900字范文 > 颌骨整形 Jaw Plastic Surgery英语短句 例句大全

颌骨整形 Jaw Plastic Surgery英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-05 01:59:33


颌骨整形 Jaw Plastic Surgery英语短句 例句大全

颌骨整形,Jaw Plastic Surgery

1)Jaw Plastic Surgery颌骨整形

2)plastic surgery of mandible下颌骨整形

1.The application of mirror shape sesign software inplastic surgery of mandible;Mirror形体设计软件在下颌骨整形中的应用

3)Mandibular angle osteotomy下颌角截骨整形术

4)jaw morphology颌骨形态

1.Objective To study the incisaljaw morphology of subjects with normal occlusion and to discuss the relationship between different vertical facial skeletal types and diffe rent incisal jaw cluster types.方法运用聚类分析的方法,在X线头颅侧位片上对169例恒牙列初期正常人的切牙区颌骨形态进行聚类,并分析其与垂直骨面型的关系。

2.In order to observe the incisaljaw morphology of th.本文初步建立了以均角型正常(牙合)人为样本的正常参考值和诊断“异常”切牙区颌骨形态的判断值;并讨论了正常(牙合)人不同垂直骨面型上下颌切牙区颌骨的形态结构特征和上下颌切牙区颌骨形态聚类分型Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ各型的形态特征。


1.Effect of mandibular lateral displacement on morphology of condyle and mandible in growing rats成长期大鼠下颌侧方偏位对髁突及下颌骨形态的影响

2.A Cephalometric Study of Incisal Jaw Mophology in Normal Occlusion Subjects;正常(牙合)人切牙区颌骨形态结构的测量研究

3.Morphological study on human mandible of the population from Emperor Qin Shihuang s Mausoleum about 2200 years ago;秦始皇陵区出土2200年前人下颌骨形态学研究

4.A Study of the Mandibular Characteristic in Genetic Angle Class Ⅲ Malocclusion遗传性安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)下颌骨形态特征研究

5.Quantitative analysis on developmental morphologic changes on mandibles of Apert syndrome miceApert综合征模型小鼠下颌骨形态特点的定量分析

6.Establishment of a Survey Analysis System for Mandible Shape Characteristics of Mus and RattusMus和Rattus属鼠类下颌骨形态特征测量分析系统建立

7.Three-dimensional Morphological Analysis for the Adult Patients with Mandible Deviation;成人下颌偏斜患者颌骨三维形态分析研究

8.Mophological Study of Mandible Evolution during 3000 Years;3000年来人下颌骨演化的形态学研究

9.Bovince cancellous bone graft and bone morphogenetic protein composite material for repairing mandibular defects of minipigs牛松质骨植骨体复合骨形态发生蛋白修复贵州小型猪下颌骨缺损

10.The Effects of Activator Treatment on Morphology and Structure of Mandible and Tmj And Lateral Pterygoid Muscle;Activator功能矫治对下颌骨、颞下颌关节和翼外肌形态结构的影响研究

11.The Characteristics of the Arch Form of Skeletal Class Ⅲ Occlusion with Normal Maxilla and Protruding Mandible;上颌正常、下颌前突型骨性安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)牙弓形态的特点

12.Morphometric Study of the Mandible and Cranial Base Shape of the Subjects with Class Ⅰ Skeletal Pattern in the Different Verticle Facial Types.;安氏Ⅰ类错(牙合)不同垂直骨面型下颌骨和颅底形态的比较研究

13.Influence of Trans-sutural Maxillary Distraction on the Morphologic Development of Craniofacial Skeleton: Experimental Studies in Growing Dogs;上颌骨经缝牵引对颅面骨骼形态发育影响的研究

14.Symphysis morphology and the inclination of lower incisor in patients with skeletal Class Ⅲ maloclusion成人骨性Ⅲ类错下颌骨联合形态与下切牙位置的关系

15.Changes of the Morphology and Function of Tongue and Oropharyngeal Airway in Adult Patients with Skeletal Mandibular Prognathism after Combined Orthodontic and Orthognathic Treatment;正畸正颌联合治疗骨性下颌前突畸形前后舌咽形态及功能变化的研究

16.Three- Dimension Finite Element Stress Analysis of Influence of the Configuration and the Bone Quantity of the Maxillary Sinus Floor to Implant Supported Fixed Bridge;上颌窦底形态、剩余骨量对种植固定桥影响的力学分析研究

17.Morphological Study on Evolution of Mandible Back Part of Human during 2,000 Years西安地区两千年来人下颌骨后段形态学演化的研究

18.A Cephalometric Study on Glenoid Fossa Position and Shape in Different Vertical Skeletal Types of Skeletal Malocclusion Class Ⅲ高、低角型骨性安氏Ⅲ类错颞下颌关节凹位置及形态的对比研究


plastic surgery of mandible下颌骨整形

1.The application of mirror shape sesign software inplastic surgery of mandible;Mirror形体设计软件在下颌骨整形中的应用

3)Mandibular angle osteotomy下颌角截骨整形术

4)jaw morphology颌骨形态

1.Objective To study the incisaljaw morphology of subjects with normal occlusion and to discuss the relationship between different vertical facial skeletal types and diffe rent incisal jaw cluster types.方法运用聚类分析的方法,在X线头颅侧位片上对169例恒牙列初期正常人的切牙区颌骨形态进行聚类,并分析其与垂直骨面型的关系。

2.In order to observe the incisaljaw morphology of th.本文初步建立了以均角型正常(牙合)人为样本的正常参考值和诊断“异常”切牙区颌骨形态的判断值;并讨论了正常(牙合)人不同垂直骨面型上下颌切牙区颌骨的形态结构特征和上下颌切牙区颌骨形态聚类分型Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ各型的形态特征。

5)jaw deformity颌骨畸形

1.The orthognathic treatment ofjaw deformity;颌骨畸形的正颌外科矫治与重建

6)craniofacial orthopedics颌面整形


