900字范文 > 中医理论体系 TCM theoretical framework英语短句 例句大全

中医理论体系 TCM theoretical framework英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-18 19:46:34


中医理论体系 TCM theoretical framework英语短句 例句大全

中医理论体系,TCM theoretical framework

1)TCM theoretical framework中医理论体系

1.In this paper, the author deals with the underlying reasons for the establishment ofTCM theoretical framework by studying the time concept described in Canon of Medicine .从《内经》时间观角度挖掘中医理论体系的深层成因 ,具有值得关注的独特视角。


1.On the Relationship between the Theoretical Systemof Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Medical Mode;论中医理论体系与现代医学模式的关系

2.Ways of Cognizing and The Establishment of Theoretical System of TCM;谈中医认知方式及中医理论体系的构建

3.Logic Self- consistency and Mode Renewal of Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医理论体系的逻辑自洽与范式更新

4.Time Concept Described in Canon of Medicine and Establishment of TCM Theoretical Framework;《内经》的时间观与中医理论体系的构建

5.Yin-yang is involved in every aspect of traditional Chinese medicine"s theoretical system.阴阳理论涉及传统中医理论体系的各个方面。

6.The View of the Nature by the Theory of Qi in Chinas Traditional Philosophy and the Theoretical System of Chinese Traditional Medicine--Also on the Basis of View of the Nature in the Differences between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine;中国传统哲学的气论自然观与中医理论体系——兼论中西医学差异的自然观基础

7.The Associativity Studies between the Thinkings of the Huanglao Study and the Yin-Yang Specialist of Ji-xia Study Palace and Theory System of TCM;稷下学宫黄老、阴阳家思想与中医理论体系形成的相关性研究

8.Reconstruction Basic System of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Science and Technology;中医基本理论体系的重建与科学技术

9.How to Re-recognize Existing Basic Theory System of Traditional Chinese Medicine;如何重新认识中医基础理论现有体系

10.Minimally Invasive Medicine:a new theoretical system of medicine and its practice;微创医学——一个新的医学理论体系

11.The structures of basic theoretical system of Chinese medicine and terms call for criterion;中医基础理论体系结构及名词术语亟待规范

12.Construction of Syndroml Differentiation and Treatment System for Psychological Disorder of Insomnia in TCM失眠症中医心理紊乱状态辨证论治体系的构建

13.Study the Theory of Diabetes Mellitus in Emperor"s Internal Classic and Construct a New Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment System of Chinese Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus研读《内经》消渴病理论构建新的中医2型糖尿病辨证论治体系

14.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障

15.Bionic Medicine: a new theoretical system of medicine;仿生医学——一个新的医学理论体系的创立

16.Discussing the Relationship between Doctors and Patients in View of Intersubjectivity Theory“主体间性”理论视域下的医患关系

17.Distinctions and Connections between Holistic Medicine and Holistic Nursing in 20 Century20世纪医学整体论与护理整体论的区别与联系

18.Theory and practical research of BSC index system on hospital cost control平衡计分卡指标体系在医院成本控制中的理论与实践研究


theoretical system of Chinese traditional medicine中医药理论体系

3)The theory system of traditional Chinese medical science中医学理论体系

4)basic subject system of TCM中医基本理论体系

5)TCM innovation theory system中医创新理论体系

6)The theory systems of western medical science西医学理论体系


