900字范文 > 溪涧 Mountain brook英语短句 例句大全

溪涧 Mountain brook英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-11 22:24:29


溪涧 Mountain brook英语短句 例句大全

溪涧,Mountain brook

1)Mountain brook溪涧

1.The Construction Method ofMountain brook in Modern Lingnan Garden;现代岭南园林中溪涧的建造方法


1.I am delighted to have the cool waters of a brook rush thought my open finger.我十分快乐地让小溪涧的凉水穿过我张开的手指流淌过去。

2.Such streams are a serious public health hazard where they pass through villages and new towns.这类污染的溪涧流经乡村及新市镇时,会严重威胁公众健康。

3.Farmers scattered up and down the creeks and rivers, with great distances between families.农民四处散居于溪涧河流上下各处,一家一家之间隔得很远。

4.It would not do for her to drink too much, to reel about in public like the idlers of the Bamboo Brook.她不宜饮酒过多,免得在大庭广众间象浪迹于竹林溪涧的隐士一样有失体统。

5.with flowed clear and cold out of the hills溪水是从山涧流淌过来的,清凉而明澈;

6.The place called Nine Creeks and Eighteen Gullies is well-known for its twisting paths and murmuring streams.九溪十八涧则以“曲曲环环路,丁丁东东泉”著称。

7.A narrow gorge, usually with a stream flowing through it.峡涧通常有一条小溪流过的狭窄的峡谷

8.Ecological Environment Evaluation of Fu River"s Headstream-the Stream in Xue"Muling Mountain抚河源头血木岭山涧溪流水生生态环境评价

9.But the hot days of summer had dried up all the mountain brooks.可是夏季的炎热天气已经把所有的山涧小溪都晒干了。

10.I lean by a tree and rest myself Or wander up and down a stream.依丛适自憩, 缘涧还复去。

11.Gathering firewood down in the valley Or Boiling white stones for potatoes in his hut....涧底束荆薪, 归来煮白石。

12.The flood has scored out a deep channel through the valley.洪水在山谷里冲刷出一条很深的水涧。

13.The raging stream bickered down the valley.湍急的涧水哗啦哗啦地淌下山谷。

14.Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.小山涧奔腾而下, 流向平原。

15.The little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain.小山涧奔流而下,流向平原。

16.The Singing Birds Makes Mountain Stiller;鸟鸣山更幽——王维《鸟鸣涧》英译文赏析

17.The Cultural and Social Functions of "Tiaocai" of the Yi People in Nanjian County;南涧彝族“跳菜”的文化功能及社会作用

18.Nanjian Yi People s Tiao Cai(Dance Dishes) as a non-material cultural heritage;作为非物质文化遗产的南涧彝族“跳菜”


stream habitat溪涧生境

3)Jianxichong Group-complex涧溪冲岩群

4)Nine Brooks and Eighteen Dales九溪十八涧

5)The streams are flush with the spring runoff.溪涧涨满春水。



