900字范文 > 相噪 phase noise英语短句 例句大全

相噪 phase noise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-27 22:54:53


相噪 phase noise英语短句 例句大全

相噪,phase noise

1)phase noise相噪

1.Aimed at the request for multi-frequency point、lowphase noise in UAV(Unmanned Air Vehicle)telemetry receiver local oscillator,some principle and problems with integer divider and traditional fractional divider are analyzed.针对无人机遥测接收机本地振荡器多频点、低相噪的指标要求,分析了整数分频、传统小数分频等锁相频率合成器原理和存在的问题,介绍了多级delta-sigma调制器合成技术的原理及其在小数分频的锁相频率合成器中的应用,给出了其数学模型和杂散功率谱密度的表达式;完成了基于delta-sigma调制的锁相频率合成器的设计与实现,通过验证实验并与文献[1]比较表明,文中设计的频率合成器具有输出的信号低相噪、低杂散和频率分辨率高的特点,完全满足接收机的指标要求,并能推广应用于其它领域的无线电测控系统。


1.A Low Phase Noise Ka Band PLL Source with High Stability高稳定低相噪Ka波段锁相频率源设计

2.Design of Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Wide Tuning Range, High Linearity and Low Phase Noise;宽调谐高线性低相噪压控振荡器设计

3.Design and Implementation of Low Phase Noise DDS Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的低相噪DDS的设计与实现

4.Study on a 120MHz Low Phase Nosie Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator120MHz低相噪恒温晶体振荡器的研究

5.Research on Microwave Frequency Synthesizer Ranging from 10MHz to 4GHz with Low Phase Noise10MHz~4GHz低相噪微波频率源的研制

6.The denoise image has little error compare to original image and the effect of denoising is distinct.去噪图像相对于原图像误差小,去噪效果明显。

7.Improvement of CMOS LNA by noise reduction and linearity基于噪声相消和线性度提高的低噪声放大器

8.Phase Noise Analysis Affected by Different Type Noises不同类型噪声作用下振荡器的相位噪声分析

9.In this paper, the form and detection of phase noise is presented and the effect of phase noise in QAM modulation is analyzed.分析了相位噪声的成因、测量以及相位噪声对系统的影响。

10.This system has the advantage of suppressing The coherent artifact noise.这种系统具有抑制相干噪声的优点。

11.Application of the Partial Coherence Function on the Noise Identification of Cars偏相干法在识别轿车噪声源中的应用

12.Research on Phase Noise Effects and Mitigation in OFDM Systems;OFDM系统中相位噪声的影响与抑制研究

13.The Effect of the Noise on Coherence Resonance in a Calcium Oscillations System;钙离子振荡系统的噪声效应:相干共振

14.The Property of Quantum Noise in Coherent Atomic System;原子相干效应中量子噪声特性的研究

15.A Research on LNA and Phase Shifter in C Band T/R Module;C波段T/R组件低噪放、移相器研究

16.Arithmetic Research of Restraining Phase Noise in OFDM System;OFDM系统中抑制相位噪声算法的研究

17.Study of Iterative Filtering Algorithm for Speckle Noise of SAR Image;SAR图像相干斑噪声迭代滤波算法研究

18.Studies on Phase Noise Mitigation of OFDM Systems;OFDM系统中相位噪声消除技术研究


phase noise eliminat相噪相消

1.On the base of analyzing convention digit PLL of frequency shifting feedback in detail, the digit PLL indirect frequency synthesizer of low phase noise including multiple phase feedback, double feedback andphase noise elimination are provided, theory analysis and discussion are given in detail in this paper.在较详细分析常规移频数字锁相频率合成器的基础上 ,提出了倍相反馈、双反馈及相噪相消三种以数字锁相为核心的低相噪间接频率合成器 ,并对此进行了较详细的理论分析和讨论。

3)coherent noises相干噪声

1.The τ-p transform is one of the important techniques to eliminatecoherent noises and separate wave fields,but the operator aliasing artifacts and edge effect artifacts affect its resolution,therefore the conventional τ-p transform can t be used simply.τ-p变换是消除相干噪声、波场分离的重要方法之一,但常规τ-p变换存在算子假频和端点效应,分辨率太低,无法直接使用。

2.It is necessary to removecoherent noises and random noises in seismic data processing in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.要提高地震资料的信噪比,需要消除地震资料中的随机噪声和相干噪声。

4)phase noise相位噪声

1.An optimal design criterion for parameters OFDM systems parameters underphase noise;相位噪声条件下OFDM系统参数的优化设计

2.Performance analysis on the spatially correlated MIMO-OFDM systems in the presence ofphase noise and channel estimation error;存在相位噪声和信道估计偏差影响的空相关MIMO-OFDM系统的性能分析

3.Modified Leeson formula and lowphase noise oscillator design;改进的相位噪声公式与低相位噪声振荡器设计

5)correlated noise相关噪声

1.Estimation of time delay by using weighted high-order cumulant oncorrelated noise;相关噪声背景下加权高阶累积量的时延估计方法

2.DOA estimation algorithm for coherent signals based on diagonal loading in presence ofcorrelated noises相关噪声下基于对角加载的相干信源DOA估计算法

3.To deal with the spatiallycorrelated noise,a detection method based on Fuzzy-c-Means(FCM) clustering algorithm is proposed,which uses canonical correlation coefficients of the joint covariance matrix as the feature to be classified.针对空间相关噪声情况,利用两个独立阵列之间噪声不相关的特性,采用联合协方差矩阵的规范相关系数作为聚类特征,提出了一种基于模糊c均值聚类的信源个数检测方法。

6)Correlated noises相关噪声

1.Discrete-time linear estimation with correlated noises;一类相关噪声下离散线性系统的递推状态估计

2.Based on the Kalman filtering,the unified white noise estimators are presented for time-invariant systems with correlated noises.基于 Kalman 滤波,提出了带相关噪声定常系统的统一的白噪声估值器。

3.Simulation results verified the superiority of the new proposed algorithm in the general correlated noises.仿真实验进一步验证了本文算法在一般相关噪声环境下的优越性。


