900字范文 > 投融资管理 investment and financing management英语短句 例句大全

投融资管理 investment and financing management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 06:07:01


投融资管理 investment and financing management英语短句 例句大全

投融资管理,investment and financing management

1)investment and financing management投融资管理


1.The Research on Investing & Financing Management and Performance Evaluation in Urban Infrastructure"s Construction;城市基础设施建设投融资管理及其绩效评价

2.Strategy for developing the mode of investing and financing in the construction and management of physical establishments;试论我国体育场馆投融资管理的发展对策

3.Research on Management of Expressway Concession Project Investment & Financing高速公路特许经营项目投融资管理研究

4.The Analysis on the Financing and Investment Management of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of Science & Technology;科技型中小企业融资与投资管理分析

5.External Managers Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]外聘投资经理处〔香港金融管理局〕

6.Direct Investment Division [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]直接投资处〔香港金融管理局〕

7.Risks and Risk Management of BOT Investment & Financing in Environmental Protection Industry;环保产业BOT投融资风险及其管理

8.Standardized Management of Medical Item Investment and Financing in the Military Hospital军队医院医疗项目投融资规范化管理

9.Equity financing also requires a willingness to share management control with the investors.股权融资还要求自愿与投资商分享经营管理权。

10.Study on the Investment/Financing and Fund Management of the Key Forestry Programs in China;我国林业重点工程投融资及资金管理研究

11.The Study on the Transfer from Financial Asset Management Corporation to Investment Bank;金融资产管理公司向投资银行转型的研究

12.A Game Analysis on Investment and Financing on Fund Supply Chain;资金供应链管理中的企业投融资博弈分析

13.A Discussion about Turning the Financial Assets Management Companies into the Investment Banks;对金融资产管理公司发展为投资银行的探讨

panies Investor Relations Management Level and the Cost of Equity Financing上市公司投资者关系管理水平与股权融资成本

15.Investment Management Service投资管理处(投管处)

16.Research on Portfolio Optimization Model in Finance Risk Management;金融风险管理中的投资组合优化模型研究

17.Study on Management of Infrastructure Investment & Financing Behaviors;基础设施投融资行为及其管理问题研究

18.On Strategy of Improving Investing and Financing Risk Management of China s Infrastructure Project;提高我国基础设施项目投融资风险管理的对策


management system of investment & financing投融资管理体制

3)Risk Management of Investment & Financing投融资风险管理

4)financing management融资管理

1.In this paper,thefinancing management and investment management is discussed in detail on the basis of the characteristics of different growth stages of the small and medium–sized enterprises of science & technology.本文结合科技型中小企业不同成长阶段的特性对其融资管理和投资管理进行了详细的探讨。

5)investment management投资管理

1.How to establish capital constructioninvestment management system of railways;如何建立铁路建设投资管理系统

2.Briefly on projectinvestment management of the correspondence enterprise;浅谈通信公司工程投资管理

3.Research on some basic issues of strategyinvestment management in province;省域战略投资管理的基本问题研究

6)management of investment投资管理

1.Through practice of "static control,dynamic management" in Nierji water conservancy project,the method ofmanagement of investment in construction stage of water conservancy project is analyzed and explored.通过尼尔基水利枢纽工程实行“静态控制、动态管理”的试点与实践,分析探索水利工程实施阶段的投资管理方法。

2.And for China the more and more important problem is that themanagement of investment and risk management of the corporation annuity.文章在前人研究的基础上,采用规范分析法和归纳演绎法对企业年金基金投资管理和投资风险管理这两个方面进行分析研究。


