900字范文 > 部位修正 position modification英语短句 例句大全

部位修正 position modification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-12 08:24:47


部位修正 position modification英语短句 例句大全

部位修正,position modification

1)position modification部位修正

1.Several steps are included in the overall conversion,such as the offset modification between the phase center and the geometric center of antennas,the fixingposition modification from the GPS receiver to the SAR antenna and the reference frames conversion of the baseline vectors.给出了从GPS测量基线到InSAR测高基线的关联建模,包括天线相位中心与几何中心的偏差修正、GPS接收机到SAR天线的安装部位修正以及基线矢量的坐标系转换等环节。

2)social price外部修正


1.Currently the path delay model consists in parameter estimation.目前的路径延迟模型是参数估计及外部修正法。

2.The Exterior Ballistic Study of Trajectory Correction Shell with Controlled Angle of Attack at the Shell Head控制弹箭头部攻角的弹道修正弹外弹道研究

3.outside repairs, measurements, appearance外部的修理、 外部的量度、 外观

4.Aliens and Immigration Laws Amendment Act外侨和移民法律修正法

5.The location of this external schema cannot be modified because the Types in this external schema are currently being used.无法修改此外部架构的位置,因为当前正在使用此外部架构中的类型。

6.Besides the required courses, I"m taking an elective in computer.除了必修课外,我正在选修电脑课。

7.Spawning External Viewer正在调用外部查看器

8.The film is being shot on location.那部电影正在拍摄外景。

9.A Case Study of Repair Initiations by the NS Teacher and the NNS Teacher in EFL Classroom;外语课堂中教师修正启动的比较研究

10.vehicle allocation and update system车辆部署和适时修正系统

11.Fixed a number of interiors that had far too many light sources.修正了一些建筑内部过多的光源。

12.Correcting this dictionary is a terrible bore.修正这部字典是件令人极端厌烦的事。

13.The dictionary is reprinting with minor corrections.这部词典稍作修改後正在重印.

14.The Modified Local Crank-Nicolson Method for Burgers Equation解Burgers方程的修正局部Crank-Nicolson方法

15.Local Q-superlinear Convergence of a Modified BFGS Algorithm一类修正BFGS算法的局部超线性收敛性

16.Found a Bug in NetBsd Operating System Network Source and Fix ItNetBsd操作系统网络部分ICMP缺陷的修正

17.The amendments require another round of SIP amendments to achieve compliance.修正案要求另外一轮对《州实施计划》的修正以达到遵守标准的目的。

18.Calibration Test of Space Suit in Infrared Cage and correction analysis舱外航天服红外笼标定试验及其修正计算


social price外部修正

3)local revision局部修正

4)Phase correction相位修正

1.The macro command can complete the modeling, the phase correction and the amplitude weighting of all array elements within the requirements.宏命令可以按照要求一次完成所有阵元的建模、相位修正和幅度加权。

5)Refining phase位相修正


1.An improved approach ofshift-corrected joint peristimulus time histogram;移位修正JPSTH算法的归一化修正


部位1.面目或人体某部分的位置。 2.事物整体中部分的位置。 3.行列,次序。
