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鉴定 identification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 14:48:06


鉴定 identification英语短句 例句大全



1.Extraction,preparation andidentification of volatile compounds in Changyu XO brandy;张裕XO级白兰地挥发性成分的提取分离与鉴定

2.Screening and Identification of Bacillus spp. that Produce Acid;产酸芽孢杆菌的筛选及鉴定


1.The Studying about Mang Places Qulificating, Repeatly Qulificating and the Difference Amoney the Different Qulification;多头鉴定、重复鉴定、鉴定分歧问题研究

2.On the Decisive Right of Authentication in Civil Actions--Beginning with the Repeated Authentication;论民事鉴定决定权——从重复鉴定谈起

3.Where it is corroborated by an expert witness, the bill shall be sealed by the unit where he works to prove his identity.鉴定人鉴定的,应当由鉴定人所在单位加盖印章,证明鉴定人身份。

4.Identify what actions you took after identifying the incident.鉴定在鉴定事故后你采取的行动。

5.Authentication of Evidence and Science;鉴定证据与科学——对鉴定证据之反思

6.On the Application of Expert s Evaluation and the Standardization of the Evaluation System;论鉴定结论的运用与鉴定制度的规范

7.In the absence of such a department, the people"s court shall designate one to conduct the expert evaluation.没有法定鉴定部门的,由人民法院指定的鉴定部门鉴定。

8.biological assay生物测定,生物学鉴定(法)

9.On the Uncertain Conclusions in Judicial Appraisals:Taking the Handwriting Appraisal as Inspection Visual Angle;司法鉴定中的不确定性鉴定结论研究——以笔迹鉴定为考察视角

10.Method: Comparative histological, morphological and TLC identification.方法:性状鉴别、微鉴别和薄层色谱鉴定相结合。

11.METHODS Comparing two plants by original plant identification, morphological, histological identification and microscopic identification.方法采用原植物鉴定、状鉴定、微鉴定的方法对两种原植物进行对比。

12.Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it.第一百二十条鉴定人进行鉴定后,应当写出鉴定结论,并且签名。

13.Reflections on the Multiple and Repetitive Authentications;对多头鉴定、重复鉴定问题的思考——兼论我国司法鉴定制度的完善

14.Analysis of Anew Identifying and Identifying Once More in Medical Malpractice Technique Identification;浅析医疗事故技术鉴定中的重新鉴定和再次鉴定

15.(esp written)statement of the qualities of a work of art,person"s life,etc(尤指书面的)鉴定,鉴别,评价,评论

16.Identify. Identify single feature of psionic item.鉴定术:鉴识灵能物品的其中一项特性。

17.To identify by means of a distinctive mark or characteristic.指纹鉴定以特殊的标记或特征来鉴别

18.epitope identification表位鉴定,表位甄别



1.Problems existing in rock coal core fetch andappraisal indrilling and some suggestions;钻探岩煤芯采取及鉴定中存在的问题及解决的几点建议

2.Optimum Scheme and Purity Appraisal of Extracting Soluble Sugar in pl.amarus Leaves;苦竹叶水溶性糖提取最佳方案的设计和纯度的鉴定


1.Making an approach toidentify corresponding coal seam with coal quality quota;应用煤质指标鉴定相应煤层的探讨

2.A Method for Isolating、Identifying and Culturing of Rat Trachea-bronchia Epithelial Cells.;大鼠气管-支气管上皮细胞的分离、鉴定和培养

3.Study of Identifying Seed Traditional Chinese Medicine by Somatic Cell Chromosome in Root-Tip;利用根尖体细胞染色体鉴定种子类中药的研究


1.Characterization and Heavy Metal Adsorption Properties of Schwertmannite Synthesized by Bacterial Oxidation of Ferrous Sulfate Solutions;施氏矿物Schwertmannite的微生物法合成、鉴定及其对重金属的吸附性能

2.Biosynthesis andCharacterization of Jarosite;黄钾铁矾的生物合成与鉴定

3.Purification and characterization of non-fusion recombinant human interleukin-18 expressed in E. coli;非融合型重组人白细胞介素-18的纯化及鉴定


1.Screening,evaluation and in vitro cultivation of epidermal stem cells;表皮干细胞的分选鉴定及培养

2.Structural testing and evaluation of pharmaceutical industrial workshop;某制药厂厂房结构的检测与鉴定

3.Reliability evaluation and strengthening for the steel crane girder;某钢吊车梁的可靠性鉴定及加固处理


1.From three sides of development trends, scale andauthenticate quality, Jiangsu Province Ganyu City made contribution for educating modern new pattern literacy peasants have technique and be able to administrate.江苏省赣榆县从农机职业技能开发工作的大势,规模以及鉴定质量三个方面,为培养有文化、懂技术、会经营的现代新型农民做出应有贡献。


