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干法 Dry process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-05 09:59:40


干法 Dry process英语短句 例句大全

干法,Dry process

1)Dry process干法

1.Granulation of ceramic corundum abrasives by dry process with planetary ball mill;陶瓷刚玉磨料行星磨干法造粒研究

2.Effects of solvent and nonsolvent on polymer membranes prepared by dry process;溶剂、非溶剂对干法制备聚合物隔膜的影响

3.Study on the dry process grafting of starch;接枝淀粉浆料干法接枝反应的研究


1.dry stain removal干法去渍,干法去垢

2.For these cases lyophilization or freeze drying is available.这时可用低压冻干法(或称冷冻干燥法)。

3.Non-woven fabric lines (dry process)无纺织物生产线(干法)

4.dry process silver film干法成像处理银盐胶片

5.xerographic toner干法静电复印色调剂

6.foam-dried milk泡沫干燥(法)乳粉

7.Fabry-Perot interferometry法布里-珀罗干涉测量法

8.Legal Officer (Comparative Criminal Law)法律干事(比较刑法)

9.“Strong Intervention” and “Weak Intervention”:Two approaches of sociological intervention method;“强干预”与“弱干预”:社会学干预方法的两条途径

10.New Methods for Purification and Freeze-drying of Recombinant Human Interferon α2b;重组人干扰素α2b的纯化和冻干新方法

11.New GPS adaptive anti-jamming algorithm in multi-interference circumstance多干扰下GPS接收机抗干扰自适应算法

12.Research and Application of Teaching Method "Do-Study-Talk-Do"“干—学—讲—干”教学法的研究与应用

13.A Fast Algorithm for SAR Coherent Jamming Signal Generation一种SAR相干干扰信号产生快速算法

14.multi channel fabry perot interferometer多道法布里 珀罗干涉仪

15.testing method for unevenness of textile strands纱条条干不匀试验方法

16.behave in a way that is dangerous or nearly illegal干危险或近乎违法的事

17.Neufchatel cheese(法国)圆柱形软干酪

18.dry process indirect method electrostatic copying machine干式间接法静电复印机


dry method干法

1.Review the technology ofdry method in removing nitrogen oxide from waste gases .介绍了干法氮氧化物脱除技术的原理、特点、发展状况、各种技术的优缺点及目前工业应用情况。

2.This article reviewed the process,parameter and apparatus of modified starches preparation bydry method.综述了国内外干法变性淀粉制备的工艺路线、工艺参数和相关设备的研究,指出了干法生产变性淀粉是一种很有前途的变性淀粉生产方法。

3.The results of compare,analysis and experiment show that desulfur by limestonedry method is a simple and convenient method of controlling the pollution of atmosphere caused bySO_2 in coal combustion.通过比较、分析及实验,认为石灰石干法脱硫是一种简单易行的控制燃煤SO_2对大气污染的方法,值得推广。

3)Dry preparation干法

1.The dry preparation technics of amphoteric starch with corn starch as raw material and the granules properties and paste properties of amphoteric starch was studied in this paper .本研究以玉米淀粉为原料,对干法制备羧基型两性淀粉的工艺条件和羧基型两性淀粉的糊液性质、颗粒性质进行了研究。

2.The dry preparation conditions of oxidized starch.本研究以玉米淀粉为原料,对干法制备氧化淀粉的工艺条件和干法制备的氧化淀粉的主要性质进行了系统研究。

3.The dry preparation conditions of carboxymethyl starch.本研究以玉米淀粉为原料,首先对干法制备羧甲基淀粉的工艺条件进行了研究,然后对干法制备的羧甲基淀粉的颗粒性质、糊液性质进行了系统研究,最后将所制得的羧甲基淀粉进行了造纸中的应用试验。


1.This paper deals with the preparation of the cationic starch with high degree of substitute bydry-process The corn starch and the alkali catalyst are mixed in the mixer, the reaction is conducted for 5 ho urs at the temperature of 70℃ after adding the cationic etherfying agent(N-(3 -chloro-2-hydroxypropyl)trimethylammonium chloride).主要研究了干法制备高取代度阳离子淀粉的方法 ,将玉米原淀粉和适量的碱催化剂在混合容器中混合均匀后 ,再加入 3 氯 2 羟丙基三甲基氯化铵阳离子醚化剂 ,在温度为 6 0~ 80℃时 ,反应 5h ,用乙醇溶液浸泡、过滤、洗涤、真空干燥 ,制得高取代度阳离子淀粉 ,用其作为阴电荷中和剂可提高填料留着率。

2.By dispersing China-made titanium dioxide powder and imported titanium dioxide powder and by testing their samples,different dispersion process and equipment in line with different titanium dioxide powder are determined to produce different applicable and different gradedry-process titanium dioxide masterbatch.选用不同的TiO2 ,采用干法工艺生产钛白母粒 ,通过比较其白度、分散性和相对着色力 ,确定了不同用途钛白母粒的生产方

3.The iron-mud disposing technology through traditionaldry-process to produceferric oxide red wi.本论文以天津染化厂铁泥为研究对象,系统研究了针对天津染化厂铁泥的干法处理工艺,其最佳工艺条件为在原料铁泥中加入50。


1.Some technologies ofdry desulfurization and denitrification and their respective principle and feature were introduced, including LILAC process, NOXSO process, active carbon method, technology of circulating fluidized-bed and plasma method.目前大气污染日益严重,一些火电厂、燃煤锅炉及汽车尾气的NOx和SOx排放量严重超标,针对这一严峻形式,综述了干法同时脱硫脱硝技术的研究背景,介绍了包括LILAC法、NOXSO法、活性炭法、循环流化床法、等离子法等在内的几种干式脱硫脱硝技术,并简单阐述了各自的原理和特点,最后结合其技术特点对脱硫脱硝技术的发展趋势进行展望。

2.Thedry DeSOX process using activated coke was high efficiency for air-cleaning,water saving,high value of byproducts,and combined decontaminate,So it will be the direction of FGD.在富煤缺水的我国北方地区,常规石灰石-石膏湿法烟气脱硫工艺水耗量大、石膏副产物综合利用率低,造成二次污染,烟气活性焦干法脱硫工艺以脱硫效率高、不消耗工艺水、副产物为国内紧缺的硫资源,且适于集成净化等显著优势成为国内外烟气脱硫研发的方向之一,本文结合国内外文献及工程设计实例介绍这一先进的脱硫工艺。

6)dry-dry method干-干法


