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鬼神 ghosts and gods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 19:22:57


鬼神 ghosts and gods英语短句 例句大全

鬼神,ghosts and gods

1)ghosts and gods鬼神

1.The Research on the Ghosts and Gods Thought in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods;春秋战国时期的鬼神观念研究

2.The idea ofghosts and gods is one of key ideas of China s traditional law culture.鬼神观是中国传统法文化中核心观念之一。

3.From the research ofghosts and gods mask, this paper compares Chinese and Japanese mask art, using analytical method, comparison method, classification, grounds of argument, demonstration, cites and so on, throws a sprat to catch a whale.本文运用比较法,从鬼神面具这一局部研究出发,通过面具分析、分类剖析、论据论证、引用等方法,以小见大,对中日面具艺术进行比较研究。


1.On the Idea and Descriptions about the Ghosts and Gods in A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》中的鬼神观念与鬼神描写

2.Supernatural, Ghosts and Superstition超自然,鬼神与迷信

3.Fake Mask: Ghosts and Gods Images Analysis of Zi Bu Yu;摘掉鬼神的面具—《子不语》中的神鬼形象分析

4.Ghosts,Gods,Qi and Chinese Traditional Medicine──Fall of View of Ghosts and Gods,Rise of the View of Qi,and Formation of Chinese Traditional Medical Theory;鬼神、气与中医学——鬼神观衰落、气论观兴起与中医理论形成

5.at that time, people believed in ghosts and practiced divination on important occasions.当时人们尊尚鬼神,遇事占卜。

6.as far as the supernatural was concerned, the people of Zhou held it in awe, but at a distance.对于鬼神,周代人却是虽敬但却"远之"的。

7." Others remarked," He seems to be advocating foreign gods.有的说,他似乎是传说外邦鬼神的。

8.And some said, What would this babbler wish to say?有的说,他似乎是传说异邦鬼神的。

9.He was famous for the swiftness of his movements.他以行军神出鬼没著称。

10.He that fears every Bush must never go a-Birding疑神疑鬼,绝无收获

11.It overtops a holy land And can only have been Built by toil of the spirit.突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工;

12.Ferocious Ghost,Plague Ghost and Money God--On the character changing track of ZHAO Gong-ming;厉鬼·瘟鬼·财神——论赵公明神格演变的轨迹

13.A jinni in Moslem mythology.妖魔鬼怪穆斯林神话中的一个神灵

14.The influence of religious ghosts-gods ideology upon the creation of Records Of Gods;宗教神鬼观念对《稽神录》创作影响浅谈

15.Watching Sheva destroying all oppositions in his path!!!舍瓦能够毁灭所有胆敢阻挡自己前进的对手,神挡杀神,鬼挡杀鬼!!!

16.People like us who behave ourselves properly don"t get so suspicious of everything."像我们这样规规矩矩,就不会疑神疑鬼。”

17.In 1953, he suddenly reappeared in London.他又神鬼莫测地在伦敦露面。

18.I do not believe in ghosts [God, Buddhism, future life].我不信鬼[神,佛,有什么来生]。



1.The Research on Image of Ghosts and Traditional Culture of LuXun;“鬼神”意象与鲁迅的传统文化观

3)ghosts-gods ideology神鬼观念

1.The influence of religiousghosts-gods ideology upon the creation of Records Of Gods;宗教神鬼观念对《稽神录》创作影响浅谈

4)description about ghosts and gods鬼神描写

5)ghost mother deity鬼子母神

1.On the basis of an examination of Buddhist scriptures and an overall analysis of the carved image, the author concludes that the image is that of theghost mother deity.本文依据佛教经典的记载,结合雕像分析,进而认定双面人像即为鬼子母神。

6)god-ghost poetry神鬼诗


