900字范文 > 施工资料 construction data英语短句 例句大全

施工资料 construction data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-19 14:12:19


施工资料 construction data英语短句 例句大全

施工资料,construction data

1)construction data施工资料

1.Some problems in theconstruction data;公路工程施工资料中存在的问题及解决方法探讨

2.Effective measures of the projectconstruction data completion and responsibility assignment;项目施工资料完成的有效措施及岗位职责分配


1.Neatening,Checking and Acceptation of Construction Data of Gushan Tunnel in Jiao-Jin Speedway焦晋高速公路孤山隧道施工资料整理与验收

2.On Information Cumulation Work of Construction Enterprises Project Cost;施工企业的工程造价资料积累工作的探讨

3.Relevance of Technical Information and Municipal Public Works论市政工程施工技术资料与市政工程的相关性

4.Study & Development on Management System of Technical Data for Municipal Road Construction;市政道路工程施工技术资料管理系统开发研究

5.Design and Implementation of the Engineering Construction Technique Data Information System;工程施工技术资料信息系统的设计与实现

6.Reorganizing and Placing Material on File for Handing over a Completed Project are an Important Content of Building Engineering Management;交工资料整编归档是建筑施工管理的重要内容

7.Administration of the Construction Technological Data Should Adapt to the Situation;施工技术资料的管理要适应形势——《市政工程施工技术资料管理规定》试行浅论

8.Elementary Discussion on Strengthening Datum Management of Inviting Public Bidding,Bidding and Construction;浅议施工企业要加强对招标、投标及施工全过程资料的管理

9.Construction of the building enterprise s integrated managerial information database;建筑施工项目集成化管理信息资料库建设

10.Statistical Diagnosis of Safety Monitoring Data During Construction Period of Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库施工期安全监测资料的统计诊断

11.Analysis of Observational Data during Construction Period of Spillway Tunnel Intake Tower for Yanshan Reservoir燕山水库泄洪洞进水塔施工期观测资料分析

12.Having started the hair analysis before the plant goes into operation, they have a clear basis for later comparison.在施工之前测定毛发中的元素成分,作为日后对比的基本资料。

13.Application of AutoCAD in Setting up Construct Layoul Plan Database;AutoCAD绘图软件在建立施工平面布置图资料库中的应用

14.The Translation of English Drawings and Documents in Electric Power Construction and the Accumulation of Translation Knowledge in Translation Process;电建施工中英文图纸资料的翻译方法及知识积累

15.Construction of Box Culvert Excavation of Shallow Surface Subsidence Monitoring Data Analysis and Data Mining箱涵浅埋暗挖施工地表沉降监测资料分析与数据挖掘

16.To Solve the Construction Problem of the High-furnace Material Hole by Using the Construction Technology of Droping Sinking Wells Water Level;井点降水施工技术解决料坑施工难题

17.Specification for construction of plastic drainage boards塑料排水板施工规程

18.The preparation and construction office is responsible for the following concrete work; examining the designs of the project, signing project construction contract, organizing the purchasing and inspecting of relative equipment, materials, etc.筹建处具体负责审查工程设计,签订工程施工承包合同,组织生产设备、材料等物资的采购和验收。


construction document施工资料

1.On the selection and coordination of theconstruction document forms for asphalt concrete surface;沥青砼面层施工资料表式的选用与整理

2.Discussion theconstruction documents arrangement work of construction engineering;建设工程施工资料整理工作浅谈

3)engineering technic material施工技术资料

1.Status and countermeasure of the management of theengineering technic material;施工技术资料管理的现状和对策

2.Constructionengineering technic material, serving as the original reference for engineering management and supervision, quality control and technical data, is an important basis of work testing and checking and crucial to guarantee construction quality.建筑工程施工技术资料是建筑施工质量中的一项重要组成部分,是工程项目有关各方在建设管理、质量控制以及技术措施等方面的原始记录,是工程竣工验收的重要依据之一,同时也是对工程进行检查、维护、管理、使用、改建和扩建的原始依据,建筑工程施工技术资料的好坏,直接反映建设项目管理水平。

4)writing of construction materials施工资料编制

5)filing of construction materials施工资料组卷

6)working sources施工资源

1.Based on the designed limit time of the project,combined the restriction of the working space and the working ground,the paper used fuzzy multi hierachical comprehensive evaluation and put forward two optimum decision making models that meet update level of social construction capacity and theworking sources that a construction corporation owned.从工程的计划工期出发,结合施工作业空间、施工场地对施工资源的使用种类、数量的限制,利用模糊数学知识,采用综合评判的方法,提出了现有社会生产力水平条件下及某施工企业具有施工资源条件下的两类施工方案评判模型,并以路基工程为例,给出了一实例,验证表明由上述模型决策所得的施工方案切实可


施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)technical and organize measurement plan in construction enterprise施工企业技术组织措施杯茹”岑,~‘_:_,organize measurement plan in eonstruetionenterPrise)见施工企业技米管理基本制度。
