900字范文 > 根管再通 Endodontic retreatment英语短句 例句大全

根管再通 Endodontic retreatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-09 23:22:56


根管再通 Endodontic retreatment英语短句 例句大全

根管再通,Endodontic retreatment

1)Endodontic retreatment根管再通


1.Experimental Study of Negotiating the Retreatment of Canal Obturated with Resinifying Agent牙髓塑化治疗后根管再通的实验研究

2.The clinical application of Resosolv and ultrasonic instruments in the retreatment of resinified root canal.Resosolv溶塑液和超声K锉用于塑化根管再通治疗的临床研究

3.Clinical effect of Root canal retreatment in Resinifying mandible molar下颌第一磨牙塑化根管再扩通的临床效果分析

4.Water flows through this pipe.水通过这根水管流出去。

5.An analysis of the causes in difficult root canal retreatment with dental operating microscope应用根管显微镜对疑难根管再治疗的病因分析

6.Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.蕨,蕨类植物数量较大的有根、茎以及复叶的无花、无子管状植物,通过孢子再生

7.We have to put in another pipe to let the water drain away.我们得再安一根管道来排水。

8.Case Report:Root canal retreatment under dental microscope of a mandibular second premolar with two canals病例报告:双根管下颌第二前磨牙显微根管再治疗

9.Root canal therapy of resinified teeth with modern endodontics therapy现代根管治疗方法在牙髓塑化后根管再治疗中的应用

10.Endodontic retreatment of untreated second mesiobuccal canals in treated maxillary first molars上颌第一磨牙遗漏近颊第二根管的显微根管再治疗

11.R.M.S.on-state current通态均方根电流-双向晶闸管的

12.It is connected to a string which passes through a tube.它与一根通过管子的绳子相连。

13.Evaluation of the use of NiTi files in the retreatment of resinified canals应用镍钛再治疗锉处理塑化根管的疗效评价

14.The observation of therapeutic effect of one-time root canal therapy and reattachment on 32 teeth with crown fracture一次性根管治疗和断冠再接术32例疗效观察

15.Orthgrade retreatment of root canal of resinified teeth with microscope and ultrasonic technique in clinical application塑化根管再治疗中显微超声技术的临床应用

16.Research progress of biofilm formed by Enterococcus faecalis in reinfectious root canal再感染根管内粪肠球菌生物膜的研究进展

17.Application of Dental Operative Microscope and Ultrasonic Technique in Root Canal Retreatment of the Permanent Molar显微超声技术在恒磨牙根管再治疗中的应用

18.Detection of archaea in root canal of primary and secondary endodontic infections by RT-PCR原发性感染、再感染根管中古细菌的RT-PCR分析


endodontic retreatments根管再治疗

1.Clinical analysis on cause and method ofendodontic retreatments;临床常见根管再治疗的原因和方法分析

3)endodontic retreatment根管再治疗

1.Cleaning efficacy of Hero 642 rotary NiTi instruments inendodontic retreatment: a scanning electron microscopic study;Hero642镍钛机动器械根管再治疗清理效果的扫描电镜观察

2.Clinical analysis of forty-six casesendodontic retreatment;根管再治疗46例临床分析

3.The effects of ProTaper nickel-titanium rotary instruments on the occurrence of pain during theendodontic retreatmentProTaper镍钛机动器械对根管再治疗期间疼痛发生率的影响

4)root canal retreatment根管再治疗

1.Objective:To explore the use of dental operating microscope with ultrasonic instruments inroot canal retreatment.目的:探讨牙科手术显微镜结合超声工作器械进行根管再治疗的临床应用效果。

5)root canal re-preparation根管再预备

6)endodontic reinfections根管再感染


心血管疾病的生物反馈治疗心血管疾病的生物反馈治疗biofeedback therapy for cor-diovascular disorder心血管疾病的生物反馈治疗(bi ofeed-baek therapy for eordio、aseular disorder)以生物反馈技术治疗心律失常的一种方’法。常用心率反馈仪或心电图描记器作为训练仪器。在前一种情况下将心率反馈仪的心率闭限定于某一值,心动过速的受训者每当心率降到这一闽值,就会听到听觉反馈信号。为了控制心率易变性,可以在心率反馈仪上将L阂一与下闽的闭限键定到一定范围。听到反馈声,表示心率变化超过了所要求的变异范围,多次练习后,病人能使心率的变化保持在所设定的上卜阂范围。进一步,使上万闽的值接近,当受训者能使心率处于新设定的上「阂范围之内,则心率的稳定性进一步提高。对于阵发性房性心动过速病人,按阶段训练病人减慢心率、增加心率、交替减慢和增加心率,受训者如能达到设定的闽限,给予肯定、鼓励等正强化,使正常传导的心搏数增加。最后,要求病人在没有反馈信号的情况下也能增加正常传导的心搏数。心率的反馈训练不仅能使病人在心率减慢时减少室性早搏的发生,而且在保持心率于一定范围时,也能使早搏减少。用心电图描记器作反馈训练时,须配以示波器让受训者看到QRs波的出现情况,或者以不同的声音或不同颜色的灯光表示心率的增减,使受训者得到反馈信号。将节拍器的节奏定在某一速率,让病人想像自己的心率像节拍器的节律一样,有助于稳定或减慢病人的心率。(杨立能撰梁宝勇审)
