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飞行计划 flight plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-15 05:07:15


飞行计划 flight plan英语短句 例句大全

飞行计划,flight plan

1)flight plan飞行计划

1.With the development of a flight preparation assisting system as an example,this paper gives a detailed account of the techniques and method of using electronic chart in general aviation flight preparation,including geographical information,navigational data and how to set up a performance databank for different types of aircraft as well as air route preparation and how to makeflight plans,etc.以一个飞行准备辅助系统的开发为例,详细介绍了电子航图在通用航空飞行准备中的应用技术和方法,包括地理信息、航行资料和机型性能数据库的建库技术以及航线准备、飞行计划制定方法等内容,可供相关系统的开发人员借鉴。

2.Aiming at the shortcomings of the conventionalflight plan management and based on the algorithm of MK-NN track association, a method is presented to associate integrated track and plan track.针对传统飞行计划管理中的缺限,基于 MK-NN 航迹关联算法思想,提出了一种利用方向因子、速度因子、偏航因子、时差因子和区域因子对综合航迹和计划航迹进行比较关联的方法,实现对飞行计划实施的动态监控,从而提高了飞行计划管理的准确性与科学性。

3.Aimed at the drawback of the conventionalflight plan management, aflight plan management system is devised in this paper.针对目前航空兵部队飞行计划传统管理方法的缺限,设计了一种飞行计划管理系统,基于修正的K 近邻域(MK NN) 航迹关联算法,研究了系统设计中的关键技术—— 航迹关联。


1.And a new space flight program-- Project Gemini-- was begun.开始了一个新的太空飞行计划—双子座计划。

2.Both the United States and the Soviet Union began programs to put people in space.美国与苏联都开始进行载人太空飞行计划。

3.Object-oriented Design of Flight Plan Process and Research of Technology;飞行计划处理面向对象设计与技术研究

4.Algorithm of Association with Flight Plan and Radar Track Based on Fuzzy Synthetical Function基于模糊综合函数的飞行计划与雷达航迹关联

5.Would you confirm that you have got our flight plan originally. We were to take off at 0815, then it was put off until 1030.请证实你收到我们原来的飞行计划起飞时间0815,而现已推迟到1030。

6.The controller may be checking altitude information displayed in data blocks, listening to a pilot"s request for an altitude change, and manually entering a flight plan amendment.从数据库中检查飞机的高度显示,听取飞行员改变高度的要求,修改飞行计划。

7.The flight plan for this lunar landing program derived from the speeded up circumlunar proposal appended to the Mark II plan of I4 August.这次登月飞行计划产生于8月14日马可Ⅱ计划附属的加速绕月计划。

8.ATC clears you to Karachi via your flight planned route.空中交通管制放行你到卡拉奇经过你飞行计划航路。

9.duce to orbit Saturn in ,计划于绕土星飞行,

10.they funded a pilot project in six states.她在六个州投资飞行员计划。

11.The Research on Optimization Model for Recurrent Training Plan of Aviator Full Flight Simulators;飞行员模拟机复训计划优化模型研究

12.under the Mercury program each flight had one astronaut.水星号太空计划中,每次飞行只有一名宇航员。

13.He continued with his plans to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends.他不顾朋友们的愚弄,继续建造他的飞行器计划。

14.The alternative was an accelerated program, nine flights in all.另一任务属于加速计划,一共有9次飞行。

15.The plan that prime minister has decided to continue to carry out manufacturing X - model plane.首相已经决定继续执行制造X-型飞机的计划。

16.Much of what was learned from its flights speeded up the development of the space program.飞机飞行试验所获取的数据在很大程度上促进了航天计划的发展。

17.Managing Space Shuttle Program Risk for Return to Flight: Why Does Risk Management Fail?返回式飞行的航天飞机计划风险管理:为什么风险管理失败?

18.After cutting circumlunar flight from the Mark II plan, Chamberlin revived the even more daring idea of using the spacecraft in a lunar landing program.在删除了马可Ⅱ计划的绕月飞行内容后,张伯伦提出了一个更为大胆的飞船登月计划。


flight planning飞行计划

1.It is aimed at assisting theflight planning process, controlling precisely the planned air traffic flow at stations and areas, presenting advisory suggestions for illegal flights, and to assisting the planner to search for acceptable new time schedule.“飞行计划与空中交通流量管理系统”是新近研制成功并投入实际应用的一套计算机辅助管理软件,为民航航班的计划与协调过程提供帮助和咨询,协助计划员实现对航站和区域中航班流量的精确控制,并为违犯航管条例的非法航班提供专家咨询与建议,帮助计划员为其寻找合适的新时刻表。

2.A typical algorithm aboutflight planning is present at length, the database complexity and other difficulties of this algorithm are discussed.介绍了航班飞行计划的算法,分析了所涉及的源数据,提出了一个基于Agent的分布式数据库解决方案,提高了终端用户的平均响应时间。

3)flight plan conflict飞行计划冲突

1.Study onflight plan conflict advance detection algorithm;飞行计划冲突预探测算法研究

4)Flight Plan Process飞行计划处理

1.Object-oriented Design ofFlight Plan Process and Research of Technology;飞行计划处理面向对象设计与技术研究

5)Flight Plan Monitor飞行计划监控

6)flight plan message飞行计划通知


复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)复杂气象飞行(见飞行技术)instrument meteorological conditions flightfuza qixiangfe主xing复杂气象飞行(instrument meteorologiealconditions flight)见飞行技术。
