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山 Mountain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-30 23:11:37


山 Mountain英语短句 例句大全



1.Mountain, Water, Human Beings--The Planning Designing of JiuChongWan Villa Section in WuYiMountain;山·水·人——武夷山九崇湾别墅区规划设计

2.Further,give the mathematical definition of basic lardform shape as the slope,mountain,ridge,depression,groge,saddle,etc.继而给出了如斜坡、山、山脊、凹地、谷地、鞍部等基本地貌形态的数学定义。


1.mountain peaks, paths, streams, etc山峰、山道、山溪

2.Distribution: Ma On Shan, Tai Mo Shan, Mount Parker, Sunset Peak, Lantau Peak, Sai Kung.地理分布:马鞍山、帽山、架山、东山、凰山、贡。

3.West-to-East Mountain Ranges, including the Tianshan-Yinshan-Yanshan Mountain Ridge, the Kunlun-Qinling-Dabie Mountain Ridge and the Nanling Ridge.东西走向:天山-阴山-燕山山系;昆仑山-大别山山系和南岭山系。

4.The Western Hills are also known as Bi"Ji"Shan or the Emerald Chicken Mountain.西山一称“碧鸡山”。

5.A hill near the base of a mountain or mountain range.山麓小丘靠近山基或山脉的小山

6.four Shans: Li I-shan, Wang Pan-shan, Ch"en Hou-shan, and Yüan I-shan;四山:王半山,陈后山,元遗山;

7.a recess or small valley in the side of a mountain."山凹,山谷山边的幽深处或小山谷"

8.Of the hills of Guilin, the most famous are Solitary Beauty Peak, Folded Colours Hill, Elephant Trunk Hill, Seven Star Hill and Camel Hill.桂林的著名山峰有独秀峰、叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、七星山和骆驼山等。

9.the high parks of the Rocky Mountains.洛矶山脉的高山平谷

10.Woodlands Mountain Institute山林地研究所(山林所)

11.Mont Blanc is the monarch of the mountains布兰克山是山中之王

12.The mountain soars to heaven aBove all rivals.此山高耸于群山之上。

13.The climber thinks that the difficult thing is climbing down登山者认为下山难。

14.The climbers came down into the valley登山者下到山谷里去了。

15.A narrow pass between mountains.山与山之间的狭窄通道

16.The climbers zigzagged up the mountain.登山运动员盘旋上山。

17.mountains tipped with snow山顶被雪盖住的群山

18.Himalayan giant喜马拉雅山脉中的大山



1.Our ancestors began to show their interest inmountains and describe them in literary works.先民很早就开始了对山的关注,并在文学作品中予以表现。

2.Among 67 poems collected in The Selected Poems of Maozedong, more than 30 are related tomountains.在《毛泽东诗词集》中所收的67首作品中,以山为题和写山的有30多首。

3.The development of themountains means two tasks and two changes; location of the resources , multi - dimension development; comprehensive harness; hill closing for afforestation ; urbanization and village distribution.发挥山的发展潜力,要树立两种思想,实现两个转变;搞好资源定位,实施立体开发战略;抓好综合治理,做好封山育林;推进城镇化,调整村寨布局。

3)vines of Piper hancei Maxim山


5)Tianshan-Beishan mountain天山-北山

6)Cangshan in Shandong province山东苍山


