900字范文 > 基础设施建设 infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

基础设施建设 infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-17 13:20:07


基础设施建设 infrastructure construction英语短句 例句大全

基础设施建设,infrastructure construction

1)infrastructure construction基础设施建设

1.New methods for project finance in water transportationinfrastructure construction in China;水路交通基础设施建设项目融资方式

2.The Infrastructure Construction and Poverty Reduction in Rural China: A Simulation Analysis within a CGE Model Framework;基于CGE模型对中国基础设施建设的减贫效应分析

3.Discussion on theinfrastructure construction in western China from the project management aspect从项目管理的角度浅谈西部地区基础设施建设


1.-- Remarkable achievements were made in infrastructure development.——基础设施建设成就显著。

2.Marked success was achieved in infrastructure development.基础设施建设成绩显著。

3.First, we strengthened infrastructure.一是加强基础设施建设。

4.We should continue to strengthen infrastructure.继续加强基础设施建设。

5.We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。

6.Continually strengthening basic industries and construction of infrastructural facilities./ infrastructure construction.继续加强基础工业,基础设施建设。

7.How to Put “BOT” into Practice Effectively in Our Cou ntry s Basic Establishment Constructing;我国基础设施建设中如何有效实施BOT

8.Government should strengthen and increase its input to the construction of infrastructure, which is a guarantee of smooth operation of business.政府应该加强基础设施建设,增加对基础设施建设的投入,良好的基础设施是企业运行的保证。

9.III. Natural environment and infrastructure development三、生态环境和城市基础设施建设

10.Urban environmental infrastructure is rather poor.中国城市环境基础设施建设相当薄弱。

11.The construction of urban infrastructure has made important breakthroughs城市基础设施建设取得重大突破

12.4. The building of university infrastructure in the west(四)西部高校基础设施建设

13.Third, to speed up infrastructure construction in the west.三是加快西部地区基础设施建设。

14.Three, we will redouble efforts to boost rural infrastructure development.三是大力加强农村基础设施建设。

15.-- Strengthening the construction of infrastructure and improving the capability to prevent and control pollution.--加强基础设施建设,提高污染防治能力。

16.strengthen Basic infrastructure construction to improve investment environment加强基础设施建设,改善投资环境。

17.Urban infrastructure Finance: the Canadian Experience加拿大城市基础设施建设的若干经验

18.Strengthening the construction of infrastructure and improving the capability to prevent and control pollution.——加强基础设施建设,提高污染防治能力。



1.Research on the Application of BOT in Infrastructure of China;BOT模式在我国基础设施建设中的应用研究

2.In the course of the west exploitation,theinfrastructure construct in the region should be integrated with the river" control,the later is the base and precondition.在西部大开发中 ,塔河中下游的整治是基础建设的前提和保证 ,基础设施建设必须与塔河中下游整治结合起来。

3.The policy ofinfrastructure facilities such as high.区内旅游资源、生物资源、水利资源、矿产资源、人文资源极为丰富 ,是西部大开发中极有前景的地域 ,亟需加强基础设施建设。

3)construction of infrastructure基础设施建设

1.Through the analysis on developing situation of infrastructure of Shanxi Province this paper puts forward the train of thought and suggestions on promoting theconstruction of infrastructure by relying on sci-tech progress.文章通过对山西省基础设施发展现状的分析 ,提出依靠科技进步 ,促进基础设施建设的思路与建议。

2.Along with the increased control of the government over investment environment and enlarged requirements for large-scaleconstruction of infrastructure,it is urgent to introduce an efficient international economic and technical cooperation style.随着国家对宏观投资环境的调控和大型基础设施建设项目需求的扩大,亟需引进一种新型而有效的国际经济技术合作形式。

3.Theconstruction of infrastructure has complicated relationship with economic growth.基础设施建设和经济增长的关系密切而复杂。



6)infrastructure reconstruction基础设施重建

1.This paper addrresses the functions ofinfrastructure reconstruction to post-disaster ecomomy development.基础设施作为经济社会的基础部门,对经济起着关键地承载作用,在灾害背景下研究基础设施重建对区域经发展的作用,在丰富发展经济学的研究视角方面具有重要的理论意义。


城市基础设施 urban infrastructure城市生存和发展所必须具备的工程性基础设施和社会性基础设施的总称。
