900字范文 > 整形手术 plastic surgery英语短句 例句大全

整形手术 plastic surgery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-29 15:47:52


整形手术 plastic surgery英语短句 例句大全

整形手术,plastic surgery

1)plastic surgery整形手术

1.The study on risk of glove perforation inplastic surgery procedures and possible link with nosocomial infection;整形手术中手套穿孔情况调查及其与医源性感染相关性的探讨

2.Effect of Systematic Psychology Nursing on Perioperative Anxiety in Plastic Surgery;目的探讨整形手术前后心理护理对受术者围手术期焦虑的作用。


1.She had plastic surgery done to her face.她做过脸部整形手术。

2.I can get Plastic surgery."我可以做整形手术”。

3.percutaneous transluminal angioplasty经皮血管内整形手术

4.Visualization Technology Research on Cranioficial Plastic Surgery Project;颅颌面整形手术方案可视化技术研究

5.Are there correspondence courses in plastic surgery?有没有类似塑胶整形手术的课程?

6.Actually, it was my parents who encouraged me to have plastic surgery.实际上,是我的父母鼓励我做整形手术。

7.She looked rejuvenated after plastic surgery.她做完整形手术后显得年轻了。

puterized Surgical Simulation for Pediatric Hip Orthopedics小儿髋关节整形手术的计算机模拟

9.One of the survivors needed plastic surgery.一名幸存者需要接受整形手术。

10.Valvuloplasty for Acquired Aortic Valve Disease获得性主动脉瓣瓣膜病变的整形手术

11.Pay more attention to the selection of proper surgical timing and method for oculoplasty in the pediatric重视儿童眼部整形手术时机和术式选择

12.Objective To study the effect of Reptilase in the burn and plastic surgery.目的观察立止血在烧伤整形手术中的止血效果。

13.Well, how about I buy you plastic surgery for Christmas?那,我出钱给你做整形手术作为圣诞礼物怎么样?

14.universal orthopedic table整形外科万能手术台

15.Surgical shortening or reshaping of the nose.鼻部整形术外科手术中鼻子的整形或截短

16.Surgical repair or alteration of bone.骨整形术外科医师整复骨头或换骨的手术

17.Plastic surgery has developed rapidly in recent years.近年来整形外科手术进展很快。

puter Aided System of Cranio-maxillofacial Master Orthopaedic Surgery颅颌面整形外科手术计算机辅助系统


Plastic operation整形手术

1.Objective: To explore the operation opportunity of secondary plastic operation after skin flap grafting and musculacutaneous flap grafting, indication of operation.方法对496例皮瓣、肌皮瓣移植术后的患者实施整形手术,采用皮瓣一侧及中线等手术切口,部分病例同时行肌腱、神经移植、肌腱松解、关节矫形手术及取出内固定器。

2.Objective:To observe the repairing effects and adverse action of He-Ne Laser on intractable wounds after plastic operations.目的 :观察He -Ne激光对整形手术愈合延迟创面的修复作用及可能发生的不良反应。

3.Conclusion Split thickness skin grafting can give satisfying results for the children\"s deep head-neck burns,meanwhile,rehabilitation is also vital to treatment,plastic operation can be used to solve the problem of deformity and dysfunction.结论儿童头颈部的深度烧伤创面移植中厚皮可获得较为满意的疗效,创面愈合后康复治疗同样至关重要,遗留的畸形或功能障碍可行整形手术解决。

3)oculoplastic surgery眼整形手术

4)Plastic surgery整形外科手术

1.As a non-invasive technique for the measurement of blood and oxygen in tissue, the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) has an increasing application in the postoperative monitoring of the plastic surgery.近红外光谱技术(NIRS)作为一种无创监测手段,近年来在整形外科手术术后监测方面得到了越来越多的重视。

5)simulated plastic surgery模拟整形手术

1.In accordance with the outer skin and model segmentation issues insimulated plastic surgery,a simplified axis extraction method based on active window was proposed.针对模拟整形手术中外表皮与模型分割问题,提出一种简化的基于活动窗的中轴提取方法。



美容整形手术心理治疗美容整形手术心理治疗cosmetic plastic surgery in psychotherapy美容整形手术心理治疗(cosmeticp lastie surgery in psyehotherapy)采用手术方法、修复和重建或改变人的体形外表,以改善自我意象(self-image),达到心理功能健全的一种特殊方法。这种方法早在古代印度和埃及就见报道。当病人由于身体畸形或缺损等而有强烈的不偷快情绪和自卑感时,施行手术尤为必要。面部整形和耳、鼻再造、唇裂修补、乳房修整等手术,对病人的心理功能健全有着不可低估的作用。(徐云撰梁宝勇审)
