900字范文 > 近代邮政 contemparary postal service英语短句 例句大全

近代邮政 contemparary postal service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-12 01:29:34


近代邮政 contemparary postal service英语短句 例句大全

近代邮政,contemparary postal service

1)contemparary postal service近代邮政

1.The decline of the ancient post-station system in the late Qing Dynasty and the rise ofcontemparary postal service;古邮驿的衰落与近代邮政的兴办


1.The Modern Postal Service and The Changes of Chinese Society--A Sociological Interpreting of a Postal Illegal Drug Mongering Case;近代邮政与中国社会之演变——对一宗邮政贩毒案件的社会学解读

2.Study on Tianjin Postal Service Origination and Development (1878-1928)天津近代邮政的产生及其发展研究(1878-1928)

3.On the Unification and Development of the Chinese Modern Post (1896-1937);近代中国邮政统一与发展研究(1896—1937)

4.Rebort Hart and the Establishment of the Postal System赫德与近代中国邮政制度的确立和初步发展

5.Universal Postal Congress万国邮政联盟代表大会

6.Where is the nearest letter box?离这里最近的邮政信箱在哪儿?

7.The operation of Post and Telecommunication in Baoying county has gotten a rapid development in recent years.近年来,宝应邮电事业突飞猛进,邮政新型业务发展迅速。

8.postal charges, workers, districts邮费、 邮政员工、 邮区.

9.The provisions on postal personnel specified in this Law shall apply to agents when they handle postal businesses.代办人员办理邮政业务时,适用本法关于邮政工作人员的规定。

10.In March, Hongkong Post hosted the Asia Pacific Post Workshop which was attended by delegates from 14 postal administrations in the region.三月,香港邮政主办亚太邮政讨论会,有来自亚太区14个邮政机关的代表出席。

11.History of Mordern Chinese Political Thought ?中国近现代政治思想史

12.Post Office [PO] [also known as Hongkong Post]邮政署〔又称香港邮政〕

13.a code of letters and digits added to a postal address to aid in the sorting of mail.一种加在邮政地址上的文字和数字代码用来帮助邮寄分类。

14."Special postal articles refer to postal date-marks, postal tongs for lead sealing and postal Bags."邮政专用品:指邮政日戳、邮政夹钳和邮袋。

15.On the Promotion by European Higher Education Towards Its Political Modernization近代欧洲高等教育对政治近代化的推动

16.Research and Application of Design Patterns on China Post Agent Insurance System设计模式在邮政代理保险系统中的研究与应用

17.Design and Realization of the Accounting System for Postal Service Proxy Insurance;邮政代理保险会计核算系统设计与实现

18.Research of China Post Modern Logistics Warehouse Management Information System Based on RFID;基于RFID的现代邮政物流仓储管理信息系统研究


postal agency邮政代办所

3)modern municipal administration近代市政

1.Through the devel-opment,construction and transform ation of the old city,Ningbo has form edmodern municipal administration system which enables the city to have had such great changes.宁波设市后对宁波旧城展开前所未有的开发、建设和改造工作,初步形成了近代市政制度,使宁波城市面貌发生了迥异于昔日的重大变化。

4)modern party近代政党

1.Vertically inspect human history,the appearance ofmodern party in the world was decided by the social transfrmation from the ancient to the modern.纵观历史 ,世界上近代政党的出现是由古代社会向近代社会转型所决定的 ;近代社会的发展及各国国情的差别 ,决定了不同时代世界各国工人阶级政党类型的不同。

5)Postal Logistics现代邮政物流

1.The Optimization of Distribution forPostal Logistics;现代邮政物流的配送优化

6)Post-bank Insurance邮政代理保险

1.Study on Business Process Reengineering ofPost-bank Insurance;邮政代理保险业务流程优化研究


