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反滤层 filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-18 18:31:32


反滤层 filter英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on the analysis, a conclusion is drawn that the nonwoven cloth could satisfy the neen of drainage and could not occure the unallowed siltation phenomenon when it is used for (filter.对某工程所用的无纺布进行了物理力学特性试验、渗透性试验和淤堵试验,说明此种无纺布能满足排水要求,且用做反滤层时,不会产生不允许的淤堵现象。

2.On the basis of laboratory tests,criteria for permeability of geotextilefilter are discussed.本文在大量室内试验的基础上,对现有土工织物反滤层透水性设计准则进行了较详细的讨论,并在美国陆军工程师团准则的基础上建立了新的广义梯度比准则。

3.The results shown that if the cut-off wall contacts well with the core, then the connected section has higher impervious strength; if it does not contact well, disjointed and has concentrated seepage, thefilter which is located at the exit of seep age and in good gradation, can not only prevent the erosion in the core, but a.试验结果表明,如果防渗墙与心墙接触良好,则连接段具有较高的抗渗强度;若防渗墙与心墙接触不良,相互脱开,有集中渗流,则设置在渗流出口的级配良好的反滤层不仅可以防止心墙被接触渗流冲蚀,而且会使集中渗流最终消失;反滤层控制接触渗流的效果与其级配有关,细反滤层控制效果较好,对小浪底水库,当反滤层的d_(20)≤0。


1.Design of non-viscous earth proteciton layer for the red mud dam of Bayer process拜耳法赤泥坝中无粘性土反滤层设计方法

2.It is conclued that the filter layer can protect the core wall of earth rock dam from flow erosion.结果表明,宽度不大的裂缝在合适的反滤层保护下,能防止心墙土体被水流冲刷。

3.Experimental Study of Single-layer Filter Backwashing Process Optimization单层滤料反冲洗优化工艺的试验研究

4.The Experimental Study of Improving Natural Filtering Layer by Back Wash反冲洗改善天然滤层渗透性的试验研究

5.Pneumatic auxiliary scraper and air recoil device could completely clean the solid materials remained in the drum, good for the filter cloth recycling.配置气体辅助刮刀和气体反冲装置,可有效消除残余滤饼层,以利滤布再生,提高过滤效果。

6.Impact of Buffer Layer on Cut-Off Properties of Reflection Spectra for Guided-Mode Resonance Filters缓冲层对导模共振滤光片反射光谱截止特性的影响

7.Bone SPECT Reconstruction:Comparison between FBP and OSEMSPECT骨断层重建的滤波反投影法和有序最大期望值法的比较

8.Observing wash degree, bulging ratio and distributing of filtrating material. Measure turbidity of filtrate and reduction of hydraulic pressure.观察反冲洗膨胀率、洗强度及滤层分布情况。测定滤后水浊度及水头损失。

9.bacteria bed(s)细菌滤池; 接触滤池; [pl. ]菌膜过滤层

10.deghost inverse filter消除虚反射反滤波器

11.By adopted cascade weak aeration all the functions related to Fe/ Mn removal such as the microorganism culturing and maturing, steady filtering and backwashing are processed in the same filtering bed.它的工艺特点体现在跌水弱曝气,在同一生物滤层中除铁除锰及培养期、定期的反冲洗机制。

12.filter-paper coated cut to circular shape带涂层过滤纸,切成圆形

13.backflushing chromatography反吹层析,反冲层析

14.two-sided least-squares inverse filters双边最小平方反滤波器

15.automatic backwashing type oil filter自动反向冲洗式油滤器

16.one-sided least-square inverse filter单边最小平方反滤波器

17.backward prediction error filter反向预测误差滤波器

18.Study on Filtration with Uniform Media--The Influence of Media s Diameter and Depth on Filtration Performance;均质滤料过滤技术研究——滤料粒径和滤层厚度对过滤特性的影响关系研究


filter layer反滤层

1.Discussion on seepage stability offilter layer in rock-fill dam with sloping clay core of Zhangfeng Reservoir;张峰水库粘土斜心墙堆石坝反滤层渗透稳定性探讨

2.Thefilter layer is an effective way to prevent soil from being destroyed by seepage.反滤层是防止土体渗透破坏的有效措施,无砂混凝土具有良好的透水性、过滤性和稳定性。

3.It is conclued that thefilter layer can protect the core wall of earth rock dam from flow erosion.为了解水流冲刷作用下反滤层对土石坝心墙裂缝发展保护作用的特点和机理 ,以黑河土石坝心墙裂缝冲刷试验为例 ,分别采用常水头和变水头两种方法 ,探讨了土石坝心墙裂缝在水流冲刷过程中的特点。

3)inverted filter反滤层

4)filtering layer反滤层

1.The paired tests,geotextile and grass-soil were used respectively asfiltering layer to protect bank slope in the geoyne or herringbone dam constr uction for the regulation of river.介绍了土工布做反滤层的设计和施工方法,对土工布和草土体做反滤层的效果和工程造价进行了分析评价。


6)stratigraphic deconvolution地层反滤波

1.This article describes a new method forstratigraphic deconvolution that is based on the frequency decay experienced at different VSP depth levels in a well.地层反滤波算法就是为了消除地层对子波的影响,利用VSP中的直达下行波推算出每个地层滤波算子,计算出各个地层滤波算子的反算子,然后利用这些反算子恢复出地表记录中损失掉的高频成分,减弱地层滤波对波形的影响,增加地表记录的频率成分和波形的准确度。


