900字范文 > 投融资体制 investment and financing system英语短句 例句大全

投融资体制 investment and financing system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-30 18:56:10


投融资体制 investment and financing system英语短句 例句大全

投融资体制,investment and financing system

1)investment and financing system投融资体制

1.On the reform of Chinese Westinvestment and financing system;论西部投融资体制的改革

2.By adequately using for reference the overseasinvestment and financing systems for construction of port infrastructures,the concept that investment and financing should be made according to t.在分析当前我国港口基础设施系统投融资体制现状的基础上,根据公共经济学理论对港口设施系统要素按投资来源、投资方式进行了合理划分,并充分借鉴国外港口建设的投融资体制,提出应根据不同类型项目分类融资的思想,最后给出了建立与完善市场经济条件下港口投融资体制的具体建议。

3.By making studies of theinvestment and financing system, the income structure of Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation, this paper provides suggestions on the reform of the presentinvestment and financing system of Chinese subway corporations and the practical measures to perfect the related government policies.通过分析香港地铁的投融资体制以及收益构成,总结其可借鉴之处,为改革国内地铁公司的投融资方式及完善地方政府有关政策提出了建议。


1.Reforming Investing and Circulating System & Widening Investing and Circulating Channels;改革投融资体制 拓宽投融资渠道

2.We should deepen the reform of the fiscal, taxation, banking, investment and financing systems.深化财政、税收、金融和投融资体制改革。

3.-- Reforms of the banking, fiscal, taxation, investment and financing systems were deepened.——金融、财税、投融资体制改革继续深化。

4.Improving the system, environment and approaches for financing and investment ?深化投融资体制改革,改善投融资环境,探索新的筹融资方式。

5.Discussion on Structural Reformfor invest ment and Financing and FPI Financing Mode in Highway Construction;浅议公路建设投融资体制改革与FPI融资方式

6.Institution Reform of Investment and Financing in Chemical Industry and Enterprise Financing;化工行业投融资体制的改革与企业融资

7.Elementary probing into radicating item division theory and deepening the reform of investing-financing of Liuzhou city项目区分理论与投融资体制改革初探

8.Research on China s Rural Investment & Finance Institutional Transition and Institutional Initiation;中国农村投融资体制变迁与创新研究

9.The system reform of investment and finance on the Chinese ecosystem environment construction;中国生态环境建设的投融资体制改革

10.Study on Innovation to the System of Investment in the Urban Infrastructure--A Case of Nanjing;南京市基础设施投融资体制改革探讨

11.Marketing of Cultural Industry and Reform of Investment and Finance System;文化产业市场化与投融资体制的改革

12.On the Rural Investing and Financing System of China;中国农村投融资体制改革的现实思考

13.Reflection upon Several Issues of Railway Investment and Financing System Reform;铁路投融资体制改革若干问题的思考

14.Analysis of Financial Investment and Accommodation System of Agricultural High-tech Industries;中国农业高技术产业投融资体制浅析

15.Research on Investment and Financing System Reform Problem of the Town Construction小城镇建设投融资体制改革问题研究

16.Study on the System Reform of Investment and Financing of Highway in Tianjin天津市公路建设投融资体制改革研究

17.Policy Approaches on the Reconstruction of Financial Supporting System of Bio-Industry完善生物产业投融资体制的对策思考

18.On Enlightenment of the Reform of China s Investment and Financing System Influenced by Successful Achievements of Fiscal Investment and Financing Overseas;国外财政投融资的成功实践对我国投融资体制改革的启示


the system of investment and financing投融资体制

1.The most serious problems for us to solve while reformingthe system of investment and financing are: the underdevelopment of economic growth and the inabilities to capital-forming.改革西部投融资体制 ,当前亟待解决的是经济发展水平低下 ,资本形成能力不足 ;金融抑制严重 ,金融资源配置效率不高 ;资本市场发展缓慢 ,直接融资渠道不畅 ;市场型制度短缺 ,制度创新能力差 ;有效投资需求不足 ,政府投融资政策对民间投资的行业和领域限制过多等影响投融资体制改革的制约因素。

2.To changethe system of investment and financing is the need for solving all kinds of present contradictions in economic activities of our province.要解决当前云南经济活动中的各种矛盾和问题,就必须尽快改革投融资体制。

3)Investment and Finance System投融资体制

1.In order to develop the water infrastructure industry, it’s necessary to consummate investment and finance system.投融资体制是影响城市水务基础设施产业运行效率的关键因素之一,建立完善的投融资体制成为城市水务基础设施产业生存发展的必然要求。

4)system of energy investment and finance能源投融资体制

5)the investment and financing institutional innovation投融资体制创新

6)the investment and financing institutions of the cultural industry文化投融资体制

1.Beijing s current cultural industry has lagged behind the overall economic development of the city, while the reform ofthe investment and financing institutions of the cultural industry has been a least achieved aspect in the overall Reform and Opening-up endeavor.北京文化产业的发展距离首都经济的发展要求还有不少差距,特别是首都文化投融资体制改革是改革开放进程中最为薄弱的环节。


