900字范文 > 交往心理 Contacts Psychology英语短句 例句大全

交往心理 Contacts Psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-30 20:54:07


交往心理 Contacts Psychology英语短句 例句大全

交往心理,Contacts Psychology

1)Contacts Psychology交往心理

1.An Investigation and Analysis of the Status Quo of Urban Multi-nationalContacts Psychology in Areas Inhabited by the Huis and the Hans;回汉杂居地区民族交往心理调查研究


1.A Psychological Analysis of the Elements of National Communicative Psychology;民族交往心理构成要素的心理学分析

2.Psychoanalysis of College Student s Communication and Barrier Modification;当代大学生交往心理分析及交往障碍调适

3.An Investigation and Analysis of the Status Quo of Urban Multi-national Contacts Psychology in Areas Inhabited by the Huis and the Hans;回汉杂居地区民族交往心理调查研究

4.The Problems and Countermeasures Relating to the Network Communication of College Students;试论大学生网络交往心理问题与对策

5.Research on Teenagers Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Heterosexual Contact;青少年异性交往心理和行为特征研究

6.Anylasis on the psychological factors that affect college students’ interaction;影响大学生人际交往心理因素的浅析

7.A Study on Middle School Students Opposite Sex Interaction Self-concept and Its Relationship with Mental Problems of Opposite Sex Interaction;中学生异性交往自我及其与异性交往心理问题的关系研究

8.The Survey and Analysis of Nationality Intercourse Mentality and Nationality Relation in Xinjiang;新疆民族交往心理与民族关系调查研究

9.A Study on the Mental Problem of Adolescent Opposite Sex Company and Its Education Countermeasure;青少年异性交往心理问题及教育对策研究

10.The Relationship Among Children"s Theory of Mind,Peer Interaction and Parent-child Interaction同伴交往、亲子交往与儿童心理理论发展的关系

11.A Research on the Relationship between Young Children"s Theory of Mind and Peer Interaction;幼儿心理理论与同伴交往关系的研究

12.A Discussion on the Inferiority in Interpersonal Relations of College Students;试论高职生在人际交往中的自卑心理

13.How to Improve College Students Psychological Qualities of Interpersonnel Communication;关于大学生人际交往的心理素质教育

14.On the Influence of Psychological Factors on the Intercourse of College Students;影响大学生人际交往的心理原因分析

15.Psychological Obstacles in College Sutdents’Interpersonal Relationships and Elimination;大学生人际交往的心理障碍及其消除

16.Analyse the psychological problems betweenthe freshman and the way to handle them;浅析大学新生交往的心理障碍及对策

17.Overcome the Sycological Ploblems,Cultivate A Healthy Sycology Among Children;克服心理障碍,培养幼儿交往的健康心理

18.Researches on Influence of Interpersonal Communication Training on Communicative Competence among People and Psychological Health Level of Students;人际交往训练影响大学生人际交往能力、心理健康水平的研究


interpersonal intercourse mentality人际交往心理

3)the psychological obstacles from social intercourse交往心理障碍

4)mentality of virtual communication虚拟交往心理

5)Psychology of Interpersonal Relationship人际交往心理学

6)contact mentalities交往心态


