900字范文 > 机制 mechanism英语短句 例句大全

机制 mechanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-19 14:19:46


机制 mechanism英语短句 例句大全



1.Preliminary study on the ecological restorationmechanism in arid area of Northwestern China;与利用新疆干旱区生态系统的恢复机制

2.Study onmechanisms of silver biosorption by laminaria japonica;海带吸附银离子机制的研究

3.Advances in researches on purification andmechanism in wetland;湿地净化功能及其机制的研究进展


1.phonoreceptive mechanism声感受机制 声感受机制

2.self punishment mechanism自罚机制 自罚机制

3.Development Grant Facility发展赠款机制(发赠机制)

4.Central Organ of the Mechanism for Conflict Control冲突控制机制中央机构

5.excitation mechanism激发机理;激发机制;激励机理;激励机制;兴奋机制

6.crusher ,for bamboo (pulp-making machinery)碎竹机(制浆机械)

7.koller-gang (pulp-making machinery)混碾机(制浆机械)

8.chipper (pulp-machinery)切片机(制浆机械)

9.machinery control console机械控制台船机控制台

puter Control in Mechanical Manufacture机械制造中计算机控制

puterized process camera计算机控制制版照相机

12.butter-worker (dairy machinery)黄油压制机(奶品机械)

puterised flaming machine计算机控制的火焰机

14.universal copying device for camera照相机用万能复制机

15.microprocessor controlled weaving machine微处理机控制编织机

16.multi-head computer controlled embroidery machine多头计算机控制刺绣机

17.microcomputer-controlled multifunction respirator微机控制多功能呼吸机

puter off-line control system计算机脱机控制系统



1.Discussion on late design servicesystem by the example of West Shengang tunnel;以深港西部通道为例谈设计后期服务机制

2.A study of budget managementsystem based on the strategic direction;以战略为导向的预算管理机制研究

3.Reflection of Culture in Contemporary Ar- chitecture Design System;当代建筑创作机制中的文化投影


1.Effect of STCB on Human Neuroglioma Cells and its Mechanisms;开口箭皂苷对人神经胶质瘤细胞作用及相关机制研究

2.Mechanisms of Trefoil Factor Family in the Development of Gastric Cancer;三叶因子家族在胃癌发生中的作用机制

3.The Mechanisms and Detection of Tumour Micrometastasis;肿瘤微转移的机制与检测


1.Discussion of the Inferion ST SegmentPathogenesis in the Elderly Patients with Acute Underside Myocardial Infarction;老年急性下壁心肌梗死胸导联ST段压低机制探讨

2.Research on Environmental Factors in the ImmunologicalPathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes;环境因素在1型糖尿病免疫学发病机制中的研究

3.Research Progress onPathogenesis of Paraquat-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis;百草枯致肺纤维化机制的研究进展


1.Mechanics and relevant question by lumbar traction to treat lumbar disc herniaton(1516 cases analysis);腰椎牵引治疗腰椎间盘突出症机制与相关问题的探讨(附1516例分析)

2.The Mechanics and Measures to Sustainable Agriculture of Northwest Plain of Shandong Province ——A Typical Study on Dongchangfu County;鲁西北平原可持续农业发展的机制与途径——以东昌府区为例

3.Urban Spatial Growth in France:Pattern and Mechanics;法国城市空间增长:模式与机制

6)restriction mechanism制约机制

1.Strengthening the effect of safety production societyrestriction mechanism,can play the.煤炭企业的社会制约机制是以煤炭企业安全生产为核心,除了煤炭企业自身的管理行为和道德自律发挥作用外,还通过法律法规制约、政府监督、保险公司、中介服务机构和煤炭行业协会等外部因素影响煤炭企业的安全生产行为。

2.We should establish the effectiverestriction mechanism of information communication in the stock market and safeguard benign information communication in the stock mar.应建立有效的股市信息传播制约机制,以完善的制度与有力的监督保障股市信息的良性传播。

3.Because the society has not established a sound credit mechanism,it is of necessity to establish discreditrestriction mechanism on campus by keeping credit records files and discredit penalty mechanism in order to enhance university students credit.在社会尚未构建诚信机制的情况下,在大学内构建起包括诚信记录档案、失信惩罚机制的诚信制约机制,以促进大学生诚信度的提高,是十分必要的。


