900字范文 > 圣经翻译 Bible translation英语短句 例句大全

圣经翻译 Bible translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-09 21:08:55


圣经翻译 Bible translation英语短句 例句大全

圣经翻译,Bible translation

1)Bible translation圣经翻译

1.Just asBible translation imbued original thoughts into the western translation theories, so is Buddhism translation to Chinese translation theories.中西译学理论起源于宗教翻译,佛经翻译和圣经翻译实践分别为中西译学理论提供了理论思想,是其演进、发展的原动力。


1.The Translation of the Buddhist Scripts and the Bible and the Similarity between the Chinese and Western Traditions of Translation从佛经与圣经翻译看中西方翻译传统的相似性

2.The Translation of the Buddhist Scripts and the Bible and the Similarity between the Chinese and Western Techniques of Translation;从佛经与圣经翻译看中西方翻译手法的相似性

3.Chinese Bible was tranlated directly from the original Bible, which is in Hebrews of Old Testament and in Greek of New Testament.中文圣经翻译自原文圣经,原文圣经旧约是希伯来文,新约是希腊文。

4.The Application of Nida s Principle of Dynamic Equivalence in Bible Translation;奈达的动态对等理论在圣经翻译中的应用

5.The Inspiration Obtained from the Translation of China s Buddhist Scripture and Western Bible;中国佛经翻译和西方《圣经》翻译的启示

parison of Chinese Buddhism Translation and British Bible Translation中国佛经翻译与英国《圣经》翻译的比较

7.Ideas,Principles and Techniques of the Biblical Translators of Chinese Versions《圣经》中文译者对翻译理论的探讨

8.The Discussion about the Term Question and the Reception of God in the History of Chinese Bible Translation;圣经汉译中“God”的翻译讨论及接受

9.Relevance and Adaptation: A Study on Chinese Translation of Bible and Theoretical Strategies;关联与顺应:圣经—汉译研究与翻译策略

10.Feminism and Translation of the Bible--an Analysis of the Feminist Translation Theory;女性主义和《圣经》翻译——解析女性主义翻译观

11.One who interprets the Bible literally.对《圣经》进行文字上的翻译者

12.the Slavic language into which the Bible was translated in the 9th Century.9世纪翻译《圣经》所用的塞而维克语。

13.Impact of the Translation of the Bible s Allusions on Chinese and English Literature;《圣经》典故翻译对中英文学的影响

14.The Study and Expectation of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of the Multiplicity and Complementary of Translation Criteria翻译标准多元与互补——圣经汉译翻译理论研究与展望

15.An Analysis of Translations of Biblical Contents Illustrated from Two Chinese Versions ofUlysses评析《尤利西斯》两个中译本对圣经内容的翻译

16.Bible Translation: A Shift from Original Orientation to Receptors Orientation;《圣经》翻译:从原作到译文受众的焦点转移

17.On the Historical Process and Theoretical comparison of the Translation to Buddhist Scriptures and the"Bible"浅谈佛经翻译与《圣经》翻译的历史进程及其理论对比

18.The United Version which was published in 1919 marked the summit of the Chinese translation of the Bible.19出版的《和合本圣经》更是标志着中文《圣经》翻译的颠峰。


Bible translation《圣经》翻译

1.Bible translation in China and Chinese translators;中国翻译家与《圣经》翻译

2.Bible Translation and Dissemination of the Christianity in Europe in Later Middle Ages;欧洲中世纪晚期《圣经》翻译与基督教传播

3)biblical words translation圣经词汇翻译

4)Chinese Bible translation《圣经》汉译

1.Christianity has long taken theChinese Bible translation as its major job over the course of its preaching in China,which can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty that witnesses the preaching of the Nestorian Christianity.《圣经》汉译,自唐朝景教以降一直是基督宗教在华传布进程中的重要事工。

2.The Bible, as the canon of Christianity, is not only an important part of the Western culture, but also has significant influence on Chinese culture through the thousand-year history ofChinese Bible translation.作为基督教的经典,《圣经》不仅在西方文化中占有重要位置,在《圣经》汉译的千余年历史中,也对中国文化产生了重要影响。

3.Through the thousands of year history ofChinese Bible translation, its significant influence on Chinese culture never was negligible.在《圣经》汉译的千余年历史中,也对中国文化产生了重要的影响。

5)Chinese Bible translation圣经汉译

1.From the Tang Dynasty when the Bible was introduced into China to 1919 when the Mandarin Union Version was published,Chinese Bible translations were mostly prepared by western translators who came to China as missionaries.从唐代到19“官话和合译本”问世期间,圣经汉译的主体以来华西方传教士为主。

6)Bible translator《圣经》译者

1.This paper aims to discuss the effect of external factors on the construction of theBible translator s subjectivity.目的是从外力影响的角度分析《圣经》译者主体性建构的内涵,以期拓展和深化翻译主体研究。


