900字范文 > 高层商住楼 high-rise commercial and living building英语短句 例句大全

高层商住楼 high-rise commercial and living building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 22:00:53


高层商住楼 high-rise commercial and living building英语短句 例句大全

高层商住楼,high-rise commercial and living building

1)high-rise commercial and living building高层商住楼

1.Analysis on fire-fighting design ofhigh-rise commercial and living building;高层商住楼消防设计分析


1.Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Commercial-Residential Buildings with Box Transfer Story;带箱式转换层的高层商住楼抗震分析与设计

2.Construction Technology of Thick Layer Plate Structure Conversion in Commercial and Residential High-rise Building高层商住楼厚板式结构转换层施工技术


4.The Method of Design and Construction Studies on Commerical Dwelling High-rise Building;高层商业住宅楼设计与施工方法研究

5.I live on the second floor He lives far above me.我住在二楼。他住的楼层比我高得多。

6.She lives in a high-rise flat.她住在高层公寓大楼内。

7.Investigation and analysis for the fire danger of the multi-layer building used for business and living多层商住楼的火灾危险性调查与分析

8.Their teachers live in a high-rise flat.他们的老师住在高层公寓大楼内。

9.Control and Treatment of Quicksand in a High-rise Residence of Taiyuan太原某高层住宅楼流砂的控制与治理

10.A superstructure at the bow of a merchant ship where the crew is housed.艏楼商船船首的上层建筑,是船员住的地方

11.a 40 - story mixed - use tower; a mixed - use parcel of land.一座四十层的多功能塔楼,一块商业及住宅用地

12.The Executive floors with special privileges and non smoking floors are available on request.入住商务楼层的客人还可享受一系列优惠服务。

13.On the Fire Prevention Water Supply System in Business Buildings;论多层商住楼室内消防给水系统的设置

14.The fire characteristics and countermeasures for multilayer business-residential buildings;多层商住楼的火灾特点及灭火对策探讨

15.Techno-economic Analysis and Structural Design of Transfer Story for a Commercial and Residential Building某商住楼转换层结构设计与技术经济比较分析

16.These include, for instance, the ownership of parking spaces around high-rise flats: the draft says that the spaces belong to the flats" owners, not the developers.其中包括,例如,高层住宅楼停车空间的所有权,草案写道,该空间属于所有业主,而非开发商。

17.The project covers an area of32,000 square meters with construction area of94,000 square meters.裙楼为三层综合购物广场,主楼为双塔设计;一栋为商住楼,一栋为写字楼。

18.Application of Jet Grouting Composite Foundation to the High Building;高压旋喷桩复合地基在高层住宅楼中的应用


super high-rise commercial-occupancy buildings超高层商住楼

1.The paper discusses the principles and methods of safety check of escaping in"performance-based"design through an example ofsuper high-rise commercial-occupancy buildings,aiming to give some practical methods to such kinds of buildings in our country.以超高层商住楼为例 ,对“性能化”防火设计中安全疏散设计的检验原理、方法进行了较为深入的探讨 ,目的在于为我国的“性能化”防火设计提供一种切实可行的设计方

3)public walkways of High business-living building高层商住楼公共走道

4)multilayer business-residential buildings多层商住楼

1.The fire characteristics and countermeasures formultilayer business-residential buildings;多层商住楼的火灾特点及灭火对策探讨

2.In recent years,multilayer business-residential buildings which are rapidly developed have brought economic ben- efits to the developers and convenience to household consumers.近年来,多层商住楼发展迅速,在其给建筑开发商带来经济效益与方便住户消费的同时也带来了许多消防安全隐患。

5)high-rise residential building高层住宅楼

1.Opinions about cooperation between electrical design and on-site construction ofhigh-rise residential building;高层住宅楼电气设计与现场施工配合的探讨

2.Through investigation of the soil and construction loads around excavation pit of onehigh-rise residential building the anchor and shotcrete support technology is introduced for side slope support.通过对某高层住宅楼现场土质情况和基坑四周施工荷载情况的勘察,提出了用喷锚支护技术进行边坡支护的方案,介绍了该方案的施工工艺及技术质量要求,指出喷锚支护技术有效提高了边坡的整体稳定性,值得推广使用。

3.This paper expounds the monitoring system in the residential district and the lightning protection methods for thehigh-rise residential buildings, and puts forward the generic cabling plan of the lightning protection system.阐述了住宅小区监控系统及高层住宅楼的防雷电方法,提出了防雷电系统的综合布线方案。

6)high-rise ward building高层住院楼

1.Based on the layout and calculation of elevation,this paper makes analysis of the lobby design and proposes concrete and applicable design method for present domestichigh-rise ward building.通过对上海、浙江、重庆等地的实地调研,对调研所得数据进行了统计分析,得出医院住院楼电梯数量配置的重要参数,并分别从电梯配置与数量、电梯厅建筑设计方法等两方面对我国现阶段高层住院楼电梯厅设计进行了较为深入的探讨,提出具体而实用的电梯数量配置及电梯厅设计方法。


