900字范文 > 预制楼板 precast floor slab英语短句 例句大全

预制楼板 precast floor slab英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-06 09:26:47


预制楼板 precast floor slab英语短句 例句大全

预制楼板,precast floor slab

1)precast floor slab预制楼板

1.Study on the full-crack along joint ofprecast floor slab and prevention measures;预制楼板板缝通裂的成因及防治

2.According to the phenomena ofprecast floor slab crack,analyses the reasons in the design and the construction.通过预制楼板板缝开裂的现象,对设计、施工等方面造成的原因进行分析,针对该地区建筑施工的实际情况,提出对预制楼板板缝开裂的防治方法和措施。

3.This paper analyses causations ofprecast floor slab crack in engineering from the aspects of design, material and construction.本文从设计、材料、施工三方面 ,详细分析了工程中预制楼板板缝开裂的原因。

2)precast slab slot预制楼板缝

3)prefabricating floor预制楼面板

4)prefabricating board floor预制板楼面


1.Cracks in Precast Slab Floor along the Seams: Causes of Their Occurrence and Measures to Prevent and Treat Them;预制板楼面沿板缝产生裂缝的原因及防治措施

2.superimposed floor slab with prestressed concrete thin plate预应力薄板叠合楼板

3.precast concrete panel预制混凝土桥面镶板

4.The Application of Fair-Faced Precast Slab for West Terminal Building in Shanghai Hongqiao Airport清水预制挂板在虹桥机场西航站楼中的应用

5.Seismic-Appraisal and Analysis of Classroom-Building made by Masonry and Precast Slab既有砖混预制板教学楼的抗震鉴定及分析

6.Study on the reasons caused the cracks in spot-cast concrete floor-slab of high-rise building and preventive measures高层住宅现浇楼板裂缝产生原因及预防控制

7.precast autoclaved aerated concrete wall & roof panels预制蒸压加气混凝土墙板和屋面板

8.lifts, floor charts, stair treads, landings电梯, 楼面图, 楼梯踏板, 楼梯平台

9.FRPT =flooring radiant panel test楼面材料辐射板试验


11.armored concrete floor有护面的混凝土楼板

12.stone walls,buildings, floors,statues石墙、石楼、石板地面、石雕

13.The weight of the contents is transmitted by means of the floors to the beams.楼面荷载通过楼板传递给梁。

14.Cause Analysis of Cracking in Cast-in-Situ Housing Slab and the Preventive Measure住宅工程现浇楼板裂缝成因分析及其预防控制措施

15.Post-tensioned unbonded prestressed concrete bar is suitable for cast-in-placeconcrete of long-span and wide buildings, large load prefabricated beam and other construction.后张无粘结预应力筋适用于大跨度、开间建筑的现浇楼板、荷载的预制梁及其它特种结构。

16.precast beam and hollow-tile floor预制小梁空心砖楼盖

17.floor slaB(铺设水泥楼面、地面的)水泥板

18.Easy Methods for Laying Reinforcing Bars in Prestressed Floorslab Constructions预应力楼板结构布筋的简便施工方法


precast slab slot预制楼板缝

3)prefabricating floor预制楼面板

4)prefabricating board floor预制板楼面

5)concrete-arch floor预制板-钢梁楼板

6)Precast hollow core slab预制中空楼板


