900字范文 > 鬼神观念 the idea of ghosts and gods英语短句 例句大全

鬼神观念 the idea of ghosts and gods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-19 09:34:31


鬼神观念 the idea of ghosts and gods英语短句 例句大全

鬼神观念,the idea of ghosts and gods

1)the idea of ghosts and gods鬼神观念

1.The influence ofthe idea of ghosts and gods on Chinese traditional justice is of positive significance on case detection,vindication of the wronged case,the realization of social harmony and upgrade the social morality.鬼神观念在当今社会已经被认为是愚昧、落后的表现。


1.On the Idea and Descriptions about the Ghosts and Gods in A Dream of Red Mansions;《红楼梦》中的鬼神观念与鬼神描写

2.On the Positive Significance of the Idea of Ghosts and Gods to Chinese Traditional Justice论鬼神观念对中国传统司法的积极意义

3.The Exorcism Culture is the senior stage of the developing Wizard Culture;巫文化是人们在万物有灵观念、鬼神观念、图腾观念支配下的活动方式及其成果。

4.On the Tracks and Elements of the Evolutuion of the Soul,Ghost and God Concepts of Primitive Ancients;论原始先民灵魂、鬼神观念产生发展的轨迹及其要素

5.The influence of religious ghosts-gods ideology upon the creation of Records Of Gods;宗教神鬼观念对《稽神录》创作影响浅谈

6.The idea of ghosts and gods is one of key ideas of China"s traditional law culture.鬼神观是中国传统法文化中核心观念之一。

7.The Cultural Connation of Soul, Ghost and Deity in Hani Nationality"s Ancient Religious Concept哈尼族原始宗教观念中的魂、鬼、神文化内涵

8.Why The Deity Be Affected By Poetry--The Study Of The Poetic Conception And Morphology Of The Temple Odes From Han To Tang Dynasties;诗成何以感鬼神——汉唐乐志中的诗学观念及郊庙祭歌形态研究

9.To see 《Jiuge·Shangui》 frorm the conlept on the soul end-result of the Dongyi′s culture;从东夷文化的鬼魂归宿观念看《九歌·山鬼》

10.The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world.空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量

11.Ghosts,Gods,Qi and Chinese Traditional Medicine──Fall of View of Ghosts and Gods,Rise of the View of Qi,and Formation of Chinese Traditional Medical Theory;鬼神、气与中医学——鬼神观衰落、气论观兴起与中医理论形成

12.To summon(a devil or spirit)by magical or supernatural power.念咒召唤通过魔力或超自然力召唤(魔鬼或神灵)

13.The Concept Transmigration and Confucian, Buddhist,and Daoist Thinking in the Golden Lotus;《金瓶梅》天命鬼魂、轮回报应观念与儒佛道思想

14.Turning Religious Culture into Humanistic Culture-Researching Confucian Concept of Spirits and Gods;化宗教文化为人文文化——孔子“鬼神”观探微

15.On the Relationship between the Idea of Ghosts and Gods and the Culture of Law;天人之间:鬼神观与法文化——以传统为视角

16.The Concept of Shen & Ming in pre-Qin Yi Tradition and that in Xun Zi s Thought;先秦易学的“神明”概念与荀子的“神明”观

17.On the idea of shen (spirit) in the Dong-po s Commentaries on the Yi;“志气如神”与“以神行智”论——《东坡易传》中“神”的观念

18.Place Name·History·Idea--The Culturology Interpretation Based on the Changes of Appellation of Guimen Pass in Lingnan;地名·历史·观念——基于岭南鬼门关称谓流变史的文化学解读


ghosts-gods ideology神鬼观念

1.The influence of religiousghosts-gods ideology upon the creation of Records Of Gods;宗教神鬼观念对《稽神录》创作影响浅谈

3)ideas of ghostsand gods reward and punishment鬼神赏罚观念

4)Divine Notion神性观念

5)belief on ghosts and gods神道观念

6)sacred outlook人神观念


鬼计神偷监制: 加里.福斯特 gary foster (i) 李.里奇 lee rich导演: 罗伯特.德尼罗 robert de niro 弗兰克.奥兹 frank oz主演: 罗伯特.德尼罗 robert de niro 爱德华.诺顿 edward norton 马龙.白兰度 marlon brando 安杰拉.巴西特 angela bassett 加里.法尔默 gary farmer paul soles 杰米.哈罗德 jamie harrold serge houde (i) jean-ren ouellet martin drainville相关分类:片长:123分钟地区:语言:英语色彩:彩色年份:2001影片简介尼克-威尔斯已经受够了。作为一个国际职业惯偷,他谨慎细心、有过无数成功的“战绩”,但是现在,他准备洗手归隐了。他与他的女友黛安娜有情人终成眷属,并集中精力经营他的合法事业:蒙特利尔的一家爵士乐俱乐部。但是,他的销赃人、朋友、经济上的合伙人马克斯却是另有打算。马克斯劝尼克改一下他多年来的两条最重要的规矩:一是总是单独行动;二是从来不在居住地附近动手。并将杰基-泰勒介绍给他做帮手。杰基-泰勒是个野心勃勃而且很有天赋的新手,他想利用尼克的破解保险柜的绝技帮助自己完成入行以来的第一笔大买卖:盗窃蒙特利尔海关大楼墙壁里藏着的价值数百万美元的珍藏品。虽然这个偷盗组合的成员各怀鬼胎,期间也不乏冲突、甚至到火星四溅的地步,但是这件动心的大买卖对他们三个人来说诱惑力实在太大了。不管最终是否会被俘获、还是被出卖,他们谁都不愿放弃。影片评价
