900字范文 > 望远镜 telescope英语短句 例句大全

望远镜 telescope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-20 05:07:42


望远镜 telescope英语短句 例句大全



1.Analytical method on the design oftelescope main rotary frame;望远镜主转动框架设计分析方法

2.A new method of guiding calibration of extreme ultraviolet radiationtelescope on space orbit;一种空间超紫外望远镜在轨指向标定方法

3.Development of a space soft X-ray and EUV normal incidencetelescope;空间软X射线/极紫外波段正入射望远镜研究


1.periscope binoculars潜望镜式双筒望远镜

2.ultra-low-expansion mirror telescope超低膨胀率镜望远镜

3.a binocular telescope microscope ]双筒目]望远镜显微镜]

4.A binocular or field glass.双目镜,双筒望远镜

5.prismatic binoculars棱镜式双目望远镜.

6.The diameter of the objective of a telescope.孔径望远镜物镜的直径

7.A telescopic device is used in conjunction with the prism.棱镜与望远镜配合使用。

8.a small telescope attached to a large telescope to use in setting the line of the larger one.装在大望远镜上的小望远镜。

9.See distant thing, with a telescope看见远处东西,用望远镜

10.watch from a distance through binoculars用双筒望远镜观看远处.

11.Binoculars, telescope, microscope, photographic camera and equipment.双筒望远镜,望远镜,显微镜,照相机及附属品。

12.a reflecting telescope with an off-axis reflector.带有远轴反射镜的反射望远镜。

13.A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them.他给我一双望远镜,他叫我用它来远望。

14.20 - MinI Telescope20-迷你单筒望远镜

15.20 - MinI Telescope - Out of stock20-迷你单筒望远镜-缺货

16.She swivelled the telescope .她用望远镜向四周看.

17.telescopic(al) stars用望远镜才能看到的星

18.point a telescope at/towards the moon用望远镜对准月亮.



1.Such a telescope can be formed with an array of sub-telescopes in each of which an image of the observed area is recorded at the different.提出了一种新型太阳光谱望远镜的建议,这种望远镜能够同时记录太阳日面观测区域的两维空间的色散(三维光谱),即一系列同步狭窄带通的光谱图像。


1.A Hand-held Optical Image Stabilization Binoculars Design;手持稳像望远镜系统设计

2.The Opportunity and Challenge for the Binoculars Industry;望远镜行业面临的机遇与挑战

3.This acticle introduces the optical design of a new type synchronous adjustable focal distancebinoculars digital camera.同步调焦曲线的设计使双目望远物镜和数码照相物镜在3m到∞范围内同步可调,使望远镜真正成为数码相机的取景器,从而实现了真正的"所拍即所看"功能。

4)large telescope大望远镜

1.The optical correlation function is used to determine the correlation time of atmospheric turbulence, within the time the effect of atmospheric turbulence is taken into account by using the optical transfer function,finally,the optical quality of alarge telescope system(with aperture of 500mm,focal length of 500m) is calibrated.利用大气湍流的光学相关函数确定湍流光学相关时间,并在此时间内通过成像系统的光学传递函数修正大气湍流效应后定标大望远镜(500mm口径,500m焦距)系统衍射极限倍数。

2.Now there are ten 8- 10mlarge telescopes have been used for science observation.目前 ,已有 1 0架口径 8~ 1 0m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。

3.Now there are ten 8 - 10mlarge telescopes have been used for science observation.目前,已有10架口径8~10m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。

5)PSD telescopePSD望远镜

6)LP telescopeLP望远镜


望远镜增大观察景物的视角,以看清远方景物的一种目视光学仪器。按目镜的不同,分为开普勒望远镜和伽利略望远镜两类。军用望远镜是伽利略望远镜的一种,多为双目望远镜,一般手持使用,大倍率的则装在三脚架上。它是陆军、海军指战员的基本观察器材,用于侦察敌情、地形,观察战况,概略测量方向角、高低夹角和距离。望远镜的结构如图。远方景物通过物镜和转象棱镜后,在物镜后焦面上成正立实象,然后由目镜放大,用人眼看到放大了的景物正象。手持双目望远镜的放大倍率(物镜和目镜焦距之比)通常为 6~15倍,大型双目望远镜则为20~40倍。瞳孔间隔一般为54~74毫米。此外,还有一些特殊类型、特殊用途的军用望远镜。组件化望远镜仅由几个部件组成,成本低,密封性好,便于维修。稳象望远镜在光路中加入与陀螺仪耦合的光学元件,可消除震动对观察的影响。通讯观察望远镜的一个镜筒为单目望远镜,另一个镜筒内装微波组件,既能观察,又能通信。夜视望远镜在物镜和目镜间加上光电转换器件,可把红外线图象转换为可见光图象,或使夜天光的微光图象增强,供夜间观察使用。反红外望远镜在一个镜筒内装红外释光磷光片,既能观察,又能在夜间搜索红外光源。
