900字范文 > 基质浓度 substrate concentration英语短句 例句大全

基质浓度 substrate concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-26 01:59:03


基质浓度 substrate concentration英语短句 例句大全

基质浓度,substrate concentration

1)substrate concentration基质浓度

1.Performance of ANAMMOX process with different operation strategies based onsubstrate concentration基于基质浓度的厌氧氨氧化工艺运行策略

2.Lowering thesubstrate concentration in the feed resulted in a lower S_(min).研究了生物降解极限浓度的影响因素,分别探讨了基质浓度、微生物培养方式、第二基质以及污泥驯化等对生物降解极限浓度的影响及其规律。

3.The interactive dynamic model for bacterial growth,which contains suspended bacteria,wall biofilm,substrate concentration and residual chlorine concentration in water distribution system,was created.建立包含管网中悬浮菌、管壁生物膜、基质浓度和余氯浓度的交互式细菌生长动力学模型,并使用EPANET-MSX求解,动态地模拟出细菌在给水管网主体水和管壁生物膜上的生长情况,揭示了管网中悬浮菌、管壁生物膜、基质浓度和余氯浓度之间的相互作用机理,为管网水质的决策提供了依据。


1.Performance of ANAMMOX process with different operation strategies based on substrate concentration基于基质浓度的厌氧氨氧化工艺运行策略

2.Relations of the Substrate Concentration to the COD and pH in the ANAMMOX Process厌氧氨氧化过程中COD及pH与基质浓度之间的关系

3.The effect of shock loads on performance of anaerobic reactor for simultaneous sulfide and nitrate removal基质浓度冲击对同步厌氧生物脱氮除硫反应器性能的影响

4.Simultaneous Optimization of Multi-component Mass Exchange Network Based on the Mass Transfer Composition Difference;基于传质浓度差同步优化多组分质量交换网络

5.Design of Meter for Gas Concentration Disposition with High Precision Based on the Mass Flow基于质量流量的高精度气体浓度配比仪的设计

6.acid-spending strength废酸浓度(烷基化)

7.Influence of Concentration of Sm~(3+) Ions on the Luminescent Characteristics in Y_3Al_5O_(12) HostY_3Al_5O_(12)基质中Sm~(3+)离子浓度对其发光特性的影响

8.weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance).削弱化学物质的浓度。

9.metal strength of the electrolyte电解质液中的金属浓度

10.Nitrogen Removal Efficiency of ANAMMOX Biofilter at Low Substrate Concentration低基质质量浓度条件下ANAMMOX生物滤池脱氮效果研究

11.Relationship between the level of serum MMP and the degree of brain trauma血清中基质金属蛋白酶的浓度与脑挫裂伤严重程度的关系

12.Effects of planting density on growth of Trapa incisa in substrata with different phosphorus concentrations在磷浓度不同的基质中种植密度对野菱生长的影响

13.reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity.在强度、浓度、质量或者纯度上有所减弱。

14.Concentration Variations of Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric Acid in Frontal Cortex of Uremia Encephalopathy Rat;尿毒症脑病大鼠额叶皮质谷氨酸和γ-氨基丁酸浓度变化

15.Experimental Research on the Effect of Extract from Gu-Sui-Bu (Drynaria Fortunei J.Sm) on Osteogenic Differentiation of Rabbit Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Vitro;不同浓度骨碎补提取液对兔骨髓基质细胞增殖和分化的影响

16.Study on Low Concentration Ammonia Adsorption by Substrates and Its Adsorption Mechanism;低浓度氨氮废水吸附基质研究及其吸附机理探讨

17.A Study on the Effects of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with Different Seeding Density in Periodontal Regeneration不同浓度骨髓基质细胞对牙周组织再生影响的实验研究

18.Study on the Effects of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells with Different Seeding Densities in Nude Mice不同浓度的骨髓基质细胞裸鼠体内成骨能力的研究


Low substrate concentration低基质浓度


4)substrate shock loading基质浓度冲击

5)Mass concentration质量浓度

1.Aerosol mass concentration algorithm based on the number of equivalent spherical particles;基于等效球形颗粒数的颗粒物质量浓度算法

2.Influence of temperature and relative humidity upon aerosol mass concentrations vertical distributions;温度和相对湿度对气溶胶质量浓度垂直分布的影响

3.Analysis of aerosol number concentration and mass concentration using APS;利用APS分析大气气溶胶数浓度和质量浓度

6)Impurity concentration杂质浓度

1.The impurity concentration distribution in diode p-n junction can be presented with the simplified models,named as abrupt junction and the linearly graded junction,but precise measurements show there existing limitation in these tradition models.简化的突变结或线性缓变结模型已能很好地近似二极管p-n结杂质浓度分布规律,但从精密的实验测量结果中发现传统模型存在局限性。

2.The universal form of power-low is formulated from Passion equation for impurity concentration distribution in diode p-n junction.基于杂质浓度分布的突变结或线性缓变结模型,二极管p-n结(电)容—(电)压关系可简单地由C-V幂律描述。


