900字范文 > 中国上市公司 Chinese listed companies英语短句 例句大全

中国上市公司 Chinese listed companies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-13 19:10:04


中国上市公司 Chinese listed companies英语短句 例句大全

中国上市公司,Chinese listed companies

1)Chinese listed companies中国上市公司

1.Study of the optimal industry capital structure inChinese listed companies;中国上市公司最优行业资本结构研究

2.Operation Performance & Wealth Effects in Cross-border M&A of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司跨国并购的经营绩效和财富效应研究


1.Characteristics Identification of Acquiring Companies in Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司中主并公司的特征识别

2.An Empirical Study on Market Reactions to Restatement Announcements of Annual Reporting of Chinese Listed Companies中国上市公司年报重述公告效应研究

3.A Study on Equity Concentration Ratio, Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司股权集中度、公司治理与绩效研究

4.Study on Chinese Listed Companies Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance;中国上市公司股权集中度与公司绩效研究

5.Corporate Governance: Theory, Modes and China Listed Companies" Practice;公司治理:理论、模式与中国上市公司的实践

6.Study on the Relationship of Financial Distress and Corporate Governance of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司财务困境与公司治理的关系研究

7.Why do Firms Engage in Merger and Acquisition? Evidence from Target Companies in China;基于目标公司的中国上市公司并购动机研究

8.Analysis of the Correlation between the Shareholding Structure and Firm Performance in the Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司股权结构与公司绩效关系分析

9.Research of the Effect of Equity Ownership Structure on Firms Size of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司股权结构对公司规模的影响研究

10.An Empirical Study on Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance in Chinese Listed Firms;中国上市公司股权结构与公司业绩的实证研究

11.Study on Corporate Governance and Company Performance of Our Listed Companies;中国上市公司治理结构与公司绩效研究

12.Equity Structure and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司股权结构与公司绩效实证研究

13.Study on Capital Structure and Enterprise Value of Chinese Listed Companies;中国上市公司资本结构与公司价值研究

14.Empirical Research on the Effect of Debt to Listed Company Performance;中国上市公司债权对公司绩效影响的实证研究

15.An Empirical Study on Diversification and Finn Performance;中国上市公司多元化与公司业绩的实证研究

16.The Protection of Small Shareholders of Chinese Listed Companies: --A Perspective From Corporate Governance;中国上市公司小股东保护:一个公司治理的视角

17.Earnings Management to Tunnel:Evidence from China s Listed Companies;公司资源的“隧道效应”——来自中国上市公司的证据

18.Corporate Governance, Ownership and Financial Distress of Publicly Listed Companies in China;中国上市公司财务困境、所有权与公司治理(英文)


listed companies in China中国上市公司

1.Making an empirical analysis on the MBO behavior of the management oflisted companies in China from such aspects as methods,pricing,sources of fund,fortune effects and corporate performance etc.本文对中国上市公司的管理层收购(MBO),从方式、定价、资金来源、财富效应以及公司绩效等诸方面进行了全样本实证分析,并结合国外的理论实践作了对比评论。

3)manufacturing listed corporations中国制造业上市公司

1.The article takes Chinesemanufacturing listed corporations that have experienced M&A in 2000-2002 as samples, selects 7 financial indexes, and sets up integrated-point-function model by analyzing factors.本文以2000—2002年发生并购事件的77家中国制造业上市公司为样本,选取了7项财务指标,通过因子分析法构建综合得分模型,计算出各公司不同年度的综合得分,检验并购前后的综合得分差值,比较绩效变化情况,从而得出研究结果并提出相应的对策建议。

4)the company listed on stock market in the USA中国在美上市公司

1.The challenges tothe company listed on stock market in the USA by the implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act;《索克斯法案》实施对中国在美上市公司的挑战

5)Governance of the Chinese Listed Companies中国上市公司治理

6)Chinese public firms in steel sector中国钢铁上市公司


