900字范文 > 望远镜腔 telescopic resonator英语短句 例句大全

望远镜腔 telescopic resonator英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-29 16:49:13


望远镜腔 telescopic resonator英语短句 例句大全

望远镜腔,telescopic resonator

1)telescopic resonator望远镜腔

2)telescope unstable resonator望远镜型非稳腔

1.The design mothed of virtual common focustelescope unstable resonator in Nd:YAG solid Laser was given in this paper.研究了Nd:YAG固体激光器虚共焦望远镜型非稳腔的设计方法,对固体激光器特有的热透镜效应及工作物质折射率对腔长的影响做了分析,并对该腔型的输出模式、发散角、输出能量密度及脉冲宽度等主要性能参数做了实验研究。

3)Telescope cavity望远镜谐振腔


1.Generation of femtoseond Ti:sapphire laser at 10MHz repetition rate by extending laser cavity with a telescope采用多通腔望远镜谐振腔结构的10MHz重复频率飞秒钛宝石激光器特性研究

2.Research on the output characteristics and design of a thermo-stable telescopic laser resonator望远镜热稳定激光谐振腔的设计与输出特性研究

3.Unstable Bessel Optical Resonator with an Axicon带圆锥透镜的非稳贝塞尔光学谐振腔

4.Four-mirror ring cavity and six-mirror ring cavity has its advantages and shortcomings, respectively.四镜环形谐振腔和六镜环形阶振腔有各自的优点和不足。

5.A complex image theory for electrostatic problem in a rectangular resonant cavity is set up.建立了矩形谐振腔中静电场同题的复镜像理论。

6.Study on Resonator with 90° Conical Reflector for High Power Transverse Flow CO_2 Laser;高功率横流CO_2激光器锥面反射镜谐振腔的研究

7.Corner-cube Mirror and Right-angle-cone Mirror Cavity Lasers;角隅和直角内圆锥面全反镜激光谐振腔

8.Random Vibration Analysis of Tip/Tilt Mirror in a Space Telescope Correlation Tracking System某空间望远镜相关跟踪系统摆镜随机振动分析

9.objective (incl. polarizing) for astronomical instruments, binoculars, refracting telescopes microscopes天文仪器、双筒镜、折射望远镜、显微镜物镜(包括偏振的)

10.sound resonant cavity伴音谐振腔(电视)

11.A model for numerical analysis of cavity-modes and far-fields of circulaf-hole-and ring-coupling laser resonators圆孔和圆环耦合激光谐振腔腔模和远场数值分析模型

12.periscope binoculars潜望镜式双筒望远镜

13.The Vibration Control and Measurement for the Cabin Supporting Structure of Large Radio Telescope;大射电望远镜馈源舱支撑结构的减振与测量

14.Analysis and Optimized Design of Reflectors for Resonant Cavity Enhanced Infrared Photodetectors谐振腔增强型红外光电探测器的反射镜的分析与优化设计

15.long focus lens长焦距(望远)镜头

16.ultra-low-expansion mirror telescope超低膨胀率镜望远镜

17.a binocular telescope microscope ]双筒目]望远镜显微镜]

18.A binocular or field glass.双目镜,双筒望远镜


telescope unstable resonator望远镜型非稳腔

1.The design mothed of virtual common focustelescope unstable resonator in Nd:YAG solid Laser was given in this paper.研究了Nd:YAG固体激光器虚共焦望远镜型非稳腔的设计方法,对固体激光器特有的热透镜效应及工作物质折射率对腔长的影响做了分析,并对该腔型的输出模式、发散角、输出能量密度及脉冲宽度等主要性能参数做了实验研究。

3)Telescope cavity望远镜谐振腔


1.Analytical method on the design oftelescope main rotary frame;望远镜主转动框架设计分析方法

2.A new method of guiding calibration of extreme ultraviolet radiationtelescope on space orbit;一种空间超紫外望远镜在轨指向标定方法

3.Development of a space soft X-ray and EUV normal incidencetelescope;空间软X射线/极紫外波段正入射望远镜研究


1.Such a telescope can be formed with an array of sub-telescopes in each of which an image of the observed area is recorded at the different.提出了一种新型太阳光谱望远镜的建议,这种望远镜能够同时记录太阳日面观测区域的两维空间的色散(三维光谱),即一系列同步狭窄带通的光谱图像。

6)large telescope大望远镜

1.The optical correlation function is used to determine the correlation time of atmospheric turbulence, within the time the effect of atmospheric turbulence is taken into account by using the optical transfer function,finally,the optical quality of alarge telescope system(with aperture of 500mm,focal length of 500m) is calibrated.利用大气湍流的光学相关函数确定湍流光学相关时间,并在此时间内通过成像系统的光学传递函数修正大气湍流效应后定标大望远镜(500mm口径,500m焦距)系统衍射极限倍数。

2.Now there are ten 8- 10mlarge telescopes have been used for science observation.目前 ,已有 1 0架口径 8~ 1 0m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。

3.Now there are ten 8 - 10mlarge telescopes have been used for science observation.目前,已有10架口径8~10m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。


