900字范文 > 滤嘴 Filter英语短句 例句大全

滤嘴 Filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-19 22:31:17


滤嘴 Filter英语短句 例句大全



1.Determination of Hg and As in CigaretteFilter Components with Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry;卷烟滤嘴材料中汞、砷的HG-AFS测定

2.Application of Chitosan in CigaretteFilter;壳聚糖在卷烟滤嘴中的应用

3.Filter Additive with Ability of Reducing Negative Effect of Cigarette Smoke on Human Respiratory System;一种能减缓烟气对呼吸系统不良影响的滤嘴添加剂


1.SALEM LIGHTS(Box)沙龙滤嘴特醇(硬)

2.I only smoke filter tips .我只抽有过滤嘴的香烟。

3.One packet for each of filter - tip and king - size .每种大号过滤嘴买一盒。

4.filter cartridge for cigar or cigarette holders and smoking pipes雪茄或香烟嘴和烟斗用过滤嘴

5.Change of Filtration Efficiency of Filter During Cigarette Smoking卷烟抽吸过程中滤嘴过滤效率的变化

6.Filter tips clean some harmful substance from the smoke.滤嘴能消除香烟中一些有害的物质。

7.No, thanks. I don"t like anything without a filter.不,谢谢。我不抽没有过滤嘴的。

8.No, thanks. I do not like anything without a filter .不,谢谢。 我有抽没有过滤嘴的。

9.I want a packet of filter tip cigarette.我要一包带过滤嘴的香烟。

10.I used to smoke filtered cigarettes.我曾经沉迷于过滤嘴香烟

11.Some smokers don"t like cigarettes with tips.有的烟民不喜欢抽有滤嘴的纸烟。

12.Application of AS/RS Technology in Manufacturing Line of Cigarette Filter Material;卷烟滤嘴棒生产线自动化立体库技术

13.The Effects of Cigarette Materials on the Smoke Delivery-contains and Filtration Efficiency of the Cigarette with 24mm Filter Rod;材料多因素对24mm滤嘴长卷烟烟气递送量及过滤效率的影响

14.Study on selective filtration of major phenolic compounds in mainstream cigarette smoke by cellulose acetate filter醋酸纤维滤嘴对卷烟主流烟气中主要酚类物质的选择性过滤研究

15.I smoke filter-tipped cigarettes in order not to waste pipe tobacco.我抽的是带过滤嘴的烟, 这样不浪费烟丝。

16.A Filter Receiving Machine System Based on Fieldbus;基于现场总线的高速滤嘴棒接收机计数系统

17.Extraction of nicotine in charcoal filters by Soxhlet method索氏抽提法萃取活性炭滤嘴中吸附的烟碱

18.Advances in the application of activated carbon fiber in cigarette filter活性炭纤维在卷烟滤嘴方面的应用研究进展


filter tip滤嘴

1.Preparation of lubricating agent offilter tip made of polypropylene fiber;烟用丙纤丝束滤嘴调理剂的研制

2.Wealso expounded totally the process conditions of polypropylene split fibreused as cigarettesfilter tip and probed into the posibilities of split fibreused as.并较全面地阐述了香烟滤嘴用聚丙烯膜裂纤维的生产工艺条件,探讨了膜裂纤维用于香烟滤嘴的可能性及国内目前存在的问题。

3)cigarette filter滤嘴

1.The filtration effects of thecigarette filters made of different fiber filtrational materials such as cellulose acetate,polypropylene,active carbon,and sepiolite in reducing tar and other harmful components are studied,and the fiber filtrational materials which can give extra flavor and reduce numerous harmful components may be developed in future.综述了卷烟滤嘴用纤维过滤材料,如醋酸纤维、聚丙烯纤维、活性炭纤维、海泡石纤维等减害降焦研究进展,并提出卷烟滤嘴用纤维过滤材料的研究发展方向是在进一步加强减害降焦的同时,保留卷烟的香吃味。

4)Tea filter茶质滤嘴

5)Special filter特殊滤嘴

1.The research progress in reduction of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke by special filter in recent years was reviewed.总结了近年来特殊滤嘴中的添加剂材料在降低卷烟烟气中CO方面的研究进展,介绍了活性炭材料、生物材料以及低温氧化催化剂三类添加剂降低CO的应用情况。

6)Flavoring filter加香滤嘴


