is an ideological system which consists of three aspects,namely the view of fight with “benevolence”,harmonious view and economic view of the people,and it is a big peaceful view including heaven and human being,others and me,things and me,collective and individual.先秦儒家的和平观是由“仁战”观、和谐观和民本经济观所构成的三位一体的思想文化体系,是涵盖天人、人我、物我、群己的大和平观,其中的“忠恕”、温良、平和、宽容及其在交往中所展示出来的与人为善的和睦友好风采等则是它的精神灵魂,并始终透显着浓郁的人文关怀气象。

3)view of harmony和谐观

1.Theview of harmony in Confucianism is an important theory in traditional Chinese culture.儒家和谐观是中国传统文化中的重要理论,从社会和谐的目标、秩序和谐的尺度、教育和谐的模式、人格和谐的要求、天合人谐的原则诸方面发掘其现实意义,对建设有中国特色的和谐社会具有重大参考价值。

2.Consisting of the harmony between man and nature,the harmony among humans,and the harmony within man s inner world,Zhuang-zi sview of harmony is of significance to harmonizing human relationships,environmental protection,mental health improvements,and the building of a society in harmony.庄子和谐观主要包括人与自然关系的和谐、人与人关系的和谐、人内心世界的和谐。

3.Chen Baisha sview of harmony, formed on the basis of inheriting and drawing on traditional culture, was mainly embodied in his social idea of benevolent politics and harmonious society, tolerance, emphasis on the harmony of personal relationships, and his spiritual realm of pleasant openness and spiritual har.在继承、借鉴传统文化基础上形成的陈白沙的和谐观主要体现为追求仁政、向往和谐的社会理想,心地宽平、重视和谐的人际关系以及开放自得、自由和谐的精神境界。

4)harmony view和谐观

1.This is rather enlightening today for the development view andharmony view when facing the ever worsening ecological crisis.面对日益严重的生态危机,它对人本主义的发展观、和谐观具有新的启示。

5)harmony viewpoint和谐观

1.An ecocriticism survey on theharmony viewpoint of Howard s End;《霍华德庄园》生态批评视阈下的“和谐观”

6)HeXie landscape和谐景观

1.AfterHeXie landscape is proposed, four core-elements of HeXie Theme, He, Xie and environments from HeXie management theory are regarded as four modules or dimensionalities of organizational system from the perspective of system analysis and modularization design.在遵循和谐管理理论的研究框架下,通过借鉴Wright的适应度景观概念和Kauffman关于生物系统进化的NK模型,在界定了和谐景观后,利用系统分析和模块化设计的思想,将和谐管理中的和谐主题,和,谐以及环境等四个核心要素作为组织系统的四个模块或维度,并针对这些模块间的相互关联性以及互动程度的变化对组织系统绩效的影响,进行了仿真,仿真结果表明:和谐管理的耦合机制具有在局部最优和全局最优之间"适应性游走"的特征,并涌现出值得关注的复杂性。


