900字范文 > 集聚发展 concentrated development英语短句 例句大全

集聚发展 concentrated development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-20 17:32:26


集聚发展 concentrated development英语短句 例句大全

集聚发展,concentrated development

1)concentrated development集聚发展


1.The rural industry agglomeration is the carrier of the development of rural industry.农村工业集聚区是农村工业集聚发展的载体。

2.The Research on the Development of Science and Technology Services Industrial Agglomeration in Jiangsu Province江苏省科技服务业集聚发展问题研究

3.Evolvement Rules for the Concentration and Development of Modern Service Industry in CBDCBD现代服务业集聚发展的演变规律

4.A Study on Technological Agglomeration and the Development-Pattern Transformation of Development Zones;技术集聚与开发区发展模式转型研究

5.The mechanisms of agglomeration affect the regional economy through the agglomeration of three factors: population, industries and cities.集聚机制对区域经济发展的作用主要通过人口集聚、业集聚和城市集聚实现。

6.Influence of Goods" Spatial Agglomeration upon Regional Development;物品空间集聚对区域发展的影响研究

7.Study on the Modern Logistics Industry Developing Pattern of Industial Aggregation Zone;产业集聚区现代物流业发展模式研究

8.The Research on Regional Economic Agglomeration and Unisonous Development of Hunan Province;湖南省区域经济集聚与协调发展研究

9.Research on the Convergence and Development of FDI in Philippines;菲律宾FDI集聚特征及其发展研究

10.Songzhuang: A Special Cultural Economic Zone with Globality;北京宋庄原创艺术集聚区发展再研究


12.Thought on development of Chinese town based on lndustristral cluster;基于产业集聚的中国小城镇发展思考

13.Industrial Clusters-The New Development Model for Nongovernmental Business;民营经济发展的新模式——产业集聚

14.Research on Agglomeration of FDI in Manufacturing Industries and Regional Economy Development制造业外资聚集与区域经济发展研究

15.Study on Development of Cluster Area of Agricultural Product Prossing in Tangyin汤阴县农产品加工业集聚区发展研究

16.Development of Times and Historic Evolution of Elements Affecting Industrial Concentration时代发展与产业集聚因素的历史演进

17.Economy of Spatial Agglomeration and the Development of Intensive Towns & Cities Areas in the Western Region;空间集聚经济与西部城镇密集区的发展

18.A Study on the Influence of Spatial Gathering of Human Capital on Industrial Cluster Development:Taking Shandong Province for Example;人力资本空间集聚对产业集群发展的影响


agglomerational development集聚化发展

1.Based on the industrial agglomeration theory and the economic study of software industry s characteristic, this article prove that theagglomerational development is the inherent de.本文试以产业集聚理论和软件产业特征的经济学分析为基础,从理论上论证集聚化是软件产业内在要求的发展模式,并以理论为基础对西安软件产业的集聚化发展作出实证分析。

3)congregating development聚集型发展

4)City cluster deve-lopment城市集聚发展

5)agglomeration development strategy model集聚发展战略模式

6)Cluster Development集群发展

1.Internal and External Increasing Returns, Dynamic Portfolio andCluster Development: Empirical Study of the Automobile and Component Industry Cluster in Taizhou, Zhejiang, P. R. China;内、外部收益递增,动态性与集群发展:浙江台州汽摩配产业集群研究

2.The private enterprises cluster development is a very important phenomenon in Quanzhou s industrial structure ,and its strategy has been a essential content of Quanzhou s (economical) development .民营企业集群发展是泉州产业组织结构中一个很重要的现象,民营企业集群发展战略已成为泉州经济发展的重要内容。

3.Experiences got from cluster development in western advanced countries provide examples for the second undertaking of the medium and small sized .西方发达国家集群发展的经验为我国中小企业集群的二次创业提供了表


