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针振 noise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-22 21:53:19


针振 noise英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis and diagnosis of information elements ofnoise in aluminum reduction cells based on wavelet packet preconditioning;基于小波包变换预处理的铝电解槽针振信息元分析与诊断


1.rotating records cause a stylus to vibrate and the vibrations are amplified acoustically or electronically.旋转唱片使唱针振动并且使振动在听觉上放大。

2.The method of probe vibration for measuring the axial field distribution of rotationally symmetric magnetic lens探针振动法测定旋转对称磁透镜的场分布

3.In-Depth Feature Extraction of Noise Signals in Aluminum Reduction Cells大型铝电解槽针振信号深层特征提取方法研究

4.A small, pointed stylus used to transmit vibrations from the grooves of a phonograph record.唱针小而尖的唱针用来传递唱片凹槽的振动

5.A fMRI Study of Neuronal Specificity of Acupuncture Response in Humans;针灸脑反应的功能性磁共振成像研究

6.A counterclockwise rotation, especially of the plane of polarized light.左旋转逆时针方向旋转,尤指光的偏振面

7.Study of Acupuncture Houxi (SI3)、Zhongzhu (SJ3)、Waiguan (SJ5) by Functional MRI (fMRI);针刺后溪、中渚、外关穴脑功能性磁共振成像研究

8.Analysis and Application of Vibration in Scanning Probe Microscopy;扫描探针显微术中振动的分析及其应用

9.Study on the Nucleic Acid Probe Analysis by Chemiluminescence and Resonance Light Scattering Technique;核酸探针的化学发光及共振光散射分析

10.Development and Design of Polarized Laser Acupuncture Equipment Based on Liquid Crystal Modulator;基于液晶调制器的偏振激光针灸治疗仪的研制

11.Study on Protein Determination with the Resonance Light Scattering Probes of Nanoparticles;蛋白质纳米粒子共振光散射探针的研究

12.Reproducibility Study of fMRI Signal Change Evoked by Acupuncture Stimulation;针刺脑功能磁共振成像及可重复性研究

13.Observations on the Therapeutic Effect of Acupuncture Assisted with Polarized Infrared on Allergic Rhinitis针刺配合红外偏振光治疗过敏性鼻炎疗效观察

14.Resonance Light Scattering Method for the Determinaiton of Lysozyme Using CdSe Quantum Dots as ProbeCdSe量子点探针共振光散射法检测溶菌酶

15.Study of Acupuncture Zhongzhu(SJ3) and Waiguan(SJ5) by Functional MRI(fMRI)针刺中渚、外关的脑功能性磁共振成像研究

16.Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Acupuncturing Yuan-Source and He-Sea Acupoints of Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming针刺足阳明胃经原穴合穴磁共振脑功能成像

17.Resting-state functional MRI evaluation of after-effect of acupuncture at Zusanli point静息态功能磁共振评价针刺足三里穴后效应

18.Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in research of acupuncture mechanism功能磁共振成像在针灸机制研究中的应用


voltage vibration针振

1.Causes and troubleshooting of 240kA pre-baked anode cell"svoltage vibration and swing;240kA预焙槽针振与电压摆的原因及处理

2.Thevoltage vibration and swing are important factors that affect stability and current efficiency of aluminum reduction cells.电压摆和针振是影响电解槽高效平稳生产和电流效率的重要因素,有效分析和及时处理电压摆和针振,同时树立良好的管理思路尤为重要。

3)resonance of probe rods针杆共振

4)resistor vibration电阻针振

5)Zhenyang needle therapy振阳针法

1.Objective to observe clinical therapeutic effect and the mechanism ofZhenyang needle therapy on erectile dysfunction(ED).目的:观察振阳针法治疗阳痿的临床疗效并探讨其作用机理;方法:将60例命门火衰型阳痿患者随机分为针刺治疗组与药物对照组,每组各30例。

6)immersion needle振动针


