900字范文 > 新型干法回转窑 new dry process rotary kiln英语短句 例句大全

新型干法回转窑 new dry process rotary kiln英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-23 03:07:36


新型干法回转窑 new dry process rotary kiln英语短句 例句大全

新型干法回转窑,new dry process rotary kiln

1)new dry process rotary kiln新型干法回转窑

1.Design of thenew dry process rotary kiln and the increasing production & saving energy measures新型干法回转窑的设计与增产节能——从技术进步角度谈回转窑设计操作参数的合理选择


1.Design of the new dry process rotary kiln and the increasing production & saving energy measures新型干法回转窑的设计与增产节能——从技术进步角度谈回转窑设计操作参数的合理选择

2.15 Precalcining kiln system with 5-stage cyclone pre-heater and calciner is adopted for productive process in this project.本工程采用带五级旋风预热预分解的新型干法回转窑生产工艺。

bustion Characteristics & Process of Lowgrade Fuels in Cement Rotary Kiln;新型干法水泥回转窑中低品位燃料燃烧特性和窑内燃烧过程研究

4.Thermal Testing and Analysing of One Carbon Rotary Kiln新型炭素煅烧回转窑热工测试与分析

5.The Research of Expert System of Forewarning Prompt for Buildups Jam in the New Style Dry-process Rotary Kiln;新型干法窑结皮堵塞预警系统的研究

6.Development of new bearing for large-scale rotary kiln大型水泥回转窑新型支承装置的研究开发

7.Study and Application on the Castable for the Outlet of the New Style Dry Cement Klins;新型干法水泥窑窑口用耐火浇注料的研究与应用

8.Technical Research on Incinerating Living Waste with NSP;新型干法水泥窑焚烧生活垃圾的技术研究

9.The Application of the Simulation Technology to NSP Kiln System;仿真技术在新型干法水泥窑系统中的应用

10.Research of Intelligent Optimization and Control Expert System in Pre-Calcining Kiln;新型干法窑智能优化控制专家系统的研究

11.Optical Flow Algorithm and Research on Its Application to Rotary Kiln Status Recognition;光流算法及其在回转窑窑况识别中的应用研究

12.Design on Φ4.25×40m RFI Kaolin Dikect-flame Rotary KilnΦ4.25×40 m RF1型高岭土直焰回转窑的设计

13.Mathematical model of heat and mass transfer of rotary kiln and numerical simulation回转窑传热传质数学模型及数值仿真

14.Design of a new type wasteheat recovery,wet method desulfurization and dust removal facility for akali sulfide rotary kilns硫化碱旋窑新型余热回收湿法脱硫除尘工艺装置设计

15.Technology and Economy Research on Kiln Inlet Electrostatic Precipitator and Bag Filter for New Dry Process Cement Clinker Production Line;新型干法水泥熟料生产线窑尾电、袋收尘器技术经济研究

16.Waste Heat Generation in Chaohu Rail 1500t/d New Dry Cement Plant巢湖铁道水泥厂1500t/d新型干法窑余热发电前景分析

17.A Study on the Manufecture of Magnesia Spinel Bricks for Large Dry-process Cement Rotary Kiln;大型干法水泥窑用镁尖晶石砖的研制

18.A Comparison between Tray Continuous Dryers and Rotary Kiln Dryers in Drying Nickel Ore Concentrate盘式连续干燥器与回转窑干燥机干燥镍精矿的比较


dry rotary kiln干法回转窑

1.Applied research on utilization of metallic tailings as clay for cement production indry rotary kiln;尾矿代粘土在干法回转窑水泥生产中的应用研究

3)NSP kiln新型干法窑

4)cement dry kiln水泥新型干法窑

5)new dry-process clinker新型干法窑熟料

6)rotating drying回转干燥窑

1.The technical flow,structure and working theory ofrotating drying system and two grade hollow palm dryer is introduced,this text emphasises this two drying methods is the main drying methods for producing barium sulphate in industry by comparing their advantages and disvantages in detail.介绍了回转干燥窑干燥系统和两级空心浆叶干燥系统流程、设备结构特点和工作原理 ,对其优缺点进行详细的分析比较 ,肯定了这两种干燥系统是工业普钡生产的主要干燥方法。


