900字范文 > 【英语七下课课练答案人教版】英语七下课课练答案


时间:2023-01-12 04:27:00




第一卷 选择部分(共50分)


一、单项选择 ( 共30小题,计30分)

1. Bob can play ______ tennis but can’t play _______ violin.

A.the, the B.×, × C.the, × D.× , the

2..---Is it interesting job? ---No, it is boring work .

A .a ; an B . an ; a C . an ; / D . / ; a

3.Miss Read is good ____ music.She is good _____ children in the music club.

A.at, at B.with, with C.at, with D.with, at

4.Little Tom can draw ______.His drawings are very ______.

A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well

5. --Tom likes soccer.What club can he join? -He can join the _______ club.

A.sport B.music C.sports D.swimming

6. My pet dog, Dingding, can walk_____ two legs and he can dance, too.

A. for B.to C. on D.at

7. — How do you ________there?— I take the train.

A. arrive at B. arrive to C. arrive D. arrive in

8. --______ does it take you from the hotel to the hospital? --Half an hour.

A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much

9. I can a little English,but I can’t stories in English.

A. say, talk B. say, write C. speak, tell D. speak, say

10. Kate, girl, wants to be a teacher.

A. a 11-year-old B. an 11-years-old C.an 11-year-old D. a 11years old

11. Don’t ___________ music in the classroom______ in the hallways.

A.listen , or B. listen to , or C. listen ,and D. listen to, and

12. . For some students, it’s difficult ______ school.

A. to get to B. get to C. to get D. get

13. —Let’s go out to play.—Sorry, I must the piano now.

A. make B. practice C. listen D. exercise

14. Nancy can’t come here, because she her homework.

A. has to do B. can’t do C. doesn’t have to D. can do

15.He does his homework before going to bed school nights.

A. for B. in C. at D. on

16. —Tom is your good friend. Can he play chess? —__________. He doesn’t like it.

A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Yes, he can C. No, he can’t D. Yes, he does.

17. Linda often helps me ______ English.

A. study B. with study C. studying D. studies

18. I have__ rules in my home. We have__ homework to do today.

A. too many, too much B. too much, too many

C. too many, much too D. much too, many too

19. --- I feel bored, I can’t go out on school nights. --- I can’t go out, .

A. also B. too C. either D. or

20. .There is a long river ___________ the village ____________ our school.

A. from; to B. in; with C. between; or D. between; and

21. What kind of animals have long legs and necks?

A. Pandas B. Tigers C. Giraffes D. Elephants

22.--_____ the students _____ football? –Yes, they do.

A. Do, play B. Do, playing C. Are, play D. Are, playing

23. —Does she have to wear the school uniform today?

—______. It’s Sunday today. She just has to wear it on school days.

A. No, she doesn’t B. Yes, she does C. Yes, she has D. No, she hasn’t

24.---_______,Jenny ? ---I’m playing games.

A. Can I help you B. How are you C. What are you doing D. where are you?

25. Do you usually go to school________bike or _______ foot?

A.by;by B.on;by C.by;on D.on;in

26.Hey, Jim! _____ leave your soccer ball in the sports club

A. Not B. Don't C. No D. Doesn't

27.. I like pandas because they are ______ friendly.

A. kind B. a kind of C. kinds of D. kind of

28. Victor sings well. He can _____ in our school music festival.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

29. School makes rules ______ students.

A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps

30. If you want to join the art club, you can Mr. Zhou after class.

A talk about B tell to C tell with D talk to

二、阅读理解(共20小题,计20分) 阅读短文,完成31-50小题


School is over.Many students are on the playground. Some girls are playing games. Some boys are having a soccer game. The game is between Class Three and class Four. Dongdong is a student of Class Three. Look!Dongdong is kicking(踢)the ball. Mingming is running after him. Now Mingming has the ball and he is kicking it. The other boys are running after him,Some students are watching the game and their teachers are there,too.They are all very happy.


31.The girls are reading in the library after school.

32.Some boys are playing soccer on the playground.

33.Class Three and Class Four are having a basketball game.

34.Dongdong and Mingming are both in Class Four.

35.Some students and some teachers are watching the soccer game


“Come on, Dad! It’s 7:20 a.m. now,” says Harry.

“I need to wash (洗) the car now,” Mr. Smith says. “You walk to school this morning, OK?”

“But the school is a little far,” says Jane.

“Walking is good. Now get your schoolbags and go!”

Then Jane and Harry walk to school. It takes 30 minutes. When they get to school, they are very tired.

In the evening, Jane and Harry have a big meal (饭) with their grandfather. They tell him they are not happy to walk to school. Grandpa says, “That’s good for your health. Kids (小孩) need to walk or run every day.”

“Oh, I’ll start walking every day,” Harry says. “I’d like to be healthy.”

“I will join you, Harry,” says Jane.

根据材料内 容选择最佳答案。

36. Who usually takes Jane and Harry to school?

A. Their father. B. Their mother. C. Their sister. D.No one

37. How do Jane and Harry get to school this morning?

A. They ride a bike. B. They take the subway. C. They walk. D. They take the car

38. How long does it take to walk to school?

A. 10 minutes. B.20 minutes C. 30 minutes D. at 7:20

39. The underlined word “tired” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 兴奋的 B. 疲惫的 C. 伤心的 D. 无聊的

40. Jane and Harry ______ with their grandfather in the evening.

A. have dinner B. take a walk C. watch TV D. take a walk


“Timmy, it's time to go to school,” says Mom.

“I don't want to go to school today. I want to go to the zoo,” says Timmy. He throws(扔) his school things everywhere.

“Timmy, stop(停止) all that noise. You have to go to school.”

“Mom, I want to go to the zoo. I want to see the beautiful lions. I want to see the cute elephants. I want to see the big tigers.”

“I'm sorry, Timmy, but you have to go to school now. Get your school things and get in the car.”

Timmy doesn't listen to his mother. Mom pulls(拉) him to the car.“You're going to school.”

Timmy is noisy on the way to school.“Timmy, stop making all the noise,” says Mom. When they get to school, Mom pulls Timmy to the teacher. Mom walks out to the car and drives to the park(公园).It is quiet and she wants to stay there all day. She comes to a big tree and sees a little bird.“Hello, little bird! Are you quiet for your mommy? Don't make too much noise.”

When the mommy bird brings some food home, the little bird makes all kinds of noise. Mom says, “I think little ones are all the same.”

41. Where does Timmy want to go?

A. To school. B. To the park. C. To the zoo. D. To the village.

42. Why does Timmy like the elephants? Because they're_____.

A. beautiful B. cute C. big D. scary

43. How does Timmy go to school?

A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By boat. D. By car.

44 Mom always asks Timmy to be_____.

A. noisy B. quiet C. busy D. friendly

45. What does the mommy bird bring home?

A. Some food. B. Some water. C. A dish. D.A little bird.


根据短文内容, 选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。有两项是多余的。

46 four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Their morning classes begin at eight o'clock and finish at a quarter to twelve. 47 They seldom(很少) eat out or eat at home.

After lunch they don't have a rest. 48 and school i s over at twenty to three. After school they don't go back ho me at once(立刻).They usually do some sports at school. Most of the students like playing basketball. Some of them like playing the piano. Some like reading in the library. 49 For example, they can't speak or eat in the library. They also have to keep the books clean when they are reading.

Look! 50 Oh, they are some students of Class Four. They are cleaning their classroom now. After that, they can play with other students.

A. Their afternoon classes begin at one o'clock.

B. Who are they?

C. The American students usually have six classes a day ,

D. There are many rules in the library.

AB. And they have lunch at school.

AC. Where are they?

AD. It’s Monday today.



第二卷 笔试部分(共50分)


Linda usually gets up in the morning .She has breakfast at six thirty .And she goes to school at around seven o’clock .Usually she gets to school at seven fifty .Ten minutes later (以后)school starts (开始).She has four classes in the morning .At twelve fift een ,she eats lunch at school .In the afternoon ,she isn’t busy .After school she does her homework and plays with other students .In the evening, her parents come back from work .Her mother makes dinner and then they have dinner together .After dinner Linda and her mother often read books for half an hour .Sometimes they watch TV .Linda goes to bed at nine thirty .But her father often works late(晚)at night .


51.Is Linda busy in the afternoon ?

52. What time does Linda go to school ?

53. How long do Linda and her mother read books ?

54.Who makes dinner ?

55. How many classes does Linda have in the morning ?



56. Little Tommy____________(brush)his teeth every morning.

57. Tom isn't good at _______________(speak) Chinese.

58.There are five _________________________ (library) in our city.

59. Ms.Smith's daughter is ___________(friend) to us..

60. They want two___________(music) for our school show.

61. —Don’t be ________ (noise), Tom. Your sister is doing her homework. —I’m sorry, Dad.

62. Do you need help at the old___________(people) home?


Hello, everyone! Do you know Bridge Street ? Let me ___63__(tell) you about the street. Bridge Street is a good place have fun. There are all kinds of shops on it. If you want ___64__(buy) books, you can __65___(go) to the Knowledge Bookstore. You can find any book you like there. There __66___(be) a big supermarket near the bookstore. The things in this supermarket _67____(look) good and cheap. If you like _68__(see) a movie, you can go to the movie house on Bridge Street. It is between the Bookstore and the supermarket. Behind the supermarket is a park. Please __69___(come) and enjoy the quiet and beautiful park if you are tired. You can go for a walk,__70___(read) books and play the guitar there.

63 __ 64 ___ 65 ___ 66 ___

67 ___ 68 ___ 69 ___ 70 ___



A. well B. play C. ivory D. with AB. good luck AC. in great danger AD. symbols BC. save BD. forgets CD. made

The elephant is one of Th ailand's 71 .The first flag in the country had a white elephant on it. This is a symbol of 72 .Elephants are smart animals. They can 73 soccer or music. They can also draw very 74 .People say that “an elephant never 75 .”Elephants never get lost and they can remember places 76 water and food. This helps them to live. But elephants are 77 . People cut down many trees and kill elephants for their 78 .Today there are only about 3,000 elephants. We must 79 the trees and not buy things 80 of ivory. Remember that March 13th is the Thai Elephant Day.


假如你是Tom,请给你的朋友Mike写一封信, 介绍你的一些具体情况。开头已给出。







Dear Mike,

Hello, Mike, I’m your new pen pal.______________________________________________


Good luck!





1-10 D C C B C C C A C C

11-20 B A B A D C A A C D

21-30 C A A C C B D C C D

二、阅读理解。(共20 小题,计20分)

31-40 B A B B A A C C B A

41-50 C B D B A C AB A D B


51. No,she isn’t.

52. At around seven o’clock.

53. For half an hour.

54. Her mother.

55. Four.


56.brushes 57.speaking 58.libraries 59.friendly 60.musicians 61.noisy 62.people’s


63.tell 64. to buy 65. go 66.is 67.look

68.seeing / to see e 70.read

六、选词填空 (每题1分共10分)

71.AD 72. AB 73.B 74.A 75.BD 76.D 77.AC

78.C 79.BC 80.CD


高中政治漫画类选择题专题练习人教地理同步练习七下七下科学作业本答案七下地理知识点口决七下历史知识点平面直角坐标系下的方程为ax类比空间直角坐标系下的平面方程平面直角坐标系下的每条直线一定有倾斜角和方向向量四川乐山名著阅读与文学常识七下北师大数学卷七下语文名著导读七下历史教学反思世纪金榜数学答案七下全优课堂语文答案七下数学七下月考反思北师大版七年级下册数学期末试卷北师版七年级下册数学期末试卷因此,本题正确答案是:新人教版七年级下册数学第十章数据的收集、整理与描述的知识点等渡者之言全文翻译生物七下心脏龙泉中学的月考题溧阳市下学期高一数学期中试卷人教版七下历史学法大视野答案全品学练考七下数学答案全品学练考答案七下数学全品作业本七下数学答案 全品作业本七下英答案准安专用名师新课堂七下英语答案名校课堂七下数学答案新课时作业七下数学答案英语时代新课程答案七下能力培养与测试七下英语答案 能力培养与测试七年级下册英语答案语文能力培养答案七下英语全品七下答案英语教与学七下答案英语活页检测答案 英语活页检测答案七下英语综合素质七下答案 英语能力培养与测试答案七下七年级英语帮扶过程小学英语教师家长会发言稿没有规矩,不成方圆。my mother最难忘的一段经历韩语短文对话我的寒假我明白了九年级英语学科小结初中教师个人述职美丽的秋天短文my weekend pian酒店前厅部表扬词工商银行守库监控中心社会化管理的利与弊小学数学学期教学反思

