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精神心理 psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-23 09:02:05


精神心理 psychology英语短句 例句大全



1.A diachronic studying is applied to analyze the psychic changes of middle-aged American people who are also members of middle class from World WarⅡto the 21st century with Carl Gustav Jung’spsychology analysis, focusing on the issues such as attitudes on family and marriage, society and life.本文以三部经典美国小说作品-欧内斯特·海明威的遗作《海流中的岛屿》,美国犹太作家索尔·贝娄的名著《雨王汉德森》以及美国女作家乔伊斯·卡罗尔·欧茨在二十一世纪初推出的力作《中年:浪漫之旅》为研究对象,试图在详细的文本细读和分析的基础上,从人物形象、故事情节和人物内在心理对三部作品共同描写的美国中产阶级中年人形象进行深入研究和解析,探讨美国中年人精神心理的变迁过程。

2)spiritual psychology精神心理

1.Utilizingspiritual psychology, It states ways to adjust diet and female harmon circle to treat sending natare amenorrhea of female andergraduate利用精神心理、调节饮食、女性激素周期治愈女大学生继发性闭



5)psychological factor精神心理因素

1.Thepsychological factors of patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome;难治性肠易激综合征患者精神心理因素分析

2.Study on the correlation betweenpsychological factor and hemorrhage after parturition;精神心理因素与产后出血的相关性研究


1.The Study of the Effect of Phychophysiology on Non-erosive Reflux Disease;精神心理因素对非糜烂性反流病作用的探讨

2.Significance of psychological factors and autonomic nervous function in functional gastrointestinal disorders精神心理因素和自主神经功能在功能性胃肠病发病中的意义

3.This kind of personality is formed be-cause of her deep mental state.她这种悍妒性格形成有着深层的精神心理因素的积淀。

4.Conclusions:Psycho-mental factors can induce and worsen achalasia symptoms.结论:精神心理因素可诱发、加重贲门失弛缓症患者的症状。

5.Effects of Injection and Embedding at Acupoints on Psychomental Factors in Patients with Hemorrhoid Postoperative Pain穴位注药埋线法对痔术后疼痛患者精神心理因素的影响

6.Colonic Dynamics, Anorectal Motility, Rectal Sensation and Psychological Factors in Patients with Functional Constipation功能性便秘患者排便动力学、肛管直肠敏感性及精神心理因素的研究

7.Psychological factors and nursing of the mental patients who don t feel at ease in the hospital;精神病患者不安心住院的心理因素及护理

8.Psyehosocial factors have a close relation to affective psychosis.社会心理因素和情感性精神病有密切的关系。

9.A Comprehensive Study on the Relation between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Psychological Factors;肠易激综合征与心理精神因素的相关研究

10.An Analysis of Socio-psychological and Family Factors of Adolescent Psychotic;青少年精神障碍患者社会心理和家庭因素研究

11.Role of Psychosocial Factors in the Onset of Severe Mental Disorders among Vagrants and its Multifactor Analysis流浪的重型精神病患者社会心理因素的多因素分析

12.Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.精神起因一种由心理因素而不是生理因素引起的身体机能失调或疾病

13.A Comprehensive Study on the Relation between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Psychological Factors in Middle School Students in Shantou;汕头市区中学生肠易激综合征与心理精神因素的相关性研究

14.Study on the Clinical Status of the Patients with Mental Disorder in TCM Department and the Correlative Psychosocial Factors;中医科患者精神障碍的临床现状与心理社会因素的相关研究

15.The Influencing Factors of Spirituality and Relations between Spirituality and Mental Health for Undergraduates;大学生精神性的影响因素及其同心理健康的关系

16.The Sublimation of Spiritual Trauma --The Mental Complications to the Forming of LU Xun s Rebuilding the country s quality Thought;精神创伤的升华——鲁迅“改造国民性”思想形成的心理因素

17.Discrimination Analysis of Forensic Psychiatry Responsibility in Patients with Psychogenic Mental Disorder;心因性精神障碍司法精神鉴定责任能力的多因素分析

18.A Design of Spiritual Salary System based on Double Factors Theory;基于双因素理论的精神薪酬体系设计


spiritual psychology精神心理

1.Utilizingspiritual psychology, It states ways to adjust diet and female harmon circle to treat sending natare amenorrhea of female andergraduate利用精神心理、调节饮食、女性激素周期治愈女大学生继发性闭



5)psychological factor精神心理因素

1.Thepsychological factors of patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome;难治性肠易激综合征患者精神心理因素分析

2.Study on the correlation betweenpsychological factor and hemorrhage after parturition;精神心理因素与产后出血的相关性研究

6)psychic symptoms精神心理症状

1.Objective: To investigate the incidence and related factors ofpsychic symptoms in patients with chronic prostatitis.目的:探讨慢性前列腺炎患者的精神心理症状的发生情况及相关因素。


短程精神分析心理治疗短程精神分析心理治疗brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy短程精神分析心理治疗(brief psycho-analytie psyehotherapy)一组基于最早期的精神分析的心理治疗,这组心理治疗的共同特点是疗程较短。本来,弗洛伊德所作的许多心理治疗是较短程的,随着精神分析学说作为一种心理治疗理论的确立和精神分析方法的成熟,弗洛伊德的一些追随者开始采用更短程的治疗。然而这种做法后来被越来越长期(甚至达数年之久)的治疗所取代。直到20世纪60一70年代,人们才又增加了对短程精神分析的兴趣,提出了许多短程疗法。这些疗法包括短期诱发焦虑心理治疗、单次疗法、焦点心理疗法和限时心理疗法等,它们的共同特点是都为治疗设置时间限制、都集中具体问题、都要求高度的动机和治疗者的高度活动。这些短程治疗除了可节省时间、减少花费外,其疗效也较好。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
