900字范文 > 楼板结构 floor slab structure英语短句 例句大全

楼板结构 floor slab structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-28 01:27:48


楼板结构 floor slab structure英语短句 例句大全

楼板结构,floor slab structure

1)floor slab structure楼板结构

1.Simple early form-removal system offloor slab structure is put forward considering the defects of traditional formwork.结合楼板结构常规模板存在的缺陷,提出了简易早拆模板体系。

2.From optimal design of slings, rational calculation of suspension center and other aspects technical measures as well as principles are elaborated for lifting construction, which ensure the stability offloor slab structure and construction safety and acquired good construction effects with short limited time.介绍了展览大厅结构构造特点,并就其钢结构工程的吊装工艺原则作了阐述,从吊具的优化设计、吊点的合理计算等方面,论述了吊装的技术措施,确保了楼板结构和吊装的安全,保证了吊装的持续进行,有效缩短了工期。


1.flat slab drop construction托板支承无梁楼板结构

2.Easy Methods for Laying Reinforcing Bars in Prestressed Floorslab Constructions预应力楼板结构布筋的简便施工方法

3.The Study on the Internal Forces in the Big Raft of Multi-Tower Structure;多塔楼结构大底板的内力分析和研究

4.Analysis on the fine cracks produced in cast-in-place concrete floor of masonry-concrete building浅析砖混结构现浇楼板产生的细裂缝

5.Application of the Hollow Steel-tube Slab Beamless Floor Structure System钢管空心板无梁楼盖结构体系的应用

6.Application of Steel Deck Reinforced Composite Slab in Steel Structure压型钢板与混凝土组合楼板在钢结构中的应用

7.Technology and Economy Research on Application of Composite Deck Slab in Steel Structure Buliding;钢结构建筑楼承板组合楼板体系应用的技术和经济研究

8.Studies on Design Methods for Sound Insulation of Wood Structure Walls and Vibration Performance of Wood Structure Floors;木结构墙体隔声和楼板减振设计方法研究

9.Simulation Researches on the Thermal and Structural Performance of Air Conditioning Floor with Energy Storage;空气调节楼板热工与结构性能的模拟分析

10.Monitoring and Analysis on the Temperature Field of the Floorslab of Super-length Concrete Structure;超长混凝土结构楼板温度场的监测与分析

11.The Theoretic Study on Thin-wall Core Cast-in-site Reinforced Concrete Hollow Floor Structure;薄壁箱体现浇砼空腹板楼盖结构的理论分析

12.Analysis of Tall Building Structures Concerning about Ground and Floor Deformations;考虑地基及楼板变形的高层建筑结构分析

13.An Analysis of Concrete Cracks in Masonry Residential Floors;对砌体结构住宅现浇楼面板开裂问题的分析

14.Crack Analysis and Control of Cast-in-situ Floor Slab for Brick-and-concrete Dwellings;砖混结构住宅现浇楼板裂缝分析与控制

15.Performance Study on Steel-concrete Composite Floor in Light Weight Steel Structures of Building轻钢结构住宅组合楼板力学性能试验研究

16.Seismic Design of Weak Connecting Slab in the Structure with Irregular Plane平面不规则结构中薄弱连接楼板的抗震设计

17.Designing basis of the static bending performance of Wood I-Joist for flooring of wooden houses木结构楼板托梁用木质工字梁静曲性能的设计

18.Analysis on Thick Layer of Structural Transformation Construction Technology in High-rise Comprehensive Building高层综合楼厚板结构转换层施工技术分析探讨


floor structure楼板结构

1.The prestressed slab with varying thickness using unbonded tendons was adopted in thefloor structure of Wuhan World Trade Tower.武汉世界贸易大厦工程采用了两端固结超静定无粘结预应力混凝土变截面楼板结构,高跨比达1/52。

3)Wood structure floor木结构楼板

4)whole floor structure楼板整体结构

1.Test ofwhole floor structure quiet-load and structural quality control;楼板整体结构静载荷试验与结构质量控制

5)structural floor unit结构楼板装配件

6)floor framing system楼板结构系统


