900字范文 > 《圣经汉译文化研究》 Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese英语短句 例句大全

《圣经汉译文化研究》 Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-20 06:55:17


《圣经汉译文化研究》 Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese英语短句 例句大全

《圣经汉译文化研究》,Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese

1)Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese《圣经汉译文化研究》

1.Study of Classic Translation and Cross-Culture Exchange——A Review ofStudy on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese经典翻译研究与跨文化交流——兼评任东升著《圣经汉译文化研究》


1.Study of Classic Translation and Cross-Culture Exchange--A Review of Study on the Tradition of Bible Translation into Chinese经典翻译研究与跨文化交流——兼评任东升著《圣经汉译文化研究》

2.The Chinese Bible and Cultural Capital文化资本视阈下的《圣经》汉译研究

3.Relevance and Adaptation: A Study on Chinese Translation of Bible and Theoretical Strategies;关联与顺应:圣经—汉译研究与翻译策略

4."Fuhui" and "Geyi":Cross-cultural Strategy in the Translation of Bible into Chinese;“附会”、“格义”:《圣经》汉译的跨文化策略

5.The Study of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of Polysystem Theory;多元系统理论观照下的圣经汉译研究

6.The Study and Expectation of Chinese Bible Translation from the Perspective of the Multiplicity and Complementary of Translation Criteria翻译标准多元与互补——圣经汉译翻译理论研究与展望

7.A Study on English-Chinese Translation of Idioms from the Cultural-translation Perspective;文化翻译视角下的英汉习语互译研究

8.The Cultural Identity of Chinese Translator and the Chinese-English Translation Study;中国译者的文化身份与汉英翻译研究

9.Chinese Translation of the Bible and Its Influence in China;《圣经》汉译及汉译《圣经》在中国的影响

10.Keep the Good Wine Until Now: A Discussion on the Cultural Connotation and Tanslation of Figures of Speech in English and Chinese;刍议英汉比喻性词语的文化内涵及翻译——以“圣经”为例

11.About the Generalization of the Bible Words and their Translation关于英语中《圣经》词汇的泛化及其汉译

12.A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Bible Versions-the CUV and the TCV;《圣经》和合本与现代中文译本的比较研究

13.A Study on Strategies for Translating Chinese Idiomatic Phrases into English from a Cultural Perspective;文化视域下的汉语习语英译策略研究

14.On Translation of English and Chinese Idioms from the Angle of Cultural Differences;从文化差异角度研究英汉习语的翻译

15.Studies in Chinese Proverbs Translated into English-A Cultural Comparison;汉语谚语英译中的文化对比与翻译研究

16.A Comment on the Chinese Translation of Genesis of the English-Chinese Holy Bible英汉对照版《圣经》之创世记的部分译文评析

17.A Comment on the Chinese Translation of Exodus of the English-Chinese Holy Bible;英汉对照版《圣经》之出埃及记部分译文评析

18.On Interpretation of the Cultural Factors from Chinese to English in Press Conferences;记者招待会汉译英口译中的文化因素及其翻译策略研究


Chinese Bible translation studies圣经汉译研究

1.Seen from the short history ofChinese Bible translation studies, Zhu Wei-zhi, with this treatise, played.如果将这些内容提取出来,俨然构成一部微型的圣经汉译研究之作。

3)A Study on Bible Translation in China《圣经》中译研究

4)Chinese Bible translation《圣经》汉译

1.Christianity has long taken theChinese Bible translation as its major job over the course of its preaching in China,which can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty that witnesses the preaching of the Nestorian Christianity.《圣经》汉译,自唐朝景教以降一直是基督宗教在华传布进程中的重要事工。

2.The Bible, as the canon of Christianity, is not only an important part of the Western culture, but also has significant influence on Chinese culture through the thousand-year history ofChinese Bible translation.作为基督教的经典,《圣经》不仅在西方文化中占有重要位置,在《圣经》汉译的千余年历史中,也对中国文化产生了重要影响。

3.Through the thousands of year history ofChinese Bible translation, its significant influence on Chinese culture never was negligible.在《圣经》汉译的千余年历史中,也对中国文化产生了重要的影响。

5)Chinese Bible translation圣经汉译

1.From the Tang Dynasty when the Bible was introduced into China to 1919 when the Mandarin Union Version was published,Chinese Bible translations were mostly prepared by western translators who came to China as missionaries.从唐代到19“官话和合译本”问世期间,圣经汉译的主体以来华西方传教士为主。

6)Biblical Studies圣经研究

1.Feminist Hermeneutics andBiblical Studies女性主义诠释学与圣经研究


