900字范文 > 中高层住宅 mid-highrise residential building英语短句 例句大全

中高层住宅 mid-highrise residential building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-03 11:27:32


中高层住宅 mid-highrise residential building英语短句 例句大全

中高层住宅,mid-highrise residential building

1)mid-highrise residential building中高层住宅

1.Lectotype optimization ofmid-highrise residential building based on site conditions and seismic fortification intensity;基于场地条件和抗震设防烈度的中高层住宅结构方案优选


1.Study on Wind-induced Interference Effects on the Middle-high Residential District Buildings中高层住宅区建筑群风干扰效应研究

2.In choice of structural styles of mid-high rise residential building based on improved Analytical Hierarchy Process基于改进层次分析法的中高层住宅结构选型

3.Research of Optimal Design of Frame-shear Wall Structure for Mid-highrise Residential Buildings;中高层住宅中的框架—剪力墙结构优化设计研究

4.On the application of external insulation board in high-rise residential buildings浅谈外墙保温板在高层住宅中的应用

5.Discussion on the humanization design of hollowness space in higher housing浅谈高层住宅中凹空间的人性化设计

6.The urban residence high-rising and several problems about high rise building construction城市住宅高层化及高层住宅建设的若干问题

7.Application of Jet Grouting Composite Foundation to the High Building;高压旋喷桩复合地基在高层住宅楼中的应用

8.Research on Design Method of the Central Exhaust System for Residential Kitchen in High-rise Buildings;高层住宅厨房集中排烟气系统设计方法研究

9.The Research of Sky Courts Design of Healthy High-Rise Residential Buildings;高层健康住宅空中绿化设计问题的研究

10.Structure Method Research of Plank High Steels Construction Residential Building;板式中高层钢结构住宅的建筑构造方法研究

11.A Study for the Application of Solar Energy to the Many-Storeyed Tall Residential Buiding;太阳能在多高层住宅建筑中的应用研究

12.Practice and Study of Energy Efficiency in High-rise Residential Buildings of China National Petroleum Corporation Group 7;中石油第七公司高层住宅建筑节能实践与研究

13.Approach to Design of Short Shear Wall Structure in High Residential Building;高层住宅中短肢剪力墙结构的设计探讨

14.Study on Sharing Exhaust Dust System for High-rise Residential Building普通高层住宅集中式排烟(风)系统问题研究

15.Application Analysis of Short-pier Shear Wall in the Mid-rise Residential Building短肢剪力墙在小高层住宅建筑中的应用分析

16.Short-pier Shear Wall Structure Style Used for Small High-rise Buildings Design短肢剪力墙结构体系在小高层住宅设计中应用

17.Application of Plain Concrete Pile for High-rise Residence in Houma Area素混凝土桩在侯马高层住宅小区中的应用

18.Application of CFG Pile Compounded Foundation in High-Rise Residential EngineeringCFG桩复合地基在高层住宅工程中的应用


high-rise residential building with atrium中庭高层住宅

3)high-rise residence高层住宅

1.Indoor thermal environment investigation onhigh-rise residences in summer in Shanghai;上海高层住宅夏季室内热环境调查研究

2.Application of GBF flue system to kitchens inhigh-rise residence;GBF烟道系统在高层住宅厨房中的应用

3.Construction of the internal-large formwork on-sitepouring exterior insulation board ofhigh-rise residence;高层住宅大模内置现浇外保温板的施工

4)high residence高层住宅

1.Study on the parking modes and the bottom space in thehigh residence;高层住宅底部空间与停车方式的研究

2.Problems in structural design ofhigh residence and its treatment;高层住宅结构设计中的问题及处理

3.Discussion on grounding for lightning design in somehigh residence electrical design;浅谈某高层住宅电气设计中的防雷接地设计

5)high-rise building高层住宅

mon questions and prevention measures encountered in water supply and drainage works ofhigh-rise buildings;高层住宅给排水工程中的常见问题和预防措施

2.The construction of static pre-stressed tubular pile in a certainhigh-rise building engineering;某高层住宅工程静压预应力管桩的施工

3.On interior public space design ofhigh-rise building;浅析高层住宅内部公共空间设计研究

6)high-rise residential building高层住宅

1.Supporting scheme of deep foundation pit ofhigh-rise residential building in one university;某大学高层住宅深基坑的支护方案

2.The application of deep-well dewatering inhigh-rise residential building engineering;深井降水在某高层住宅工程中的运用

3.Thoughts on the design ofhigh-rise residential building;关于高层住宅设计的思考


