900字范文 > 影响机制 influence mechanism英语短句 例句大全

影响机制 influence mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 05:09:56


影响机制 influence mechanism英语短句 例句大全

影响机制,influence mechanism

1)influence mechanism影响机制

1.Spatial pattern andinfluence mechanism of farmland resources quality in Jiangsu Province;江苏农用地资源质量空间格局及影响机制研究

2.Tourism Crisis: Category, Influence Mechanism and Management Model;旅游危机:类型、影响机制与管理模型

3.On M&A Performance Evaluation from the Perspective of Cash Flow and the Performance Influence Mechanism among Listed Companies现金流视角下上市公司并购绩效评价及其影响机制研究


1.The Influence Mechanism of Exchange System on Financial Crisis;汇率制度对金融危机的影响机制分析

2.Tourism Crisis: Category, Influence Mechanism and Management Model;旅游危机:类型、影响机制与管理模型

3.The Effects of Environmental Regulations on FDI Location Selection;环境规制对FDI区位选择影响机制研究

4.The Influence Mechanism of Environmental Regulation to Technical Innovation;环境管制对技术创新的影响机制分析

5.The Impact Mechanism of Information Technology on Firm Vertical Boundaries;信息技术对企业纵向边界的影响机制

6.Researches on Influencing Mechanism and Control of Combustion Noise of Diesel Engine柴油机燃烧噪声影响机理及控制研究

7.The effect of control mechanisms on process of indigenous innovation;控制机制对自主创新过程的影响研究

8.Effects of Exercise on Body Immune Function and Modulation Mechanics;运动对机体免疫机能的影响及其调节机制

9.influence or control shrewdly or deviously.机灵或灵活的影响或控制。

10.B.W. to the aircraft performances.电传飞控 /主动控制对飞机性能的影响。

11.Studies on the Mechanism and Factors of Tenderness Variation in Duck Meat;鸭肉嫩度影响因素及变化机制的研究

12.Research on the Mechanism of Institution Changes Influenced by Inter-governmental Competition;政府竞争对制度变迁的影响机理研究

13.Externalities in the Cluster of Firms: Their Mechanisms, Influences, and Governance;企业集群的外部性:机制、影响及治理

14.Stress Influencing on Food Intake and Regulatory Mechanism in Broilers;应激对肉鸡采食量影响及其调节机制

15.The Effect of Hypoxia on Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Molecular Mechanisms;缺氧对血脑屏障的影响及其分子机制

16.Effect of Tiam 1 on the Invasion and Metastasis of Gastric Cancer and Its Mechanism;Tiam 1对胃癌侵袭转移的影响及机制

17.Effect of the Secretion of Tumor Cells on Immune System;肿瘤分泌物影响免疫系统的机制研究

18.Study on the Influence and Mechanism of Nicotinic Acid on Silicosis Fibrosis;烟酸对矽肺纤维化的影响及机制研究



1.Themechanism of Zn2+ effect was analyzed.确定了目的基因argE在重组菌BL21(DE3)-pET22b-argE中的表达位置,研究了Zn2+对重组菌生长及表达产物活性的影响,并分析了影响机制。

2.Under the guidance of ecosystems theories, the paper focused on confirming the effectmechanisms of family ecosystems on development of children s mental health, finding that, in the group of the mentally healthy, all of the subsystems (i.以生态系统理论为指导,选取中小学生746名,分健康组和问题组,利用结构方程建模(SEM)技术,就家庭生态系统对儿童心理健康发展的影响机制进行了研究。

3.Based on the investigation of communities in Shanghai, it analyzes the spatial distributionmechanism of the migrant population from the following four aspects: job opportunities, residence options, development and construction, policies and administration.基于上海市2000年"五普"和1%人口抽样调查的相关数据,揭示外来人口的空间分布及其演变特征,并结合社区案例的实证调查分析,从就业机会、住所选择、开发建设、政策管理四个方面剖析了外来人口的空间影响机制。

3)influencing mechanism影响机制

1.Discussion on typhoon occurred in the Haikou Bay andinfluencing mechanism on the sea water quality;海口湾的台风及其对海水水质的影响机制分析

2.Based on which we presented theinfluencing mechanism of datalink to operational effectiveness of equipment,supplied an index structure for evaluating the influence and a method for calculating them,which formed a framework for analyzing datalink system\"s operational effectiveness.介绍了战术数据链系统的基本概念,针对目前关于战术数据链系统对作战效果影响原因不清晰问题,分析了战术数据链系统对空战的影响;在此基础上阐述了数据链系统对装备作战效果的影响机制,给出了评价影响机制的参考指标结构关系及不同层次指标的分析方法,最终形成了数据链系统作战效果分析框架。

4)impact mechanism影响机制

1.Impact Mechanism of Financial Crisis on the Trade of China′s Agricultural Products金融危机对中国农产品贸易的影响机制分析

2.And then it establishes quantitative analysis model of gray relation in order to grasp theimpact mechanism of industrial transformation.紧接着定性分析产业蜕变对相关产业、区域经济的影响,然后建立灰色关联定量分析模型,从而比较科学地把握产业蜕变影响机制。

3.In this paper, an integrated model of theimpact mechanism is constructed and the leadership acts is regard as antecedent variables, using the method of multi-level analysis model, by 289 leaders and 759 staff investigation.本文以领导行为作为前因变量,通过对289位领导和759位员工的调查分析,并采用多层次分析模型的方法构建了一个影响机制的整合模型。

5)Effect mechanism影响机制

1.The effect of Mo addition into Ni3Al on the wettability of Ni3Al-TiC and the effect mechanism were mainly discussed.采用2AP-LEITZ高温显微镜对TiC-Ni3Al的润湿接触角进行了实验测定,着重探讨了Ni3Al对TiC的润湿特性以及Ni3Al中添加少量Mo的影响机制。

6)crisis influence mechanism危机影响机制


