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汉英词典 Chinese-English dictionary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-14 20:40:29


汉英词典 Chinese-English dictionary英语短句 例句大全

汉英词典,Chinese-English dictionary

1)Chinese-English dictionary汉英词典

1.Translation of Culture-specific Words in the Chinese-English Dictionary for Foreign Learners;外向型汉英词典中文化局限词的翻译

2.Chinese four-character idioms are a special yet important component of aChinese-English dictionary.汉语四字成语是汉英词典中不可或缺的重要组成部分。


1.Review on "Chinese-English Dictionary", "Chinese-English Dictionary (by Wu Guang-hua)" and "New Age Chinese-English dictionary;试评《汉英词典》、《汉英大词典》与《新时代汉英大词典》

2.Semantic Adaptation of Chinese Loan Words and Their Translation in Chinese-English Dictionaries;外来词的词义汉化和汉英词典的英译

3.He"s bought a Chinese-English dictionary.他买到了一本汉英词典。

4.I"d like to buy a Chinese-English dictionary.我想去买本汉英词典。

5.The Chinese English dictionary is already completed in manuscript.汉英词典已经脱稿。

6.The chinese-English Dictionary of 1978 viewed in retrospect关于《汉英词典》(1978)的思考

7.A Practical Computerized English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary电脑与英语——实用电脑英汉/汉英词典

8.Mine is a chinese english dictionary.我的字典是一本汉英词典。

9.Translation of Culture-specific Words in the Chinese-English Dictionary for Foreign Learners;外向型汉英词典中文化局限词的翻译

10.An English-Chinese Illustrated Science Dictionary英汉对照科技图解词典

11.The New Century Multi-Functional English-Chinese Dictionary and its inspiration on the compilation of E-C learners′ dictionaries《新世纪英汉多功能词典》对英汉词典编纂的启示

12.On Dictionary Translation:Some Translation Problems ofLongman Contemporary English Chinese Dictionary;从《朗文现代英汉双解词典》看词典翻译

13.Optimizing Preposition Entries in ECLDs Based on CLEC英汉学习词典中介词词条的优化处理

14.The Course of Compilation and Study in E-C/C-E Bilingual Lexicography;英汉、汉英双语词典的编纂与研究历程

15.A Review of A Bilingual Chinese-English Dictionary of English Synonyms英语同义词辨析——兼评《汉英双解英语同义词词典》

16.A Review of Chinese-English Dictionary(Second Edition) and A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary from the Perspective of the Dictionary User从词典用户角度评述《汉英大辞典》(第二版)与《新世纪汉英大词典》

17.An Examination of Translations of Chinese Neologisms in Two Dictionaries;《汉英双语现代汉语词典》和《新华新词语词典》部分新词译文商榷

18.Assume unshared responsibility of compiling a Chinese-English dictionary of neologisms and catchphrases独立研编一部汉英新词词典


C-E dictionary汉英词典

1.This paper is a tentative exploration of the relation between the Internet andC-E dictionary compilation.因特网的兴起和普及为汉英词典的编纂提供了快速发展的契机 ,其强大的查询和验证功能不仅可以提高汉英词典编纂的速度 ,更重要的是能大大增加词典所包含的内容 ,从而从根本上增加词典的实用性。

2.Specifically, I argue that the dictionary as text should follow the seven standards of textuality proposed by Beaugrande & Dressier (1981) and attempt to see how this theory can be applied toC-E dictionary translation.本论文从篇章语言学的角度对汉英词典的翻译进行了较为系统的研究,考察了篇章论框架下汉英词典翻译中的相关问题及可能的解决方法,以期对汉英词典的编纂及翻译提供有益的参考。

3.Based on a comparative study of the translation of this word in different Chinese-English dictionaries, it is found that the currentC-E dictionary compilation fails to meet such requirements as scientific entry selection, accurate definition and sufficient examples etc.通过各主流汉英词典对该词的收录情况分析,本文发现当前汉英词典编纂中存在着立目不科学、释义不准确、义项不明晰、译例不丰富、目的不明确等问题,而建立双语平行语料库是解决这些问题比较有效的途径。

3)Chinese-English dictionaries汉英词典

1.The author endeavors to analyze and sum up the methods applied in the process of translating Chi-nese idioms into English inChinese-English dictionaries and offer some suggestions on the improvement of Chinese-English dictionary compilation in a new era according to study on a few relatively.汉语成语在汉英词典中翻译是否准确、处理是否得当是衡量和评判一部汉英词典质量优劣的重要标准之一。

2.Whether they are properly translated directly affects not only the quality ofChinese-English dictionaries, but also dictionary readers understanding and reception of Chinese culture-bound words, which can therefore hinder the smooth conducting of cross-cultural communication.汉语文化局限词是汉英词典中不可或缺的重要组成部分。

4)Chinese English dictionary汉英词典

1.Chinese English dictionary is of great importance to such fields as cross language information retrieval, machine aided translation et al.汉英词典对于跨语言信息检索、计算机翻译等许多领域具有重要意义。

5)English-Chinese dictionaries英汉词典

1.Author discusses the four principles of revision of legal terms inEnglish-Chinese dictionaries published in China:the principle of giving up″circulating erroneous reports″,the principle of avoiding the restriction of original explanations of English dictionaries,the principle of evading low-frequency/nothing-frequency revision,the principle of advocating independent research in dictionary-making.文中论述了我国英汉词典法学术语译名修正的四个原则,即舍以讹传讹原则,弃原文束缚原则,避低频/零频修订原则,倡独立研编原则,并在文章末尾处提出了一个耐人寻味的构想。

2.As an important tool of English teaching and learning,English-Chinese dictionaries should offer enough information to English learners or dictionary users in order to meet their needs for lexical collocation information.英汉词典作为英语教学和学习的重要工具,应针对英语学习者或词典使用者在英语词汇搭配上的需求提供必要的词汇搭配信息。

3.Example sentences ofEnglish-Chinese dictionaries perform both dominant functions and recessive functions.从例句功能的角度探讨英汉词典例句的翻译规范,认为英汉词典例句具有显性功能和隐性功能,显性功能要求例句的翻译以例句中的词目词的翻译为核心,隐性功能决定了例句的翻译应以句子为基本单位。

6)Chinese-English Dictionary汉英大词典

1.Marking of Word Class in A New CenturyChinese-English Dictionary;论《新世纪汉英大词典》的词类标注


