900字范文 > 统调电厂 unified management plant英语短句 例句大全

统调电厂 unified management plant英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-14 08:56:45


统调电厂 unified management plant英语短句 例句大全

统调电厂,unified management plant

1)unified management plant统调电厂

2)HVAC of power plant电厂空调

3)frequency regulation power plant调频电厂

1.Interconnection electricity prices of peak regulation andfrequency regulation power plants in regional electricity markets;区域电力市场应急调峰调频电厂上网电价研究


1.Interconnection electricity prices of peak regulation and frequency regulation power plants in regional electricity markets;区域电力市场应急调峰调频电厂上网电价研究

2.On the Fequency Conversion Processes in the Plant and its Applications;变频调速工艺在电厂输煤系统的应用

3.Realization of Primary Frequency Regulation for Generator Units in Gezhouba Hydropower Plant葛洲坝电厂机组一次调频功能的实现

4.The design of frequency conversion speed-adjusting system for chemistry water processing in the power plant电厂化学水处理变频调速系统的设计

5.Application of Frequency Control of Motor Speed Technology in Thermal Power Plant Ash Plup Pump System变频调速技术在热电厂灰渣泵系统中的应用

6.Application of HVAC Variable-freguency Control Technology in Fossil-fual Power Plants高压交流变频调速技术在火力发电厂的应用

7.Application of Frequency Conversion to the Refuse Burning Plants;变频调速技术在垃圾发电厂的应用研究

8.Research and Application in Energy-saving Conondensate Water Pump Frequency Control System on Electric Power Plants;发电厂凝结水泵变频调速系统节能研究及应用

9.Design and Research of High Voltage Frequency Control System in Modern Coal-fired Power Plant现代火力发电厂高压变频调速系统设计与研究

10.Analysis on Application of Frequency Control Technology in Xiangfan Power Plant变频调速技术在襄樊电厂中的应用分析

11.Application of HV Frequency Control Technique in Power Plant and Energy Conservation Comparison高压变频调速技术在电厂的应用及节能对比

12.Saving energy improvement of frequency conversion and velocity modulation system for the condensate water pump in Zhongning Power Plant中宁电厂凝结水泵变频调速系统节能改造

13.Realizing Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Integration by Frequency Conversion in Coal Preparation Plant选煤厂应用变频调速技术实现机电设备一体化

14.Application of High-voltage Variable-frequency Speed-regulating Unit to Power Plant"s Condensate Pumps高压变频调速装置在发电厂凝结水泵上的应用

15.Primary Frequency Regulation Test of Generator Units of Tianshengqiao Hydropower Station天生桥水力发电总厂机组一次调频试验

16.The Coordinate Flaw Solution of Gezhouba Hydropower Plant AGC and Primary Frequency Modulation葛洲坝水电厂AGC调节与机组一次调频配合缺陷的解决方法

17.Discussion on Auto Control and Primary Frequency Regulation Function Optimization During Coordinated Management Between Generation and Grid网厂协调中自动发电控制和一次调频功能优化的探讨

18.Optimal Control of Circulation Pumps in Power Plant Base on Variable Frequency Governing;基于变频调速技术的电厂循环水系统的优化控制


HVAC of power plant电厂空调

3)frequency regulation power plant调频电厂

1.Interconnection electricity prices of peak regulation andfrequency regulation power plants in regional electricity markets;区域电力市场应急调峰调频电厂上网电价研究

4)power plant investigation电厂调查

5)regulating power station调峰电厂

1.Aiming at the two important effects of theregulating power stations belonging to region network corporation which include operation safety and demand requirement balance, a model is designed for the optimal contracts between power network corporation andregulating power stations by using principal agent m.针对区域电网公司所拥有的调峰电厂在电网安全运营和平衡市场需求 2个方面的重要作用 ,文中运用委托—代理模型对电网公司和调峰电厂间最优合同进行模型设计 ,证明在对称信息条件下 ,当委托人是风险中性而代理人是风险规避型时 ,该最优合同能够达到帕累托最优风险分担和帕累托最优努力水平。

6)directly dispatched power plant直调电厂

1.A new performance evaluation method for generators indirectly dispatched power plant is proposed, in which the automatic data acquisition model is used to scientifically analyze the operation of the generators and the interior coordinated control model is adopted to realize the tracking and evaluation of AGC and impl.提出一种新型的直调电厂机组绩效评价体系,利用自动化的数据采集模块对中调直调电厂机组的运行情况进行科学的统计,并通过内部协调控制模式实现对机组AGC及负荷曲线执行情况的跟踪评价分析,从而实现对电厂的有效管理。


IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)IGCC电厂(见整体煤气化联合循环电厂)Aintegrated gasification combined cycle plantIGCC电厂bined eyele(integrated gasifieationConl一plant)见整体煤气化联合循环电厂。
