900字范文 > 血浆浓度 plasma concentration英语短句 例句大全

血浆浓度 plasma concentration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-09 14:50:56


血浆浓度 plasma concentration英语短句 例句大全

血浆浓度,plasma concentration

1)plasma concentration血浆浓度

1.18 out-patient cases from our hospital were adopted HPLC to measureplasma concentrations of warfarin during September .目的探讨人工机械心脏瓣膜置换术后华法林抗凝治疗的监测方法及相关并发症,初步研究华法林血浆浓度的临床意义。

2)Blood ammonia concentration血浆氨浓度

3)plasma VLDL concentration血浆VLDL浓度

1.Relationship amongplasma VLDL concentration, carcass fatness traits and body weight was investigated.以肉种鸡为试验素材 ,分别测定其 16周龄、5 4周龄血浆VLDL浓度和 5 4周龄腹脂重 (率 ) ,探讨肉种鸡血浆VLDL浓度与肥度性状和体重的关系。

2.plasma VLDL concentration and body weight in 42, 45, 49-day - old chickens were measured.结果:血浆VLDL浓度和肥度性状变异大,变异系数分别为34%~60%和21%~27%;血浆VLDL浓度为中等遗传力,因此对血浆VLDL浓度选择宜采用家系和个体选择结合的方法;血浆VLDL浓度和腹脂重(率)呈显著正表型相关,其遗传相关为中等至较高水平;血浆VLDL浓度与体重表型相关很弱,而遗传相关为中等,公、母鸡腹脂重与体重呈显著正表型相关。


1.Studies on Divergently Selective effects for Plasma very Low Density Lipoprotein Concentration In Broiler Chickens;肉鸡血浆VLDL浓度双向选择效应的研究

2.A Plasma Exchange Model and Variation of Bilirubin Concentration血浆置换模型与血浆胆红素浓度的变化规律

3.Determination of Plasma Concentration of Duloxetine by LC-MSLC-MS法测定人血浆中度洛西汀的浓度

4.Determination of dipyridamole in rats plasma by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定大鼠血浆中双嘧达莫浓度

5.Determination of Piroxicam in human plasma by HPLCHPLC测定人血浆中吡罗昔康的浓度

6.HPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of cilostazol in human plasmaHPLC-MS/MS法测定人血浆中西洛他唑浓度

7.Determination of Biapenem in Human Plasma by HPLCHPLC法测定人血浆中比阿培南的浓度

8.Determination of Plasma Ozagrel Concentration by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定人血浆中奥扎格雷的浓度

9.Determination of fexofenadine in dog plasma by HPLCHPLC法测定犬血浆中非索非那定的浓度

10.Determination of Tanshinol in Human Plasma by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定人血浆中丹参素的浓度

11.Determination of baicalin in rat plasma by HPLCHPLC法测定大鼠血浆中黄芩苷的浓度

12.Determination of Donepezil in Human Plasma by HPLC-ESI-MSHPLC-ESI-MS测定人血浆中多奈哌齐的浓度

13.Determination of carbocisteine concentration in human plasma by HPLC-MSHPLC-MS法测定人血浆中羧甲司坦浓度

14.Determination of Ritodrine in Human Plasma by LC-MSLC-MS法测定人血浆中利托君浓度

15.Determination of eplerenone in human plasma by HPLC-MSHPLC-MS法测定人血浆中依普利酮浓度

16.Determination the concentration of mycophenolic acid in human by HPLC/MS/MSHPLC/MS/MS法测定人血浆中麦考酚酸浓度

17.Determination of Ketoprofen in rat plasma by HPLCHPLC法测定酮洛芬在大鼠血浆中的浓度

18.An improved RPHPLC method for the determination of metformin in human plasmaRPHPLC法测定人血浆中二甲双胍浓度


Blood ammonia concentration血浆氨浓度

3)plasma VLDL concentration血浆VLDL浓度

1.Relationship amongplasma VLDL concentration, carcass fatness traits and body weight was investigated.以肉种鸡为试验素材 ,分别测定其 16周龄、5 4周龄血浆VLDL浓度和 5 4周龄腹脂重 (率 ) ,探讨肉种鸡血浆VLDL浓度与肥度性状和体重的关系。

2.plasma VLDL concentration and body weight in 42, 45, 49-day - old chickens were measured.结果:血浆VLDL浓度和肥度性状变异大,变异系数分别为34%~60%和21%~27%;血浆VLDL浓度为中等遗传力,因此对血浆VLDL浓度选择宜采用家系和个体选择结合的方法;血浆VLDL浓度和腹脂重(率)呈显著正表型相关,其遗传相关为中等至较高水平;血浆VLDL浓度与体重表型相关很弱,而遗传相关为中等,公、母鸡腹脂重与体重呈显著正表型相关。

4)plasma P concentration血浆磷浓度

1.One hundred and sixty 3-week-old “Cherry Valley”ducks were divided randomly into 4 groups to investigate the effects of adding microbial phytase to subnormal P diet on their growth performance,plasma P concentration and tibial bone properties.:1 6 0只 3周龄樱桃谷肉鸭随机分为 4组 ,研究了低磷日粮添加植酸酶和磷酸氢钙对肉鸭生长性能、血浆磷浓度及胫骨特性的影响。

5)T concentrations in blood plasma血浆T浓度

1.By means of needles stimulating points and observation on the effect of sex hormone levels and gonad structure in the fatigued rat, the results show thatT concentrations in blood plasma in the fatigued group by acupuncture stimulation are evidently higher than those in fatigued group (P<0.运动性疲劳可引起下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)轴功能失调,采用针刺穴位刺激方法,观察对疲劳状态下大鼠性激素水平和性腺结构的影响,实验结果表明,疲劳针刺组血浆T浓度明显高于疲劳组(P<0。

6)plasma concentration血浆药物浓度


羟乙基淀粉代血浆 ,淀粉代血浆,羟乙基淀粉药物名称:羟乙基淀粉英文名:Hetastarch别名: 706代血浆;低分子羟乙基淀粉;羟乙基淀粉代血浆 ,淀粉代血浆,羟乙基淀粉 外文名:Hydroxyethyl Starch 适应症: 用于各种手术、外伤的失血、中毒性休克等的补液。 用量用法: 静注:用量视病情而定,一般为500~1000ml。 注意事项: 剩余溶液不宜再用,因有空气进入。 规格: 注射液:6%500ml。 类别:血浆及血浆代用品
