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七下英语课课练答案人教版|七下英语课课练答案 七下英语课课练答案05网

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七下英语课课练答案人教版|七下英语课课练答案 七下英语课课练答案05网

英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族-西日耳曼语支下的语言,是最多国家使用的官方语言(作为母语),也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语母语使用者人数。下面是小学作文网小编整理的七下英语课课练答案 七下英语课课练答案05网,供大家参考!七下英语课课练答案 七下英语课课练答案05网

一、听力理解 (略)

二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)


( )31. Dan is ___________ tall boy and he has ________ brown eyes.

A. a; the B. /; the C. a; / D. the; /

( )32. — Do you know the way ________ the Sunshine Hotel?

— Sorry. You can ask the girl _______ glasses about it.

A. to; in B. of; with

C. of; in D. to; with

( )33. Hu Ge is a great __________. My sister likes his TV shows very much.

A. actress B. singer C. actor D. artist

( )34. Each of them _____ some fruit for free.

A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get

( )35. — How about going to the __________ tonight?

— Why not? I love movies!

A. cinema B. hospital

C. restaurant D. bank

( )36. — I don’t like this jacket. Could you please show me __________?

— OK. Here you are.

A. other B. another

C. the other D. the another

( )37. Sarah is a beautiful girl and she has __________ hair.

A. black long curly B. curly long black

C. long curly black D. long black curly

( )38. — What does Lily _________?

— She is of medium build and she __________ young.

A. look; looks B. look like; looks

C. look; looks like

D. look like; looks like

( )39. — Can you _______ the criminal to us?

— Yes. Let me think first.

A. put B. describe

C. wear D. speak

( )40. — Is Becky a __________ girl?

— No. She is a little fat.

A. tall B. short C. heavy D. thin

( )41. — Is your friend Tony tall or short?

— ______. But his brother is short.

A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t

C. He is short D. He is tall

( )42. I can’t speak Russian very well. It’s _________ difficult for me.

A. a kind of B. a little

C. a little of D. kinds of

( )43. — When do you come back, Lucy?

— I ____ be back at nine. I’m not sure.

A. must B. need C. may D. have to

( )44. —Oh! Miranda has a new __________.

— I see. She cuts her hair short.

A. job B. look C. work D. dream

( )45. — What does your father look like?

— __________.

A. He’s thirty-five B. He is a teacher

C. He’s heavy

D. He’s reading on the sofa

三、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)


The Kings are my neighbors. They live in a big 46 .

Mrs. King is a beautiful woman. She has blue eyes and brown 47 . She is a healthy and smart 35-year-old 48 . She loves flower gardening (种花). Every morning she picks (摘) a flower and 49 it in her hair. Every morning, when I walk past her garden, she will get me a flower. Mr. King is a very nice man. He is 50 medium height and he is a little thin. His hair is short and black. I think he is nice 51 he always helps the neighbors. Mr. King is often busy with his work. He is a(n) 52 and he acts in TV shows and movies. In his 53 time, he likes playing tennis. It’s relaxing for him to play 54 . Mr. and Mrs. King have a daughter called Tina. She is about five years old. She has brown hair and blue eyes, too. Look! She is wearing a pink dress. Her mother makes it for her. The little girl likes going to the kindergarten (幼儿园). She always dances and sings on her 55 to the kindergarten. What a happy family!

( )46. A. home B. house C. store D. office

( )47. A. glasses B. nose C. hair D. face

( )48. A. sister B. aunt C. mother D. grandmother

( )49. A. finds B. enjoys C. visits D. wears

( )50. A. of B. from C. with D. for

( )51. A. or B. because C. but D. so

( )52. A. actor B. singer C. artist D. actress

( )53. A. busy B. free C. happy D. noisy

( )54. A. soccer B. basketball C. volleyball D. tennis

( )55. A. way B. end C. town D. street

四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分)



Paul is a 12-year-old student boy from Australia. He has short blonde hair, blue eyes and a bog nose. He comes to China to study with his parents. He likes to be friends with others. He can speak Chinese well. And everyone in his class likes him, so he is always the center of attention (关注). His best friend is Lucy. Lucy is from Canada. She says Paul is handsome and nice. Jessica is a beautiful girl. She is thirteen years old and she is from the USA. She is tall with big blue eyes. For her, basketball is really interesting for her. She dreams of being a basketball player of national team (国家队). But her parents want her to be an actress because she has good looks.

Scott is a Chinese boy. He is 13 years old. He has short black hair and black eyes. He is short. He lives with his grandparents in a village because his parents are working in Beijing. He can only see his parents once (一次) a year. He doesn’t like that. He miss his parents very much. To see his parents often, he spends much time studying and he wants to walk out of his village. He is a great boy!

( )56. Where does Paul’s best friend come from?

A. Australia. B. America.

C. Canada. D. China.

( )57. Paul and Scott have __________.

A. brown hair B. blue eyes

C. short hair D. big eyes

( )58. What is Jessica interested in?

A. Acting.

B. Playing basketball.

C. Dancing. D. Making friends.

( )59. We can see that ______ and ______ are of the same age.

A. Paul; Jessica

B. Jessica; Scott

C. Paul; Scott

D. Paul, Jessica; Scott

( )60. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Lucy thinks Paul is handsome.

B. These three students are from different countries.

C. Scott wants to see his parents.

D. Jessica’s parents want her to be a basketball player.


Vanilla is my best friend. She is of medium height. She is a cute girl with beautiful big eyes. But she always hides them behind a pair of black glasses. Why? Because she can’t see and she is afraid that others make fun of (取笑) her.

Amy is our English teacher. She is from America. She is tall with long hair. The students in our class all like her, because she knows each of us very well and she cares about (关心) us. After knowing how Vanilla feels about her eyes, she wants her to learn something.

On Sunday, Amy asks Vanilla to go shopping with her. So they go to a busy street. On the street corner (角落), they stop.

“Where are we, Miss Brown?” asks Vanilla.

“We are on a street corner. And there are many people here. I will describe them to you,” says Amy.

“Why?” Vanilla feels curious (好奇的).

“You will know. Here comes a boy. He looks happy with his parents, but he has to speak to them with gestures (手势). Also, there is a woman sitting there. She is playing the violin, but she can’t see.”

“I get it, Miss Brown,” Vanilla says happily.

( )61. What is Amy’s last name?

A. Smith. B. Brown.

C. Jackson. D. Dean.

( )62. What does Vanilla look like?

A. She is short with big eyes.

B. She is tall with long hair.

C. She is of medium height with black glasses.

D. She is of medium height with small eyes.

( )63. What does the underlined word “hides” mean?

A. 隐藏 B. 支撑

C. 联系 D. 潜伏

( )64. We can learn that _________.

A. the woman is playing the guitar to make money

B. the boy uses gestures because he can’t speak English

C. Vanilla doesn’t want others to see her eyes

D. Amy takes Vanilla to go shopping on Saturday

( )65. What does Vanilla’s teacher want to tell her?

A. She needs to live a happy life.

B. Everyone has a health problem.

C. The boy and the woman are not happy.

D. People with defects (缺陷) can still live happily.



66. Five years l________, his dream comes true.

67. The h__________ of the mountain is around 3,897 meters.

68. Carol has a round f___________ and a small mouth.

69. Tina likes singing very much and she wants to be a s_____________.

70. At the e___________ of the story, they live a happy life.

71. The man with long hair is a great ________ (艺术家).

72. I ___________ (放) all her books in the bookcase.

73. I can’t see what it is there. I need a pair of __________ (眼镜).

74. I __________ (真地) like this movie. It’s so interesting!

75. You can finish this work in this ________ (方式).

六、选词填空 (每小题1分,共5分)


describe, different, glass, kind, may

The day is like any other day in his life. Scott is walking on the street. He wants to buy a microphone (话筒) for his friend Tommy. Tommy likes singing and he dreams of being a singer. He thinks he will live 76.________ when he is a singer.

Time goes quickly. It’s 2 p.m. now. He is just walking along the street. Suddenly (突然), a tall man with black 77.________ shows in front of him. The man just says hi to Scoot and then goes away. Scott feels curious (好奇的) about why the man talks to him. Then he goes into a store. There are all 78.________ of microphones in it. He chooses (选择) one and wants to buy it. But then, he can’t find his money. He realized (意识到) that the handsome man who just says hi to him 79.________ steal (偷) his money. He goes to the police station and 80.________ what the man looks like to the police.

Two days later, the police find his lost money. Scott feels happy about it.

七、翻译句子 (每小题2分,共10分)


81. 乔想画一幅那个罪犯的画像。

Joe wants _______ _______ a picture of that _________.

82. 我能把我的足球放在床下面吗?

May I ________ my soccer ball ________ the bed?

83. 我的姐姐中等身高,留着长卷发。

My sister is ________ ________ ________ _______ long curly hair.

84. 你能给我描述一下这个村庄吗?

Can you _______ this village ________ _______?

85. 我们每个人都有一本故事书。

We ________ ________ a storybook.

八、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分)


It’s nine o’clock in the evening. Mrs. Johnson is just waiting (等待) at the train station. She has to wait for a long time and she feels boring. So she buys a book and a bag of cookies (饼干) in a shop. Then she finds a place to read. Later she sees that the man next to her put a cookie or two into his mouth. She is not happy with that man, because the man looks handsome and he is well-dressed. And she thinks he can buy a bag of cookies himself and shouldn’t eat hers.

As time goes by, the cookies are less and less (越来越少). About two hours later, Mrs. Johnson gets on the train. After sitting down, she starts to look for her book. At that time, she finds that a bag of cookies is just in her bag in front of her eyes. Then she knows that, the cookies she eats is the man’s. It’s too late to say sorry.

86. What does Mrs. Johnson do to kill time at the train station?


87. When does Mrs. Johnson get on the train?


88. Why isn’t Mrs. Johnson happy with that man?


89. Where is Mrs. Johnson’s cookies?


90. How does Mrs. Johnson feel after she knows the truth?


九、书面表达 (共10分)



1. 语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确;

2. 包含所给提示,并可适当发挥;

3. 不少于60词。

We have a new classmate in our class.


Unit 9参考答案

二、31-35 CDCBA 36-40 BCBBD 41-45 DBCBC

三、46-50 BCCDA 51-55 BABDA

四、56-60 CCBBD 61-65 BCACD

五、66. later 67. height 68. face 69. singer 70. end

71. artist 72. put 73. glasses 74. really 75. way

六、76. wants 77. glasses 78. kinds 79. may 80. describes

七、81. to draw; criminal 82. put; under 83. of medium height with

84. describe; to me 85. each have

八、86. She reads a book.

87. At about 11:00 p.m.

88. Because the well-dressed man eats her cookies.

89. In her bag.

90. Sorry.


We have a new classmate in our class. Her name is Julie Miller and she is fourteen years old. She comes from America. What does she look like? Well, she is a beautiful girl. She is of medium height. She has long blonde hair, a round face and big eyes. Julie is friendly. She can also sing and swim very well. We all like making friends with her.

高中政治漫画类选择题专题练习人教地理同步练习七下七下科学作业本答案七下地理知识点口决七下历史知识点平面直角坐标系下的方程为ax类比空间直角坐标系下的平面方程平面直角坐标系下的每条直线一定有倾斜角和方向向量四川乐山名著阅读与文学常识七下北师大数学卷七下语文名著导读七下历史教学反思世纪金榜数学答案七下全优课堂语文答案七下数学七下月考反思北师大版七年级下册数学期末试卷北师版七年级下册数学期末试卷因此,本题正确答案是:新人教版七年级下册数学第十章数据的收集、整理与描述的知识点等渡者之言全文翻译生物七下心脏龙泉中学的月考题溧阳市下学期高一数学期中试卷人教版七下历史学法大视野答案全品学练考七下数学答案全品学练考答案七下数学全品作业本七下数学答案 全品作业本七下英答案准安专用名师新课堂七下英语答案名校课堂七下数学答案新课时作业七下数学答案英语时代新课程答案七下能力培养与测试七下英语答案 能力培养与测试七年级下册英语答案语文能力培养答案七下英语七下课课练答案英语全品七下答案英语教与学七下答案英语活页检测答案 英语活页检测答案七下英语综合素质七下答案 英语能力培养与测试答案七下5年中考三年模拟七下数学期中测试(一)答案D版数学能力培养七下答案七下仁爱英语练习册七下创优答案英语七下历史与社会作业本答案七下历史北大师版绩优学案七下学习指导与评价数学答案七下数学全品作业本答案七下数学全效学习答案七下数学全能大考卷七下数学基础小练习的答案七下数学新观察答案七下数学绩优学案答案七下数学课时作业本答案江苏版 七下数学课时练答案

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