900字范文 > 城市基础设施建设 citys infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

城市基础设施建设 citys infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-16 16:08:55


城市基础设施建设 citys infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

城市基础设施建设,city"s infrastructure construction

1)city"s infrastructure construction城市基础设施建设

1.The importance of risk research on folk capital investment and financing for city′s infrastructure construction was discussed.论述了民间资本投融资城市基础设施建设的风险研究的重要性 ,介绍了项目融资风险的几个阶段 ,并在此基础上提出了项目融资风险的各种因素及如何在政府部门和民间资本之间合理分担风险 ,最后建立了项目风险的定量分析模型以供参考。

2.This article expounded the fact that city′s infrastructure construction has realistic demands to the enormous folk capital, and the necessity of the application of project financing in the field of our country′s urban infrastructure construction.论述了城市基础设施建设对巨大的民间资本有现实的需求 ,以及项目融资在我国城镇基础设施建设领域运用的必要性 ,并在此基础上提出了一些适合我国国情的运用于城市基础设施建设的项目融资方式 ,以及这些方式适用的范围。


1.On the Market-oriented Investment and Financing of Urban Infrastructure;城市基础设施建设市场化投融资研究

2.III. Natural environment and infrastructure development三、生态环境和城市基础设施建设

3.The construction of urban infrastructure has made important breakthroughs城市基础设施建设取得重大突破

4.Urban infrastructure Finance: the Canadian Experience加拿大城市基础设施建设的若干经验

5.Research on Ways of Urban Infrastructure Financing in Our Country;我国城市基础设施建设融资方式研究

6.The Study on Municipal Infrastructure Construction Financing Item-differentiating Mode in China;中国城市基础设施建设融资方式研究

7.How to Deepen the Audit of the Construction Proiects of Urban Basic Equipments;如何深化城市基础设施建设项目审计

8.BOT Mode for Project Finance in Urban Infrastructure Construction;城市基础设施建设项目融资的BOT模式

9.A Study on the Financing Mode of Urban Infrastructure Construction in China中国城市基础设施建设融资模式研究

10.A Study on the Construction of Urban Infrastructure and the Optimization of Urban Space;城市基础设施建设与城市空间优化研究

11.Thoughts on City Finance and City Infrastructural Construction;关于城市财政与城市基础设施建设的几点思考


13.Discuss and Analysis on the Issue of Lanzhou s Urban Infrastructures Construction Financing;兰州市城市基础设施建设融资问题探析

14.The Study of Urban Infrastructure Investment and Financing Ways of Harbin;哈尔滨市城市基础设施建设投融资方式的研究

15.Marketization of City s Infrastructure Construction and "the Seceding Orderly" of Government;城市基础设施建设市场化与政府的“有序退出”

16.The Dissection of the Municipal Bond in Financial System for Infrastructure Construction;城市基础设施建设市政债券融资模式浅析

17.Thoughts on the Investment and Financing Mechanism of the Infrastructure Construction in Guiyang City;贵阳市城市基础设施建设投融资机制思考

18.The Study of Investment and Financing Mode of Zhuzhou Urban Infrastructure株洲市城市基础设施建设投融资模式研究


Urban Infrastructure城市基础设施建设

1.Studies on Investment and Financing System aboutUrban Infrastructure in Suzhou;苏州城市基础设施建设投融资体系研究

3)urban infrastructure城市基础设施

prehensive Performance Evaluation System for Urban Infrastructure:A Case Study of Qingdao;城市基础设施综合绩效评价指标体系构建研究——以青岛市为例

2.A probe into the nature ofurban infrastructure;对城市基础设施本质特征的探讨

3.On the Way and Policy of the Non-public Capital Entering the Field of Urban Infrastructure;论非公有资本进入城市基础设施领域的方式与政策主张

4)City infrastructure城市基础设施

1.The Macroscopic Effect and Performance Evaluations of City Infrastructure Construction;城市基础设施建设的宏观效应与绩效评价

2.Taking Shanghai for example, studies are carried out on the necessity, external environment, experience and lessons drawn from the operation of capital for city infrastructure, and several proposed are raised for further improvement thereon.本文以上海为例,分析了进一步开展城市基础设施资产经营的必要性、外部环境、已取得的经验与不足,并就完善城市基础设施资产经营提出了若干建议。

3.The informatized city infrastructure management,model involves such functions as the informatization of apiece systemic whole life cycle process,namely:programming—— investment decision-making——bidding——designing——construction——use——maintenance etc,as well as infrastructure information demand and service function.城市基础设施建设和管理的成效对提高城市综合竞争力具有重要作用,信息化建设为城市基础设施管理提供了有效的发展方向。


1.The Research of Legal Issues in UrbanInfrastructure s Marketization;城市基础设施市场化法律问题研究

2.Research on CityInfrastructure Asset Securitization Financing and Risk Management in China;我国城市基础设施资产证券化融资及风险研究

3.Marketization of City sInfrastructure Construction and "the Seceding Orderly" of Government;城市基础设施建设市场化与政府的“有序退出”

6)municipal infrastructure城市基础设施

1.During the urbanization of China, the construction and management mode of themunicipal infrastructure have already become obstacle of process to Chinese urbanization, traditional management mode ofmunicipal infrastructure hasn"t already meet the present demand of Chinese urbanization process, considering construction more important than management is still a common phenomenon.在我国的城市化进行中,城市基础设施的建设和管理模式已经成为我国城市化进程的障碍,传统的城市基础设施经营管理模式已经不能满足当前我国城市化进程的要求,重建设轻管理的现象还仍然普遍存在。


