900字范文 > 住宅楼 residential building英语短句 例句大全

住宅楼 residential building英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-16 12:25:29


住宅楼 residential building英语短句 例句大全

住宅楼,residential building

1)residential building住宅楼

1.The reasons of surface crack and its prevention in theresidential building;浅谈住宅楼地面裂缝的原因及其防治

2.Grounding consolidation practice ofresidential building in 1985;某单位85住宅楼地基加固实践

3.Cause analysis and treatment of cracking of in situ concrete floor inresidential building;某住宅楼现浇楼板开裂原因分析及处理


1.Non-domestic Operating Account非住宅楼宇运作帐目

2.We will work first on upgrading fire safety measures in old mixed-use commercial and residential buildings, and then turn our attention to residential and industrial buildings.我们会先从旧式商住楼宇着手,然后再处理住宅楼宇和工业楼宇。

3.Clean Multi-Storey Residential Buildings Award Scheme清洁多层住宅楼宇奖励计划

4.We also constructed two apartment buildings for 80 households.我们还给80 户人家盖了两座住宅楼。

5.These apartment houses were put up in 1977.这些住宅楼是1977年修建的。

6.They respond warmly to the accent on apartment buildings.他们对加强住宅楼的建设反响热烈。

7.This design of resident buildings is becoming/ getting fashionable.这种住宅楼的设计正在逐渐流行起来。

8.The Method of Design and Construction Studies on Commerical Dwelling High-rise Building;高层商业住宅楼设计与施工方法研究

parative Genre Analysis of Chinese and English Residential House Information Texts;英汉住宅楼介绍语篇的语类对比分析

10.Reason Analysis and Remedial Treatment of Cracking in the Beam Floor of a Residential Building某住宅楼梁板裂缝的分析与修补处理

11.Discussion on several problems of water supply design in multi layer residential building浅谈多层住宅楼给水设计的几个问题

12.Control and Treatment of Quicksand in a High-rise Residence of Taiyuan太原某高层住宅楼流砂的控制与治理

13.The Analysis of Floor Cracks in Residential Buildings and the Related Tips on Prevent the Crack住宅楼面裂缝成因分析及其防治要点

14.Deviation rectification by design of foundation reinforcement and construction of the residential building某住宅楼纠倾及地基加固设计与施工

15.On the Supervision of Cast-in-Place Slab Engineering浅谈对住宅楼现浇混凝土楼板施工的监理

16.The little park was enclosed on all sides by tall apartment buildings.那个小公园的四周被高高的住宅楼围起来了。

17.a building that is divided into apartments.一个包含有很多单元住宅的大楼。

18.Cause of split on cast-in-place floorboard and its prevention住宅现浇楼板裂缝产生的原因与防治


residential buildings住宅楼

1.Analysing and dealing with the problem of wall cracks of XX-typeresidential buildings,this paper summarized the rule of the cracks in the bricked corstruction,the influencing factors of the project and the treatment measures.通过对XX型住宅楼墙体开裂问题的分析和处治,总结了砖砌体结构中,温度裂缝的产生规律、工程内部的影响因素及相应处治措施。

2.Starting with the improvement of the supervisors managerial ability, this article has put forward some concrete measures to guarantee the building quality and installing quality ofresidential buildings.文章从提高工程监管人员的管理能力入手,提出了确保住宅楼土建工程质量和安装工程质量的具体措施。

3.Manyresidential buildings have been damaged at different degree in disaster area.12"汶川特大地震发生后,灾区很多住宅楼受到不同程度的损坏。

3)building uptown楼房住宅

4)nondomestic building非住宅楼

5)uncompleted residential flat住宅楼花

6)block of flats住宅楼区


