900字范文 > 高层住宅 high-rise building英语短句 例句大全

高层住宅 high-rise building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-19 15:12:28


高层住宅 high-rise building英语短句 例句大全

高层住宅,high-rise building

1)high-rise building高层住宅

mon questions and prevention measures encountered in water supply and drainage works ofhigh-rise buildings;高层住宅给排水工程中的常见问题和预防措施

2.The construction of static pre-stressed tubular pile in a certainhigh-rise building engineering;某高层住宅工程静压预应力管桩的施工

3.On interior public space design ofhigh-rise building;浅析高层住宅内部公共空间设计研究


1.The urban residence high-rising and several problems about high rise building construction城市住宅高层化及高层住宅建设的若干问题

2.An Introduction to the Plan for Fully Duplex-type "Urban Villa" High-rise Apartment全跃层式“都市别墅”高层住宅方案介绍

3.Improval Design of High-rise Residential Building on Hot Summer and Cold Winter Zones--Case Study on YuLongWan Residential Building夏热冬冷地区高层住宅节能优化设计——以合肥御龙湾高层住宅为例

4.The Analyses in Middle Height Residential Building Supply and Consumption Requirement in Kunming;昆明小高层住宅供盘及消费需求分析

5.Study on Wind-induced Interference Effects on the Middle-high Residential District Buildings中高层住宅区建筑群风干扰效应研究

6.Waterproofing Techniques Used in Basement of Some University Young High-level Teachers and Administration Staff Housing小高层住宅地下室防水施工技术探讨

7.Control and Treatment of Quicksand in a High-rise Residence of Taiyuan太原某高层住宅楼流砂的控制与治理

8.Discussion about Design of Emergency Diesel Generator for High Rise Residential District高层住宅小区的应急柴油发电机设计

9.On the application of external insulation board in high-rise residential buildings浅谈外墙保温板在高层住宅中的应用

10.Discussion on evacuation in unit residence of tall building单元式高层住宅消防疏散问题的探讨

11.Super high-rise building design in Qianjiang new district stepping over metro钱江新城跨地铁超限超高层住宅设计

12.Vertical City--The Past,Present and Future of High-rise Dwellings垂直城市——高层住宅的过去、现在与未来

13.Characteristic of Development and Tower-type of the High-rise Residential Buildings in Shanghai上海高层住宅的发展及平面类型特点

14.Discussion on the humanization design of hollowness space in higher housing浅谈高层住宅中凹空间的人性化设计


16.Investigation and Analysis to the High Residence Living Environment and Social Mental States of Cities;城市高层住宅居住环境与社会心理调查分析

17.The Research on Living Environment Comfort Design of High-rise Housing in Cold District寒冷地区高层住宅居住环境舒适性设计探索

18.In choice of structural styles of mid-high rise residential building based on improved Analytical Hierarchy Process基于改进层次分析法的中高层住宅结构选型


high-rise residential building高层住宅

1.Supporting scheme of deep foundation pit ofhigh-rise residential building in one university;某大学高层住宅深基坑的支护方案

2.The application of deep-well dewatering inhigh-rise residential building engineering;深井降水在某高层住宅工程中的运用

3.Thoughts on the design ofhigh-rise residential building;关于高层住宅设计的思考

3)high-rise residence高层住宅

1.Indoor thermal environment investigation onhigh-rise residences in summer in Shanghai;上海高层住宅夏季室内热环境调查研究

2.Application of GBF flue system to kitchens inhigh-rise residence;GBF烟道系统在高层住宅厨房中的应用

3.Construction of the internal-large formwork on-sitepouring exterior insulation board ofhigh-rise residence;高层住宅大模内置现浇外保温板的施工

4)high residence高层住宅

1.Study on the parking modes and the bottom space in thehigh residence;高层住宅底部空间与停车方式的研究

2.Problems in structural design ofhigh residence and its treatment;高层住宅结构设计中的问题及处理

3.Discussion on grounding for lightning design in somehigh residence electrical design;浅谈某高层住宅电气设计中的防雷接地设计

5)high residential building高层住宅

1.Discussion on the Setting of Fire Detectors in High Residential Buildings;高层住宅建筑火灾探测器设置的探讨

2.Vibration from subject structure and base constructing at the same time , if there is influence to the constructing subject structure ofhigh residential building.主体结构与桩基同时施工时起的振动会对正在施工的高层住宅主体结构是否有影响。

3.Based on the new social economical and cultural background of Chinese cities, this dissertation makes a new research and discussion on the theories and methods to construct the outer space of urbanhigh residential buildings, which is achieved by using the theories of urban architecture, widely combined with the latest theories of other related disciplines.本文主要立足于当今中国新的社会经济文化背景(如社会结构体制转型、市场经济体制体系初步确立、城市化进程加速、环境生态问题突出等),对城市高层住宅外部空间的整体营造理论与方法进行新的研究与探讨。

6)high-rise residential高层住宅

1.Ordinaryhigh-rise residential kitchen computer simulation in Central Exhaust System普通高层住宅厨房集中排烟道计算机模拟研究

2.With the expansion of urban population and increase of housing density, cities tend to develop into the air andhigh-rise residential buildings come into being.随着城市的人口不断膨胀,居住密度的增高,城市向空中发展成为一种趋势,高层住宅建筑应运而生。

3.However, duing to the cityhigh-rise residential more location in traffic convenient and business flourishing place, in recent years, traffic noise infringement cases happen increasing, many people feel that seems to live in a world of noise surrounded.高层住宅是经济发展和科学技术进步的产物,它的出现和发展是城市人口集中、土地资源稀缺、人民对住房品质要求的提高和城市现代化发展需要等多重因素所导致的结果,可以说是城市发展不可逾越的阶段。


