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课程修正 curriculum modification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-28 05:33:37


课程修正 curriculum modification英语短句 例句大全

课程修正,curriculum modification

1)curriculum modification课程修正

1.We need to make in-depth discussion and analysis about ISD for special education from four aspects,includingcurriculum modification,differentiated instruction,assistant technology(AT) and universal design(UD).特殊教育的教学系统设计与普通教育的教学系统设计相比存在更多的复杂性和可变性,目前趋势正在从隔离走向融合,所包含的内容也在发生改变,因此需要从课程修正、差异教学、辅助技术和通用性设计四个方面来对特殊教育的教学系统设计进行深入的探讨和分析。

2)elective course选修课程

1.Since the 1950s in our country,the attention given toelective courses by curriculum project or teaching plan has been divided into four stages: firstly put forward in the 1960s,and renewed and tried in the 1980s,and then tested and explored in the 1990s,and finally topped and innovated in the new century.我国自上个世纪50年代以来,课程方案或教学计划对选修课程的关注可以分为四个阶段:60年代初次提出,80年代恢复尝试,90年代实验探索,新世纪突破创新。

2.In connection with the characteristics of chemistry course, the teaching object of higher normal school and the world chemical education reform,this article explores the necessity of offering anelective course of Chemistry and Society in higher normal school, and discusses on the teaching content and quomodo, as well as some issues concerned.文章从化学学科的特点、高师培养的目标、国内外化学教育改革等方面探讨了高师化学专业开设化学与社会选修课程的必要性 ;讨论了化学与社会选修课的教学内容、教学形式及教学时应注意的问


1.An optional academic course or subject.选修的科目选修课程或课题

2.Research on the Development and Practice of Teaching Case in High School Geography Optional Course;新课程高中地理选修课程教学案例开发与实践

3.Fulfilling the Curriculum Requirements to Consummate the Selective Curriculum;落实《课程要求》精神,完善大学英语选修课程

4.A survey of the optional courses of our university and suggestions for innovation;大学公共选修课程的调查与改革建议

5.Inquired into the Public Elective Curriculum System of Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities;高职高专院校公共选修课程体系探究

6.The Elective Courses of Chinese in Senior High Schools: Innovation, Dilemma and Reflection;高中语文选修课程:变革、困惑与反思

7.The teaching reform of the course of electrical and engineering outline;电工电子概论选修课程教学改革初探

8.A Research on the General Reform of Selective Courses in Physical Education Major;体育教育专业选修课程整体改革研究

9.Is English an optional lesson, or does everyone have to learn it?英语是选修课还是每个人必修的课程?

10.Elective courses are the ones that you get to choose for yourself.选修课则是你替你自己所选的课程。

11.School-based physical education curriculum mode of "required courses"+ "optional courses";“必修+选修”的体育校本课程模式

12.A Comparative Study on the Settings of Electives Between Chinese University and American University;中美高校选修课课程设置的比较研究

13.Students take other courses, too. These are electives.学生还可学习其它课程。这些课程是选修课。

14.The BBA program involves a combination of required and optional courses that allow you to tailor the program to suit your interest.BBA包括必修课和选修课,你可以选择适合你兴趣的一些课程。

15.Language courses are wrongly thought to be soft options.人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松“

16.Language courses are wrongly thought to is soft options.人们误以为选修语言课程较轻松.

17.We had to restrict the number of students on this course.我们必须限制这门课程的选修人数。

18.Students either with a primary or peripheral interest in transportation are equally welcome.欢迎对运输有兴趣的学生选修本课程。


elective course选修课程

1.Since the 1950s in our country,the attention given toelective courses by curriculum project or teaching plan has been divided into four stages: firstly put forward in the 1960s,and renewed and tried in the 1980s,and then tested and explored in the 1990s,and finally topped and innovated in the new century.我国自上个世纪50年代以来,课程方案或教学计划对选修课程的关注可以分为四个阶段:60年代初次提出,80年代恢复尝试,90年代实验探索,新世纪突破创新。

2.In connection with the characteristics of chemistry course, the teaching object of higher normal school and the world chemical education reform,this article explores the necessity of offering anelective course of Chemistry and Society in higher normal school, and discusses on the teaching content and quomodo, as well as some issues concerned.文章从化学学科的特点、高师培养的目标、国内外化学教育改革等方面探讨了高师化学专业开设化学与社会选修课程的必要性 ;讨论了化学与社会选修课的教学内容、教学形式及教学时应注意的问

3)elective courses选修课程

1.How are the new achievements of science and technology development promptly reflected into medical teaching ? How to reasonably set up moreelective courses and improve the teaching quality ofelective courses? This is one of questions which must be considered in the university educational reform.如何把科学技术发展的新成就、新成果及时地反映到医学教学中来?如何合理地开设更多的选修课程,并不断提高选修课的教学质量?这是高等医学院校教学改革中必须要考虑的问题之一。

2.To set up a proper number ofelective courses, which is sufficient and efficient to a certain number of students, is very important to colleges and universities carrying out credit system in curriculum programming.本文为探讨实行学分制高校所关心的“关于选修课程的开设量问题”,在充分考虑情感因素的重要作用基点上 ,建立了一个方便操作、符合实际的情感性概率模型 。

3.The design of artselective courses in colleges should keep to the following principles: humanism,systemization,common understanding,experience,developing the national spirit,advancing with times and stability.艺术类选修课程是大学生文化素质教育的重要途径。

4)course restudy课程重修

5)specialized curriculum专修课程

1.With the method of investigation、document and statistic,the paper explores the curriculum conceptions tospecialized curriculum of P.采用调查法、文献资料法、统计法等研究方法,以高校体育教育专业专修课程为研究对象,探讨在新课程方案实施背景下,专修课程内容构建取向问题,旨在为新课程方案实施过程中体育教育专业专修课程内容构建提供宏观理念上和价值哲学上的支撑。

2.The orientations of curriculum construction can determine the quality of physical education, and thespecialized curriculum is improvement and sublimate.在该《课程方案》中,作为体育教育专业普修课程提高与升华部分的专修课程,其构建取向问题是普通高校体育教育专业课程体系建设中一个值得关注的研究课题。

6)curriculum revision课程修订

1.Life imitation: exploration of the logical starting point of physical educationcurriculum revision;生命化:体育课程修订的逻辑起点探究




我要选修你的爱情课作者:天遥原价:19.80元总页数:256页 | 出版日期:-5-1 | 出版社:文汇出版社 | 装帧:平装(无盘) | 大小:210×149×12毫米 | isbn:7806766189 | 书友会书号:79808 | 语言:中文 | 重量:325克内容节选:1 哇!天上掉下个帅哥哥我不紧不慢地跟在父亲身后走进屋子。一阵饭菜香,母亲和小姑已经坐在饭桌边等我们回来开饭。“佳宁,快过来吃饭。”我的母亲,徐涵安,38岁的女人虽然算是保养得宜,但正如父亲的生意圈里所流传的那样,少了点身为陆家当家主母该有的贵妇气质。我点点头,坐到饭桌旁。“佳宁啊,你怎么还穿得这样灰头土脸的?”陆天爱,我的小姑,我父亲的妹妹,我爷爷最宠爱的小女儿,32岁了还小姑独处。不是嫁不掉,而是她眼高于顶,横挑竖拣,就是找不到她“想”嫁的男人。我低下头,扯扯黑色衬衣的衣袖,不答腔。小姑每次看到我都是这句开场白,从听到烦已经升级到听到麻木,就如同她对于我的衣着品位的评价。我也不喜欢她那身花里胡哨的衣服——这大概就是所谓相看两厌吧。父亲在主位上坐下,斜睨了我一眼:“佳宁,你爱姨说得对,你别老是穿得那么老气横秋的,一点都不像16岁的样子。”我就是喜欢灰头土脸、老气横秋,怎的?我在心里反驳,不动声色地用筷子拨弄着饭碗里的米粒。小姑连忙点头附和他的话:“就是,哪有16岁的少女穿成你这样的?小姑给你买了套很漂亮的裙子,放在你床上,一会上去试试看噢。”母亲搛起一块鱼肉小心去刺,放在父亲的碗里,摇头叹气:“也不知道我们佳宁是怎么了,这样奇装异服,说几次都不听。”我把头低得更低,以免他们看到我上翻的白眼,咬咬下唇作出一副委屈万分的表情。“大嫂,你也别这么说佳宁,她穿衣服的品位是有问题,可也总比那些女孩子穿得没几片布,裤子上挖几个窟窿,肚脐上打个洞好吧?”我忍不住想拍桌子,小姑这算是帮我说话吧!——尽管听上去并不怎么像。父亲摇着头叹着气地打量着我,说:“佳宁这孩子,中不溜秋不成材不算,半天没有一句话,十足一个闷葫芦,真不知道这个女儿有哪里像我?”……编辑推荐:来自台湾的清新文学风。“新浪”、“榕树下”火热推荐。晋江原创网10,0000人次浏览、评述。捡到个优等生当男友,一切本该顺顺利利、皆大欢喜,却偏偏恋上了“黑巫师”。爱情的课堂上,究竟靠天分还是看造化?本书作者天遥说:“已经过了做梦的年纪,却满脑子不切实际的天马行空,最怀念单纯美好的校园生活,所以才偏爱校园青涩的爱情故事。也许生活不全是皆大欢喜的结局,但至少我的笔下可以期待完美的爱情,因为始终希望看我故事的人,都能笑着相信生活的美好。”16页精美情境插画,讲述青涩情感故事,随书刊赠人物书签卡!目录:1 哇!天上掉下个帅哥哥! 2 嘻,摔碎一地眼镜! 3 切!我才不要为了他脸红心跳! 4 呜呜……难道我还在犹豫? 5 呃……分手两个字我怎么说得出口? 6 唉!我的眼光还真是差得无可救药! 7 咦?难道太阳真要从西边出来? 8 哼!扮猪吃老虎的家伙…… 9 啊!恋爱果然会让人变成白痴! 10 喂,未来我还想牵你的手,好吗?
