900字范文 > 邮政普遍服务 postal general services英语短句 例句大全

邮政普遍服务 postal general services英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-09 17:38:30


邮政普遍服务 postal general services英语短句 例句大全

邮政普遍服务,postal general services

1)postal general services邮政普遍服务


1.Study on the Measurement of Compensation Cost of Universal Postal Service;邮政普遍服务补偿成本核算方法研究

2.On China"s Universal Postal Service Obligations and Profitable to Explore the Conflict关于中国邮政普遍服务义务与赢利冲突的探究

3.Construction of marketlization of universal postal service system and relationships to be handled;构建市场化邮政普遍服务机制的重要性及应处理的关系

4.The sector has consistently given first place to social effects and sincerely fulfilled its obligation of universal service.邮政始终将社会效益放在首位,切实履行普遍服务义务。

5.Foreign universal telecommunication service theory and the policy of universal service in China;国外电信普遍服务理论与我国普遍服务政策

6.Telecommunication Universal Service Policy: China VS Western Countries;电信普遍服务政策:中国VS西方国家

7.Universal Humanistic Service and the Reform of Chinese Administrative System;人文普遍服务与中国行政管理体制改革

8.Suggestions for promoting China telecommunication popularization service development policy;推进中国电信普遍服务发展的政策建议

9.This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery.这种邮政服务称为"农村免费邮递服务"。

10."There is already a comprehensive posts communication network which extends everywhere in the country. Then with the application of the computer and other precision instruments, posts will provide much better service to the people."现在邮政网络遍及全国各地,再加上计算机和精密设备的应用,邮政将会为人们提供更好的服务。

11.Postal Services Sectoral Working Party邮政服务部门工作队

12.the mail van, service, train邮政汽车、 服务、 列车

13.postal service that handles packages.处理包裹的邮政服务。

14.The minimum spending amount for your order is HK$200 and you will automatically become a member of “ Overseas Mail Order Service”.?长沙湾邮政局邮政信箱80060号,「香港邮政集邮组海外订购邮品服务部」。

15.On the Application of the Principal-Agent Theory in the Regulation Mechanism of the Electric Universal Service;委托—代理理论在电力普遍服务管制政策中的应用研究

16.Brief Introduction of Universal Telecom Service Abroad,Content and Objective of Universal Telecom Service in China;国外电信普遍服务简况及我国电信普遍服务的内容和目标

17.The postal kiosks and newspaper and periodical stands shall be the service points of postal enterprises.邮亭、邮政报刊亭等是邮政企业的服务点。

18.Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service.邮政编码方便了邮递服务。


common service普遍服务

1.Study on thecommon service under the background of the opening industries;产业开放背景下的普遍服务问题之我见

2.By way of analyzing the reality of China s telecommunication development, we dissertated the basic principle of the common telecommunication service in China, explored the calculation ofcommon service expense and the assistance condition ofcommon service in the contemporary stage in China.我国的电信普遍服务目前尚处在初级阶段,任重而道远。

3)universal services普遍服务

1.After power industries introduced market competition, it was difficult to satisfy the economy development requirement to realize finance raising ofuniversal services according to crossing subsidies.电力行业引入市场竞争后,通过交叉补贴来实现普遍服务资金筹措已难以适应经济发展需求。

4)universal service普遍服务

1.Responsibilities of Government and Rights of Travelers —— Brief discussion onuniversal service in traffic information service;政府的责任与出行者的权利——略论道路交通信息服务中的普遍服务

2.Study on the telecommunicationuniversal service strategy based on the construction of harmonious society;基于建设和谐社会的电信普遍服务策略研究

3.Universal Service Idea and Library s Spirit;普遍服务的经济思想与图书馆精神

5)Ordinary Postal Service邮政普通服务业务

6)Postal services邮政服务


