900字范文 > 退却 retreat英语短句 例句大全

退却 retreat英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-15 14:45:54


退却 retreat英语短句 例句大全



1.Descentretreat and return——The Summer before the Dark in the view of feminism;沦落退却与回归——女性主义视野下的《黑暗前的夏天》

2.The new economic policy was theretreated policy,which the country s temporary concession to farmers in order to overcome the economic crisis.新经济政策是退却,是国家为克服经济危机向农民的暂时让步,是由社会主义退向国家资本主义,而不是建设社会主义的长期政策。

3.It is a kind ofretreat before the real attack.列宁“新经济政策”并非如人们所说的是一个实现社会主义的全新思考,而是一种对小农、中农、资产阶级的妥协和让步政策,是为了“重新转入进攻”的一种“退却”,因此仍然是权宜之计。


1.The Iron Army never gives.“铁军”永不退却。

2.That floats along the slowly ebbing wave;飘过徐徐退却的波浪;

3.He that fight and run away may live to fight another day.战略退却,以利再战。

4.What a velvet carpet for retreat!好一个退却的挡箭牌!

5.Me the loving and you the loath,我一往情深而你退却,

6.Our army forced the enemy to retreat.我军迫使敌人退却。

7.Fight the tendency to quit while you"re behind.不怕落后,就怕退却。

8.He retreated before the enemy.他在敌人面前退却。

9.The enemy troops were utterly defeated and had to haul off.敌军遭到惨败只得退却。

10.To shrink back, as in fear or repugnance.退却,后退缩回,如因害怕或厌恶而缩回

11.Others, however, lose& n bsp; heart and give in.然而,另一些人却丧失信心并退却了。

12.In defensive warfare the retreat to the prescribed terminal point belongs basically to the passive, or "defence", stage.退却到退却终点,在防御战中基本上属于消极阶段,即“守”的阶段。

13.Political Development or "Political Retreat"--Thinking on the Strategic Retreat of Political Development of New China政治发展还是“政治退却”——新中国政治发展战略退却思问

14.So we wait for the storm to pass, hoping for the best.我们等待着风暴退却,期待着雨过天睛。

15.They had to give way to superior forces.他们在强敌面前不得不退却。

16.He never backed away from difficulties.他从来没有在困难面前退却过。

17.The favourable conditions which we seek by retreating are in general those stated above.退却所求的有利条件,大致如上所述。

18.an undignified retreat, collapse, failure, etc不光彩的退却、 倒台、 失败等


retreat[英][r?"tri:t][美][r?"trit]v. 撤退;退却n.撤退,退却


4)To retreat or withdraw.退却或撤退

5)strategic retreat战略退却

1.Takestrategic retreat at the place.在生态屏障地带应有条件地实行战略退却,把生态保护和社会稳定作为干部政绩考核的重要内容。

6)structural receding结构退却


